
Chapter 935 Renatta's Enemies

Chapter 935 Renatta's Enemies

"Hah, there they go. I warned them that betraying Master would come at a grave cost, but they turned a deaf ear. Now, they pay the ultimate price for their folly."

"Indeed. Renatta-sama placed her trust in us, a rare gift given her struggle to trust others. It is truly disheartening to witness such treacherous behavior among those she deemed trustworthy."

Even from our vantage point on the podium, the pained voices of the spirits carried to our ears. It's hard to deny the truth in their words. Those who had betrayed Renatta would never have found themselves in this dire predicament if only they had clung to their Master's trust and unwavering belief in her.

After the dust had settled, the aftermath was clear. The spirits that had defected were no more than puddles of liquid residue, evidence of their swift elimination. Renatta, with a casual snap of her fingers, made those remnants vanish into thin air, leaving behind a pristine floor and a handful of spirits who remained steadfastly loyal to her. Their anxiety from witnessing the earlier events still lingered, but their unwavering allegiance to Renatta brought a sense of assurance that they were safe from a similar fate as long as they remained faithful.

"I've dealt with the traitors and, in doing so, rid myself of nearly half my spirit workforce. It's a stark reminder that even those bound by contracts can turn on me. It takes time and trusts to fortify these bonds. I've learned who I can truly rely on," Renatta stated, her tone serious and contemplative. "The ones who remain are my trusted subjects and will continue to enjoy my protection. Loyalty doesn't go unnoticed; those who work hard will be generously rewarded. I appreciate your unwavering support, even in my absence."

The remaining spirits bowed, their loyalty unwavering.

"Master, without you, we'd have no purpose in this existence. Your enemies are our enemies, and we're willing to cooperate if you seek to uncover those targeting you," one of them declared.

Renatta's eyebrow arched at the revelation. "What did you say?"

"As you heard, Master. Some of us were approached and tempted to betray you, though we refused. We also know who's behind this treachery. We're willing to help expose those who intend to harm you," the spirit explained.

Renatta couldn't help but chuckle.

"I see. They're getting bolder, huh? Very well, since they're so eager to cause me harm, I'll be grateful for any contributions all of you can make in this matter."

The atmosphere remained tense as the spirits huddled together, pondering their imminent challenges and adversaries.

"Considering the traumatic nature of this incident for some of you, I think it's only fair to grant you all a well-deserved break today. You've been tirelessly dedicated to our cause, and you've earned this respite. Make the most of it," Renatta declared, her voice carrying an air of gravitas.

The spirits couldn't hide their delight upon hearing these words. They began to rejoice and quickly started plotting how to make the most of their impending downtime. Yet, amid the celebration, there were those who resisted the idea of resting.

"Renatta-sama, would it be acceptable if I continued my work? The thought of unfinished tasks is causing me great stress," a blacksmith spirit inquired, maintaining a nonchalant demeanor.

Renatta raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Aren't you supposed to be taking a break?"

The blacksmith shrugged, his response filled with a sense of stoicism. "I'm no fan of excessive relaxation. Work is my purpose, and I value it more than leisure. Let the others rest, but I'd prefer to finish my tasks first."

Renatta nodded in understanding. "Very well, if that's your preference, you may continue."

With that, Renatta dismissed the spirits, and the once jubilant room once again settled into a solemn silence.

We approached Renatta, who seemed visibly fatigued following the recent incident. There was a noticeable shift in her demeanor, an air of newfound strength. Though the reasons behind this transformation eluded us, we couldn't help but appreciate her resilience. Renatta had proven to be an invaluable ally.

"Renatta, do you have any leads on those individuals attempting to target you and manipulate your subordinates?" Pandora inquired.

Renatta nodded. "I have some suspicions, but until we have concrete evidence, I won't dwell on it. Our immediate focus is the task at hand. Lingering here is not an option. My request to my parents may yield results soon. Our mission remains unchanged."

Concern painted Alena's face as she posed her question. "Renatta-sama, your adversaries still regard you as a contender for the throne. How do you intend to address this?"

Renatta's response held a resolute tone. "As I've stated before, I've shed my role as the elven princess. I yearn for freedom and cherish the companionship of those who've stood by me. I'd gladly embrace this life over returning to the one I abhor. Rest assured, they will come to understand my decision."

After those words, she turned toward us, her face lit up with excitement. "Now that everything's settled, how about we switch things up a bit and take on a dungeon raid? There's one nearby that nobody seems to have tackled yet, and everyone here, apart from us elves, seems to be seasoned dungeon raiders. It might just be the perfect opportunity for all of us to give it a shot."

I was taken aback by her suggestion. "An unexplored dungeon nearby?"

"I can't say for certain if it's been conquered or not, but considering how laidback the elves tend to be and the fact that there have been no reports of dungeon breaches, the odds are in favor of it remaining untouched. I'd love to try my hand at spelunking something like this once in a while and see how it all works."

Akira flashed Renatta a cheeky grin and shot her a thumbs-up. "Well, well, you've come to the right gang for this job! It's been ages since we've had some action like this, and we're itching for it! No need to fret about us taking care of the heavy lifting. We'll keep those pesky monsters off your back while you work your magic. My trusty shield and I are your personal bodyguards!"

Sora couldn't help but playfully jab her brother in the side. "Come on, bro, did you really have to go all cheesy on us? But don't think you can slip that past me," she teased, shooting him a mischievous grin that had him breaking into a nervous sweat.

I nodded in agreement. "Honestly, I think taking some action is a good idea. Going on a dungeon raid might just cure our boredom. So, when do we kick things off?"

Renatta flashed a grin and turned to the group. "How about right now?"




With our decision made, we wasted no time and began our preparations. I took charge of gathering the necessary supplies for our upcoming dungeon dive, making sure everyone had what they needed. I also mapped out some practical instructions and tactical plans, which we could adapt depending on the cave's conditions. I couldn't deny the excitement building within me. It had been too long since our last adventure like this.

Once our preparations were complete, we congregated outside the mansion, waiting for the rest of the team to finish getting ready. I arrived first, followed by the siblings, with Pandora trailing behind them. The elves had donned their combat gear, a transformation that showcased Alena and Labo's ranger-like attire while Renatta sported a more Druid-inspired outfit. I couldn't help but notice how stunning Renatta looked in her ensemble. While it revealed a bit of skin, including her midriff and legs, it still remained practical and suitable for combat, allowing her freedom of movement without compromising her defense.

"Alright, everyone, it seems we're all set for the dungeon raid. Here are some provisions I've put together for us. Keep them close and don't hesitate to ask if you run low."

I distributed various potions to everyone, including the elves.

"You've certainly made thorough preparations," Renatta remarked, her surprise evident.

"Absolutely. We're about to plunge into a dangerous situation, and having these supplies can mean the difference between life and death. We won't risk being unprepared and jeopardizing the safety of the whole group with one wrong move."

"It seems like the level of discipline required for dungeon raids is a world apart from our regular hunting expeditions," Labo noted as he secured the potions in his inventory.

"Indeed. In the dungeons, we're not just dealing with monsters; we also have to navigate the layout and face numerous hazards. We need to be ready to adapt and overcome whatever challenges arise."

Renatta nodded, taking the lead. "Alright, since we're all geared up now, I'll lead the way. Stay close and follow my lead closely, okay?"

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