
Chapter 838 The Shogun [III]

It's quite a miracle that we managed to reach the third phase without much of a hassle compared to the past timeline even though back then, we have the numbers to deal with him. The difference is huge since it was considered as a boss raid back then but now, only three of us are present and two of my companions in battle are not even players but the local inhabitants of this world.

Perhaps the main reason for the quick depletion of his health that forced him to go to the third phase immediately was the main reason. My attacks hit hard, the Pain Delivery and the Versatile Weapon are dealing big damage very fast already.

Queen Tanya is a very strong DPS and although I have no idea how much damage she does using her fists if the total serious mode of Queen Tanya is getting rid of her scythe and just pummeling through her enemies using her bare hands, then perhaps it must be much stronger than the scythe. Kind of something like a Fighter class would be capable of. Queen Tori is also using mystic arts spells, which is a combination of both Offensive skills and DoT effects due to her debuff stacking like bleed and poison on her talismans. With us three attacking together, it's not a wonder it allowed us to skip the annoying fight and went straight to the straightforward but the hardest part of the boss fight.

He is now in front of us. His garb before is tattered and torn, but he still contains the strong power back when he fused with the smog-like body earlier. His power is getting stronger as well, and even Queen Tanya and Queen Tori who are usually unfazed by the change of aura can feel it.

"Looks like he is done playing house with us. It seems he will go all out now," Queen Tori wiped off the sweat on her brows as she readies her talismans.

"Heh, looks like I will not be disappointed in this fight then!" Queen Tanya is pumped up.

I remained quiet and observed the enemy. He is doing a bit different compared to what I remember but he still retained what ferocity he had back then.

However, that changed when he started grasping his head like he is having a headache and the bard behind him started to play aggressively, as the physical notes coming out from the flute are no longer black normal flying notes but red, ragged, and big notes, showing that the music might be something very dangerous enough.

We are still wary of the shogun as he started screaming and clutches his head hard enough that his nails dug through his skin and he started bleeding. His screams are harrowing combined with the abnormal-sounding voice that seems to be like he was possessed by something(which is true since he possessed the parasite). The more he screams, the stronger the bloodlust he is releasing.

I have seen stronger bloodlust from the other enemies but this is still quite a lot of bloodlust, to be honest.

It didn't take too long before he started to bulk up or should I say expand since he is not trying to show off his muscles. His body is just growing in size. I thought he would transform into a giant monster again which would derail me from what I should have known but I am grateful that he just grow in size around the same size he was in the other timeline.

He is hulking and his blood vessels are close to bursting from his skin, and his stomach seems to be having a wild rave party as it is currently moving like something is trying to get out of there, just like the tentacle I saw on some NSFW animations with tentacles, looking very disgusting. I didn't notice that detail before because we are busy healing up back then during the time we reach this phase but now that I get to see and observe it, it's pretty disgusting minus the squelching sounds.


He screamed like he was from the depths of hell and even that underestimates how strong the power of his scream is just now.

"Damn, how come he is getting fiercer as time goes by?" Queen Tori frowned.I think you should take a look at

Queen Tanya is impatient enough. She seemed to cannot wait long enough before the shogun is done with his transformation. She jumped right through the shogun and used her [Shadow Arm] attack to interrupt the transformation sequence but what happened next made me ready my weapon immediately.

The attack that Queen Tanya used immediately shot through the Shogun but he didn't dodge it, instead, he grab the [Shadow Arm] and forcefully break it. Queen Tanya who is still using the spell felt a sharp pain in her head and grits her teeth. It seems the act of destroying an ongoing spell caused some damage to her. She even puked a bit of blood.

I didn't waste my time and headed to Queen Tanya and grabbed her away from the Shogun and moved away from him for a bit. I then cast a [Healing Ray] to also potentially cure any kind of debuffs present on her while her health is also healed up.

"Thanks, Bladeheart. I think I underestimated the man," Queen Tanya wiped off the blood on her mouth and stood up once again.

I changed my Versatile Weapon back into its gun form and started to shoot the shogun but all of my bullets were immediately blocked and crushed by the shogun who is still screaming in pain and his transformation is slowly showing his inhuman form.

His back has grown some tubular membranes that seem to circulate some liquid that I don't know due to its green color. His head also starts to deform and he had some kind of horn growing on his forehead as well but not the same as those demonic kind of horn that has pointy tips, his looks like it was cut off from the very beginning as the tip was flat. His face also slowly sank inside his face and I don't know how that works but it did and soon, his face is gone and his head is now faceless with the only biggest distinction of his head being the chopped horn present on his forehead.

Then, his mouth area suddenly splits open and soon revealed a new mouth. A mouth full of razor-sharp teeth that is very similar to how a shark does but the difference is that his whole mouth is full of those razor-sharp teeth. His tongue also extended in length, and now, looks like a monstrosity usually found in dungeons.

However, this is a different look compared to the past timeline. Back then, his body has turned black like he was bathing in some kind of oil. His body is much more nightmarish than this one as this form of his still retains his human body form, just a little bit bigger and much more buff.

From the looks of it, the parasite that is inside his body has yet to fully merge into the Shogun's body due to how fast we have arrived. It isn't that long before the Shogun has been holding the parasite so it makes sense that he still has this body that has yet to succumb fully to the enemy. The problem is that he is no longer possible to be saved. Since the Shogun has already reached the point where he can merge forms with the parasite, that only means the parasite has already won and the real shogun is gone.

The new monster's abomination roared and charges at us like a big tank. He is fast and big, making us immediately evade him while he was still far. Queen Tori immediately tried to stop the movements of the shogun but her talismans were immediately ripped to shreds before they can activate properly.

Queen Tanya is also distancing herself from the guy while hurling [Shadow Ball] to the new shogun, but I don't think it does anything to the guy. We started to run around and evade his attacks. I even used the Pain Delivery to him but he just crushed the bullet like nothing and I think I finally found the first enemy who is not vulnerable to the bullets of the Pain Delivery.

His tongue suddenly extended then turned to some kind of a whip and tried to grab anyone of us. The other two were farther from the shogun and based on the distance, I am the nearest one as I am not keeping my distance from him. I am trying to find an opportunity to melee attack him without getting attacked. He hits hard and he can easily unleash a combo that can easily kill me in the process.

The tongue shoots itself in my direction. I didn't dodge and instead faces it head-on and blocked it using the Versatile Weapon sword form. The tongue wrapped itself on the blade, pretty confident that his tongue will not be ripped. Unfortunately, he underestimated the Versatile Weapon. After all, one big eater is currently lying still and waiting inside the blade.

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