
Chapter 586 Magic Practice

It was 11 in the evening already but for some odd reason, I feel a little bit refreshed and I don't feel drowsy even though I have played for 3 hours straight game. Did my mana already reach a certain aspect where it will energize my body whenever I am now low in energy? If that were the case, it would be really great.

Since that was my suspicion after not feeling drowsy even with the gaming session and a long busy day in the morning and afternoon, I decided to see whether the depth and amount of mana in my body have already surpassed its previous amount without me realizing it.

With a little bit of test here and a little bit of circulation of mana there, I soon realized that it has indeed grown to the point I am now ready to jump to the point where I can surpass my previous timeline's mana capacity already due to this. With this much mana capacity in my body already, my tiny and cramped room is no longer enough for me to fully utilize the growth of my mana.

Because everyone was too busy to do anything and no one else would be there to help, I decided to go and practice my magic in the living room. No one will be there to stop me and I don't need to hide as Pandora and her brother are always not home as they are busy with some stuff that seems to involve their businesses. I don't know what it was so I don't really care much.

Since most are busy, I started to channel my mana around the house. I have to make sure that the mana I circulate around my body is all the mana that is currently floating all around the mansion. Before, I can only circulate the mana around me, but after a few practices, game exposure, and many other experiences like magic mastery, my mana circulation has improved a lot.

However, I never expected that someone else would see me. After all, it's already so late at night.

"What is this amount of magic burst in the air?! Are you perhaps the reason for this happening?" the pixie started flying in my direction.

Thankfully, I don't need to stop whatever I am doing to hold a conversation with her.

"It's already late at night. Why are you still awake?"

"Pixies don't sleep as we are not the same as humans who needed to sleep just to recharge their energies. We only needed the mana in the surroundings to recharge ourselves and that is enough. Sleep is not something present in our dictionary."

Rennata came behind the pixie and is honestly surprised by what she had seen. She started speaking in the elven language and Pixie immediately translated the words she is saying."

"Rennata said that you really are able to control magic without any difficulty. You are not lying that you can do magic without any problem at all."

"Why would I lie? Besides, I won't be getting any benefits if I lie and it will just be harder, to tell the truth, if I told lies. A liar cannot be trusted so easily even if they are already talking the truth."

Pixie started to translate what I said and Rennata also started talking too.

"She is asking if she can also practice mana here. She said she might have stagnated and her mana might have disappeared completely already after arriving here on Earth."

"I don't mind. She also needed it, she never had to maintain her abilities if she wanted to be able to go back home."

She sat right next to me and Pixie sat on her shoulder. Just like me, she started to meditate and closed her eyes to feel the mana in the surroundings. The moment she did, the surge of magical energies started to swirl all around the place. It only happens if you are very capable of the ways of mana and your affinity for magic is very high. For someone like me who is not that compatible with the magic affinity, I didn't expect it to be that strong so before she also suck away my mana, I stopped meditating and started observing her in case she will berserk from doing so. Even those who are pretty flexible and capable of doing things can still get their sh*t destroyed when they suddenly berserk. The higher their affinity is, the more dangerous they will be once they undergo berserk.

Finding out that Rennata is overflowing with mana, Pixie decided to stay away from her and landed on my shoulder instead.

"What is happening to her? Is it normal for her to become like that?" Pixie is getting worried.

"Shush. Don't disturb her concentration. One wrong move and she might damage her mana circuits and she might lose her ability to use magic forever!"

We continue to observe her for a bit and it took a few more minutes before she stopped meditating and the magical surge of power in the surroundings finally calmed down. She slowly opened her eyes as she looked around. Pixie immediately went to her shoulder and started speaking elvish language though I can guess what she was asking.

The two continued talking to each other as I observed them discuss what Rennata did just now, not understanding a single word they are talking about. Although the level of my confusion is increasing, Pixie started talking to me to relay the message that Renata is saying to me.

"Rennata said that she apologizes for the mana surge that happened while she is meditating. She just recovered a lot of her mana and since the mana in the surroundings is still pure and unutilized, she happily absorbed and used it for herself to strengthen herself a lot further."

"So this mana current present on Earth is fine and compatible with your body? It doesn't have any bad side effects of being used by an otherworlder like you?"

Pixie relayed it and she immediately replied.

"She said she is fine and dandy. Nothing too complicated for her body and she is grateful that she is able to use it without being harmed from it. She even stated that the mana here is much more welcoming than the mana that exists back in her home world."

The mana in her homeworld is much more terrible than on Earth? Is the reason she is fine with the mana in this world that the mana here hasn't been tainted and used at all? I don't know what is the main case here but that is already big info on what kind of mana the otherworld has. Even if they are thick with mana and they can use magic normally without relying on Reality Verse to awaken them doesn't mean it is welcoming and good to every mana user. Perhaps I am just overestimating the goodness of the mana in the other world and I am just underestimating the mana here on Earth. But perhaps, I may have just overlooked it.

Rennata and Pixie said goodbye as they will now go and rest after she has taken enough mana so that she can consolidate and have the mana flow properly in her body. As for me, I also finalize the consolidation of mana in my body before I stopped. It seems I have yet to finish everything and I am assuming that this is my peak form. Seeing how Rennata did today made me a little bit motivated now. After all, there is still a little bit more left for me to grow. This is for the sake of the future. In the future when I will die, I will have to prevent that. Everything that I have done is for the sake of myself and to survive. Nothing else matter.

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