
Chapter 578 Monster Invasion

Everything exploded to pieces and I lost my visual with the second shikigami I controlled. And as I lost control of the second Shikigami, I earned a few experience points which means I killed the ant monster that morphed from the necromancer priest. Still, even though I have gotten rid of the necromancer priest, that doesn't mean everything is over. The light that appeared before the necromancer priest fully turned into a monster is another trouble.

I stood up from the camp with the third Shikigami I had already deployed and called everyone.

"Gather around guys. We are about to fight."

"Fight? What are we about to fight, Master?" Lucia asked as she approached.

"There are monsters we had to exterminate."




Back into the village, the unsuspecting angels who fled after the explosion on their church wondered what is happening. It was all sudden so they were not prepared for the surprise that occurred to them. They were about to check again when they realized the priest was left inside when a bright light was released from the church. Everyone suddenly felt delighted when the light appeared.

"We are being liberated from this world!"

"Thanks to the almighty savior!"

"Praise the savior of this world!"

As they sing praises to the light, the light landed on them, bathing them in its glory. As they felt the happiness that their priest has been telling them about, they slowly morphed their bodies into different variations. Despite the changing bodies occurring to them, it seems they didn't mind those changes at all and they embraced them wholeheartedly.

It didn't take long for the angels that formerly lives in the village to disappear. The only entities moving around are the monsters that critters around as they lose the last remaining intelligence they possess. Of course, the light from earlier didn't just land on that specific village alone but in multiple villages. And the same thing is happening to them. Today marks the first day of the invasion.



Day 1

It's been a few minutes since the light has shined through the sky. No one knew what that was but for someone who has seen it, that only means the first invasion is about to begin. I let the Desert Wolves lead the way as we went ahead and approach the village where everything began. We were just approaching the village but I am still a few meters away from it the smell of very pungent and disgusting smell is already wafting on my nose.

"What is that disgusting smell? It even rivals a rotten corpse's smell! Ugh... I want to gag..." Lucia covers her mouth to prevent herself from barfing.

The smell is the same as it was back in the first timeline. The smell was the result of the monsters creating their nest using organic materials and when I say organic materials, I mean dead bodies. We are just nearing the village but the village that we saw is already identical to the previous timeline village that I saw. And the other thing that are added are the monsters. They looked like insects but they are morphed to be disturbing as some parts of their body still retains their previous appearance while some still have their original face but they are now part of the monster's body.

"Ugh?! Are those the previous villagers here?" the half angel boy looked disgusted as he saw the critters.

"You got that right. And to stop them from spreading further, we will have to exterminate them. Let's kill them all."

I continue to use the Shikigami of mine but this time, I summoned another one, allowing me to control two. And since the Versatile Weapon is already available for me to use, it's better to also fight rather than rely on the shikigami. I know they are strong but they don't have that much strong defense to withstand the attacks of the enemies attacking them. Unless I upgrade the skill, their defenses will remain crap and they will be easily disposable.

As soon as we step into the village, the critters walking around started to jump around and attack us. Lucia immediately raised a wall made of flames, causing the critters to stop and squeal in anger as they try to bypass the wall of flames.

"Ugh, they look disgusting. If I didn't see them personally, I would have thought they are just product of the human mind or perhaps a spawn of darkness that only appears during nightmares and stuff. Alright, that's it. I am out of here. Don't force me to remain outside. I don't want to see any kind of sh*t happening here," after that, the half angel boy opened the portal to the Summon's Area and returned inside, before closing it again.

I was surprised since he was able to enter the Summon's Area without even my prompt of letting him in. Perhaps the system already considered him as part of my followers since he took a long time staying there with Atlas or he just had the power to forcefully enter my summon's area. Whichever it was, doesn't matter much.

It didn't take long for the flames that Lucia released to died down and the monsters who are trying to cross has finally escaped from the flames and started to attack.

"Alright boys, I know that you guys rarely fight but this time, I will be giving you all the chance to bust some nut!"

The Desert Wolves immediately went to battle stance and the color of their fur immediately turned red and their fur started emit electricity that I didn't expect to see on them. I rarely bring them out to battle so seeing them in action despite not deploying to battle most of the time made me really surprised.

"Are you surprised, Master? Lina is the one that teached them how to do that. I never thought they would easily utilize the ability of Lina and added them to their battle style. They are not to be underestimated!" Lucia felt proud.

The wolves started howling as the monsters are rushing towards us. The wolves unleashed their abilities and speeds thought the monsters. Using their sharp fangs and claws, they tear the limbs of the monsters one by one.

"Master, we shouldn't just let the dessert wolves take the shine for glory. Why don't we join in the fray too?"

I grinned as I pull out the Versatile Weapon. "Ha, now you are speaking my language."

Changing my weapon into a dual pistol, I started blasting my gun and wrecking their guts to pieces. Once I get close, I change one of the guns to a dagger, rip out the heart, and finish it up with either stomping them with my boots or just finishing them up with a slash from the sword. The more I master some of the class tree especially the swordsman, it gets easier to transition the expertise I have with them.

Lucia has a better killing streak though as she would just blast their insides and burning them to crisp. It was fast and easy for her to do just that and she even does some melee attacks by enveloping her fists with flames. It seems she got this strategy last time when I borrowed her ability and used it to fight. She rarely used melee but since I used it and it was effective in dealing against one monsters than killing it with flames that costs lots of mana. Having just the flames on the fists or just the feet to fight would allow her to save up a lot in mana.

Because we are already proficient in killing and with the desert wolves taking most of the kills due to their number, the amount of the mutated monsters immediately dwindled in numbers and are now dead. In a matter of few minutes, the monsters are now gone and the village that are populated before is now desolated with the only things left in them are the flesh that are made by those monsters from organic matter.

"Lucia, you burn this village down. The smell will attract more monsters as a result. Not only that, we might even limit them from spawning again if we destroy the place where they are more likely to multiply."

"You got it, Master!"

Lucia enveloped her hands to flames and throws it to the flammable building materials nearby. She hurled the flames one after another, easily burning the whole place down. I ordered the desert wolves to go out from the village so that we don't get caught by the rampage of Lucia. Since Lucia is basically immune to flames, she is not in harm while in flames. In fact, she gets stronger the hotter the area. She easily spreads the flames without trouble, destroying the nest that is built from flesh. I can see that some of them are still pulsating as they are being burned to crisp.

The first village is now obliterated. However, this matter has yet to be over.

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