
Chapter 387 - The Freedom Of The Sparrow (VI)

"Crazy, right?" Janus grinned as I handed back the phone again to him.

"Are you serious about this, Rika? I thought the players are being used as fodder for leveling?"

"Yes, they did. Of course, they only discovered that due to that main reason. If he didn't even do that, there is no way he will know about it. And yes, behind that reason is him being a predator. A disgusting one at that."

No wonder he treats Rika like nothing despite being his fiancee. It was because he never likes her at all, more like he likes men and would go straight to sexual intercourse with them that I don't think I would like to even know more of.

"But, is that evidence enough to bring down the guild once and for all?"

"Yes. I managed to leave the guild last time I played before I was chased by the men earlier. It was annoying as hell but there is nothing I could do about it. And don't worry about it. The moment I posted the post, lots of players that got assaulted as well also went out to explain this, and since a lot of them confirmed it, it became the undeniable truth."

"I didn't know Alternate World can actually have this kind of thing too. I know that they don't censor your private parts if they can be seen but this is beyond my expectation.

Yes, you can do some of that indeed. It might not be as realistic as the real world but you can still say that it is still something close. There is no actual "doing that kind of thing" but you can engage in doing the "touching" parts so you can still say it has that thing.

"So that means you are free to join the expedition now?" Riko asked.

"Almost there, I only needed a bit more things to be done before I can actually say I am totally free. Might come in a few days now. I only needed to destroy the guild completely. I know that it is now being harassed by players and the amount of criticism and attacks they receive are now big enough for them to be already thinking of disbanding the whole guild themselves. However, since my fiancee is rich enough, he can still hire players to harass me and there is the matter in the real world I also needed to handle myself too."

"So that means you still can't join us?" Riko got sadder after hearing this.

"Actually, I can join you guys already. It's just that I needed to be more vigilant as I don't want you guys to be involved in my affairs too. I made this incident, then I have to be the one to clean up the mess I made. Dragging you guys to my affairs is just not my style at all."

"Ha! Too late about that, Rika-chan! With Manato here, balls deep in the situation, there is no way we can just keep on ignoring you in the process. If you are in trouble, then you will be accompanied by us in trouble and we will help you in the process. Besides, don't you believe in Manato at all? He defeated an entire guild by himself and that is twice already. Just having him with us is like insurance that we are going to be in safe hands after all," Riko grinned and put out a peace sign.

"I don't want to agree with your point but even though I wanted to say that, I also can't disagree with you in there. With us to help, you will be ensured you will continue to be safe and can play soon enough on your own."

"Actually, I am indeed planning on living on my own. I want to abandon my dad this time around."

Everyone stopped when Rika decided to say about her family.

"I needed to get out of the way to do what I wanted to do and avoid becoming a puppet to my father's schemes."

"So you want to become an independent girl who can live on her own?"

"Yes. I wanted to live on my own without the need to rely on my father for the money. Sure, they have the money, but that is not something I wanted to have in my life. I wanted my life to be worry-free and out of trouble like this matter. I also wanted a life where no one dictates my life and I can do what I wanted to do, do my own mistakes and learn by it at the very end and live my own life the way I wanted it to be."

Without waiting for anyone else to respond, Riko immediately stood from her seat and put her fists up in the air.

"I support you with all I can, Riko! Let's get your life free and cut the strings that dictate your life!"

"Oy, are you even prepared for that? We are going to face off with actual people this time and helping Rika on her cause would also cause us some problems. Have you ever taken care of what you are going to do if that actually happened?"

"Ha! Just let it charge in and we will face them head-on without any kind of delay! If they wanted trouble, then they will indeed prepare for trouble and since with you guys there, there is no way we can lose this sh*t!"

I can only smile at Riko's optimistic outlook. It's not like it's really bad but this is something I wouldn't say bad, but this will indeed give us some unnecessary trouble in the near future. But since I decided to help Rika with her problem, there is no way I am backing out either. It's sink or swim.. That is the only way to break out a sparrow out of her own cage.

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