
Chapter 432 Mysterious Guy Is Back

That is not what I expected from closing the portals. I know that they are made of mana as they can easily tear through reality and the only things that can do that are either the mana itself or some sort of monster that is capable of tearing through space and reality.

But absorbing the portal and using the mana from it as yours is not something I am expecting at all. Is that the main reason why back in the real world, my max mana pool has increased significantly? That shouldn't be the case since I didn't even absorb the mana from that portal, I just overloaded it with magic skills, forcing it to close on its own.

But who knows, things might be different in the game and reality or I just absorbed it without knowing.

After our discussion about closing portals, we continue our exploration and see how far is the next point where an enemy will appear. And speaking of the devil, the next portal appeared before us. This time, it is big enough for our body to pass through without trying to squeeze in. But that is not the main problem, instead of one portal, we have two portals, facing side by side on each side of the road and they are more menacing than the last portal before.

"Master? What should we do? Move forward or backtrack and find a different way?" Lina is vigilant and ready to fight back while keeping her eyes on the portals.

"There is no point going back. Even if we did, we will just be going back here to get to the exit. Our only choice is to confront the portals and see what we can do."

My skills are limited to the classes I have that are high leveled. But that is not much of a problem, if skills are limited, then I will revert to how I do combat back in the days I fight back without relying on skills alone. Maybe it is something of a reminder for me that I am just too reliant on skills.

Igniting the Versatile Weapon in flames, we slowly approach the portal. Lina is also getting her weapons ready, but she still didn't pull them out since unlike me who can switch the form of my weapon, she has to reconsider which weapon to pull out and use in a fight.

We slowly pass through the two portals and unlike the first portal where the monsters started appearing before we can even get real close, this time, the two portals didn't do anything at all. Compared to the first portal where when getting real close, the monsters started spawning, the two portals didn't have any indication that they will spawn any monsters. However, my instincts tell me something bad will happen if we cross between the portals. But there is no other way as the only way forward is to cross in between those two huge portals.

"Let me cross first, Master and if it is safe, you can pass through."

"No, let me do it. Watch my back instead."

Lina didn't complain and followed my orders. As for me, I slowly approach the portal. Nothing happened when I am still not in the center but something did happen when I was about to step into the center of the road where the two portals are adjacent to each other.



I was suddenly dragged from behind by someone and in front of me, the portal stirred and two heads of monsters appeared, chomping in the center. If I was there, those two monsters would have eaten me, but I was dragged before that happened and I managed to escape unscathed.

"You really are such a confident guy to even walk through the maws of death, you shouldn't underestimate these portals, boy."

I thought the one who pulled me off that place was Lina but when a familiar voice of a guy echoed behind me, it wasn't the case anymore.

"Master, are you alright?"

Because I was dragged too hard, my butt landed hard on the ground but it wasn't enough to cause too big of an injury so it wasn't serious at all.

"I'm alright. Nothing too serious."

Then, I turned to look at the one who save me and it was none other than the guy who almost killed me last time and the one who lent his cave-dwelling. The ridiculously strong mysterious guy.

"Why did you suddenly save me?"

,m "Eh? Why not? If I didn't save you, you would be either struggling to defend yourself or maybe if you are bad at defending, perhaps you are monster chow by now. I know that we are both unlikable characters in this story but shouldn't you be a bit more grateful I saved your a*s out there?"

"Even though you are the one who almost killed me last time, you have indeed saved me just now so I won't complain."

I stood up and ready the Versatile Weapon as I stare at the two monsters emerging from the portal. They are as big as a truck and they look menacing but it seems the terrain is just not for them. They might be big but the road is just too tight for the two of them to move around.

"Don't underestimate them just because the road is tight enough for the two of them to move. You wouldn't wish to see them chomp off your head from your body. Get ready, things will get heated up," the mysterious guy grinned as he pulled out his weapon and unlike before, he is now holding a big piece of wood though it looked like it is just a piece of log. I didn't think much about his choices of weapons as I also have different weapon choices myself.

"Lina! Restrain them!"

"Yes, Master! [Restraining Chains]!"

Multiple red chains appeared and wrapped themselves to the bodies of the two lizard monsters but it didn't do jack sh*t as they break into pieces the moment the monsters wriggle their bodies, easily destroying them without any problem for them.

"Save your mana girl, they won't be restrained by something like that. They are immune."

Immune huh, didn't expect that to these lizards but it wasn't unlikely to happen.

"If they are immune to abilities that can stop them from moving then fighting them is the only way!"

In response, the monsters got agitated from being attempted to be restrained and started to rush toward us. With the tight space to fight back, we have to dodge it by jumping. However, I got an idea of how to deal with them together.

"Lina! Give me an attack buff!"

"Yes, Master!"

She snaps her fingers and the buff immediately applied to me. I didn't expect Lina to imitate the way I activate some spells but that doesn't mean it is a bad thing. If she finds it easier to do that, the better it is since it's much faster than speaking or chanting. One snap is all she needed.

"Oh, looks like you have some kind of plan up on your sleeve huh? Care to tell me?" the mysterious guy grinned.

"Oy, just because you saved me doesn't mean I will have to tell you everything I needed to do in a fight."

"Alright, alright. Chill man, I am not pressuring you there.

The two lizards are getting closer and the three of us are ready to jump and dodge their attacks. They were too big and if this monster exist in the real world, the army would be definitely deployed to deal with them immediately.


The two beasts charge forward by sliding their bodies on the icy floor, increasing their speed in their charge. The three of us quickly jump up but then the second monster then jumps forward while its mouth is wide open.

"Close that filthy mouth of yours!" Lina pulled out her morning star and whirl it up to the monster, sending it to the wall, effectively stopping it from its planned attack.

"Woah there, girl! You are strong! Let's fight once this battle is over!"

Lina frowned and glared at the mysterious guy. "I am not in the mood right, and would you please stop interrupting? You are getting annoying."

"Woah, there, chill out guys. You two are so hostile!" the guy grinned like he didn't take us too seriously. As much as I want to smack this guy for being so annoying at times, I have to focus on our battle against the monsters.

Lina sent the second monster, opening up an opportunity for me. I changed the weapon of my Versatile Weapon into a hook and chain and while I am still in mid-air, I toss the hook towards the first monster, attaching itself to its scaly back easily. Since the monster is still moving, I am also dragged along by the monster but that is what I am expecting.

"Keep struggling! It won't be long before you will meet your maker!

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