
Chapter 550 The Spirit Of Mammon

I underestimated the full power of all the new buffs that got applied on the Versatile Weapon that got transmitted to the single swing I did. Who wouldn't be shocked if the much bigger enemy and a giant than you would immediately die by a weapon the size of a needle? Isn't that just kind of embarrassing to the giant? Then again, there are many giants that got killed by small beings so why would I be too surprised...

Still, for a single head of the Sea Worm to disappear in just one swing, was very unexpected for me since I expected it to only get damaged and would attack me before I strike for the kill, I didn't mean for it to be a one-hit kill.

Not only that but decapitating a Sea Worm without blood is something I have not seen before. I managed to kill a Sea Worm without even awakening it, killing it before it can even wake up from its slumber that just occurred a few minutes ago. In just one split second, after my single swing, the Sea Worm's head disappeared right before my eyes without seeing the Shadow dragon do its devouring progress. It was like it devoured the head the moment I swing the Versatile weapon down.

But since the results appeared, it was clear that I have indeed killed the f*cker in one hit. That wasn't just a little fluke right there. But since I killed it, might as well finish everything. Now that the Sea Worm is dead, time to butcher the Sea Worm and rip out its stomach.

"Atlas, Gobu, please assist me on this one."

The two appeared after summoning them and they marveled at the big Sea Worm's headless body.

"I heard Sea Worms are very similar to the Sand Worm. I can see the similarities but it's not that similar in terms of appearances," Gobu scratches his chin.

"What are we going to do with this big chunk of lifeless meat, Master? Just so you know, the Sand Worm's meat is not edible as it can cause irritation in the body once eaten and can sometimes poison you as a result. So the only way we can do about the flesh is to dispose of it by throwing it into the water and letting all manners of sea life devour and eat the Sea Worm's remains," Atlas explained.

"This is my first time dealing with a Sea Worm, so does that mean this guy doesn't have any useful parts?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Compared to the Sand Worm, the Sea Worm doesn't have a lot more potential for use which is why Sea Worms are just being hunted because they are a menace and can sometimes ruin some small islands as a result of it devouring around."

"Alright Master, should we destroy its belly and rescue the gal that got eaten?"

"Yes. The Sea Worm is big and humongous which is why I want to ask for some help on how to deal with the stomach and rescue her."

"Yes, Master. Although Sea Worm's skins are tough, they are not that difficult to handle, let me take care of it," Gobu lifted his arms to show his biceps which are bigger than my muscles which I am a bit jealous of. I wanted to become so ripped that I would overflow like a gigachad.

And so, we began to dismantle the body of the Sea Worm. It was now clear to me the differences between the Sand Worm and Sea Worm. As we continue to dig up through the flesh and its bones,. we soon saw some white solid stuff on the stomach of the Sea Worm.

"Looks like even if they are inside the warm stomach of the Sea Worm, they will remain to become the Eternal Ice due to their solid properties of remaining similar to crystallization of elements," Atlas commented as he picked up a single piece of shattered Eternal Ice.

"Then that also means the one we are looking for is already out and we can now relax easy. This one big ass monster is big enough that I don't want to handle a monster this big again for me to dismantle them without even getting any product."

With Gobu as the one who leads us to the depths of the Sea Worm's body, we traversed the inside to search for the enemy. As we continue to look into the pool of blood, I sometimes saw some dead bodies of people but most of them are either in pieces or they are too hard to recognize. Seeing as they have some particles of the white crystallization means they are the lost villagers of the swallowed-up village that got frozen by the Eternal Ice. Since the result of the village was eaten by the Sea Worm, the remains of those that were frozen solid are going to be reduced to pieces.

Clasping my hands together, I offered a silent prayer to them. Even if they are just NPCs, they don't deserve to die this tragically as a result.

We continue to dwell deeper and Gobu grabbed our attention to the flesh around the "walls" inside the boy of the Sea Worm.

"Master, this is clearly a sign of a sword. They are not that deep, to begin with, but they still managed to give a little impact. Perhaps this is the area where our target is."

I checked the swords mark and examined them thoroughly and discovered that it is indeed just been done recently which means the one responsible for this just recently did this.

"Let's get investigating a little bit further. We might be able to find her there if we search a little bit deeper."

At that moment too, the Versatile Weapon is also pulsating which also means the Second Weapon of the Seven Deadly Sins Weapon Series is nearby and unless there are other explanations of what causing the Versatile Weapon to pulsate, then that is the only matter I can think about right now.

Gobu's ears twitch as we approached a much darker area of the Sea Worm's body.

"Master, I hear something. Someone's movements.," Gobu pointed in the direction ahead of us.

"Let's hurry," I am also ready to use my Versatile Weapon. After all, there might be other stuff there instead of just the person I needed to rescue.

But instead of seeing miscellaneous stuff over there, I found the woman that we are intending to rescue being strangled by an unforeseen force. Gobu is the first one to notice and he immediately pulled out his Elemental Sword and unleashed a Fire Swirl towards the unforeseen force which also forces the unforeseen force to let go of the bodyguard woman.

"Atlas! Catch her!"

Atlas immediately leaped into action and grabbed the bodyguard woman, helping her escape from the grasp of the Unforeseen force.

"Good job, Gobu. Just what was that?"

"No idea, Master. It was an unforeseen force and I decided to rip away the f*cker the moment I saw it strangling the person that we needed to rescue. It must be furious right now," Gobu readies his weapon as we observed our surroundings.

Then, my Versatile Weapon pulsates again and the surroundings suddenly seemed to be getting blurry but I can still properly see, just what we are seeing ahead of us is being altered.

"F*CK, An illusion?"

Gobu and Atlas slowly back away to avoid the illusion. It was spreading as we back away and it seems to be coming our way.

"Master! It was the unforeseen force!"

This time around, I decided to take action and swing the Versatile Weapon to what the unforeseen force that Gobu keeps on saying about.


A huge explosion can be heard after I swung my sword which made the creeping illusion get swayed and blown by my attack.

"F*CK. Another part of my siblings?!"

The unforeseen force started speaking causing us to frown.

"Who the f*ck are you?!" Atlas points his greatsword to the entity we cannot see.

"Well, who indeed? Perhaps you should ask yourself whether you needed to know who am I?"

"We will not be asking you that question if we already knew who you are. But whatever your purpose here is, you are not going to succeed," Atlas continued.

"Hoh, just because you all have one of my siblings against me doesn't mean you can defeat me easily with that logic alone. Come on, brothers or sisters! Why are you hurting your sibling like this? We should be helping ourselves with each other, not hurt each other!"

"I don't know who you are calling siblings here, bastard but no one is going to listen to you."

"Shut up! I am not talking to you!" the unforeseen force attacked and I immediately blocked them and destroyed all of the incoming attacks causing the unforeseen force to frown.

"Why are you siding with a human, my sibling? We are born to annihilate humans! To rule over them! Why are you succumbing to their will instead?! Each of us is assigned to do our own way to do it! Just like how I was assigned to engulf and manipulate the greed of all humans and all creatures all around the world. Have you all forgotten all about it?

That's when it occurred to me after this unforeseen force started talking about it. There is only one thing I know about it and that is none other than the Seven Deadly Sins Weapon series.

"I see. I know who you are now. You are the Spirit of Mammon. The embodiment of Greed in the human heart."

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