
Chapter 767 Masked Individuals

We continue our assault against the masked individuals. Since they are hostile, the only best possible course of action is to defeat them. Killing them would be fine but I want them alive to question them on what their current motives are.

The new masked guy is defending his body from my assault as I continue to swing around my weapon and also try to shoot the gun at him at any possible moment. But still, I am quite impressed by his flexible reflexes as he managed to keep on dodging the bullets I fired at him.

"You!" the masked man tried to counterattack but I didn't let him and stopped his attempts by shooting at his hands. This time, he didn't get to dodge the bullet as he was focused on doing a counterattack that he failed to cover for his weakness.

"Uno!" the girl wearing a mask shouted at the man. Based on what she screamed, this man's name is Uno.

"Where are you watching? Your opponent is right here!" Lucia, who was fighting with the masked girl, fired multiple [Fireball]s to the girl, forcing her to retreat.

"Don't worry about me, this is just a flesh wound! Nothing serious!"

As he was busy talking to the masked girl, I took advantage of his focus and changed my weapon into a Hook and Chain, before immediately throwing the chain and capturing Uno using it.

"What?!" He was surprised when the cold hook catches his body and before he can even retaliate, I pulled the chain and proceed to welcome him with a wallop in the stomach.

He seemed to have expected the attack and immediately covered his abdomen with his hands, blocking my punch. However, it seems he didn't notice my other hand that held the Versatile Weapon. I sneakily changed it to a gauntlet and before he can even react, the second fist came flying straight to his face and he flew far before landing on the hard wall. It seems he fell unconscious after the square hit on the face with the Gauntlet of Greed.

Seeing that Uno fell unconscious, the masked girl decided to abandon whatever they are fighting for and retreated while taking Uno with her as well.

"As if I will let you escape!" Queen Tanya who didn't participate in the war made an action and summoned multiple chains coming from her body. It's one of her abilities but she usually uses them for restraining purposes so I never see it much. I saw that ability twice in the past timeline. This should be the first time I saw her use it in this timeline.

The masked girl thought she could just escape but the chains grabbed hold of her legs and before she can even escape by phasing out, the chains bind themselves to her and to Uno and prevented their escape. Queen Tanya didn't even stop and put out another set of chains to ensure that the two won't escape in any way.

"Let me go!" the masked girl tried to wriggle out of the chains but the chains just got tighter for her, tight enough that even small movements is not permitted.

Queen Tanya brought the two down to the floor while I waited, carrying a metal rope, a material that cannot be cut off with normal knives despite functioning like a normal rope. So even if they try to even cut it off, the rope will be fine, unless they try something that would naturally cut it. It's an extremely malleable item that can be easily used for tying someone up that is why all I can say is that this is the perfect rope for them now that they are subdued. I usually just use it for tailoring stuff as they are pretty good at keeping some armor tough but now, I am using it to prevent someone from escaping entirely.

Lucia helped me tie them up while Queen Tanya made sure that they won't easily escape by keeping them chained while I am tying them up. Even the unconscious Uno is tied up without exception as well.

Now that both are tied up, it's time to know who they are.

"Who are you two and why did you suddenly barge in and burned the dead body that was just here a few moments ago?" I asked.

"Hmph, why should we tell you, human?" the masked girl really makes herself hostile but I am fine with dealing hostile hostages many times in the game and this isn't the first time as well.

"Oh, because I said so myself," then pulled out a gun and put it at the temple of her head, causing her to shake seeing it aimed at her.

"W-what... that's cheating! Why are you threatening us like that?"

"Because it's an easier way to make any person, no matter if they are human or not properly talk to them. And since you are getting that treatment, I am asking you to answer my question, or this gun right here will load off the bullet here and bury it straight to your skull. I am not that merciful so unless you are obedient enough, maybe I will grant you a chance to escape."

"Tch, what a liar. Heh, just kill me then, I won't tell you anything."

Then, Queen Tanya approached and she took over my role of talking with them. I have not seen her deal with this stuff before but being a queen, she must've done things like this in the past as there are lots of enemies in the kingdom as well.

"Since you are fine dying, then perhaps you are fine with me manipulating your brain right? It's far easier for me to do that and I can obtain the information I want while you will agonize yourself and beg to die as time passes on. How about that? I wouldn't accept a no for an answer though."

Then she snapped her fingers, and various chains wrapped around her head.

"Gah... aghhhh! Nooooo! It's painful! It's painful!"

"Now, time for you to spill out the beans and reveal your motives. Survive and perhaps you will still see the light of the sun shines in the sky once more."

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