
Chapter 954 Have a Taste of My B*tch Slap

Chapter 954 Have a Taste of My B*tch Slap

The men, tied up on the ground, began to convulse, and, well, they reached a climax. It was abundantly clear that her aura possessed a distinct influence that rage couldn't replicate. It weakened those in its vicinity, compelling them to unleash their burgeoning desires. I am even having a very hard time dealing with it.

"Sh*t...Damn it... I'm ready for any bloodlust or rage aura, but this aura of lust? It's throwing me off," I clenched my teeth, struggling to resist the overwhelming temptation.

"What if I absorb the effects of the aura? After all, it's essentially my power, so I can handle it," my Versatile Weapon's shadow dragon suggested confidently.

"No, I've got this. If I can't overcome this on my own, I'm not cut out for true strength. Mastering this challenge will make me unstoppable in the future," I replied, determination burning in my eyes.

"Alright, just don't push yourself too hard. If you can't help getting... excited, it's normal. But can you still fight effectively?" The Shadow Dragon taunted, clearly amused by my predicament.

"I can still fight, and thanks to this wild surge of libido, I've found a new surge of energy. I'm ready to face this head-on," I declared, doing my best to control my overwhelming desires.

I rose to my feet, clutching my weapon, just as Izmir advanced with her aura growing more intense by the second.

"You believe you can resist me? Well, if you won't surrender willingly, I'll just have to make you succumb to my charms," she said with a sly smile.

With a swift motion, she cracked her whip against the floor, sending shivers through my entire body. My instincts screamed at me to stay away, but I couldn't tear my gaze from her.

As she dashed towards me with the whip in her hand, I managed to evade her strike just in the nick of time, gracefully sliding past her. Her nudity no longer held any appeal for me; my focus had shifted entirely to disarming her and putting an end to this bizarre situation.

"Could I simply let you perform the [Devour] to the Weapon of Lust as it was about to attack me? Would that make things easier?" I inquired of the Shadow Dragon as I dodged her whip strikes.

"If you have no qualms about the wielder's well-being and seek her demise, I can certainly assist in that. However, I strongly advise against it. Their minds are intricately linked to the weapon. Once they grasp it, the only way to wrest it from their control is to wait for them to relinquish it or to defeat them here and now. The former is no longer an option, now that you've disrupted her. The latter remains your safest course of action." The Shadow Dragon's words carried a sense of urgency, urging me to take decisive action.

"Damn it, why didn't you tell me before I rushed into the room?" I scowled, my frustration mounting.

"Well, you didn't say anything, so I let you handle it," the Shadow Dragon replied casually.

I could only let out a resigned sigh as I locked eyes with her. My only path to reclaiming that weapon was to defeat her.

"Looks like we have no choice but to give her a serious beating."

Her movements were swift before when she had fought Renatta, but now she was even faster. Perhaps it was because she wasn't burdened by the weight of clothing, allowing her to move with ease.

She unleashed a barrage of icicles in my direction, her whip dancing through the air like a venomous serpent, making it nearly impossible for me to get close. Her defense and stance were formidable, but that didn't mean she was invulnerable.

For a brief moment, she paused all her attacks, creating a slim opening. It was a tiny window of opportunity, but it was all I needed.

"Why are you dodging, my dear?" Izmir purred, her voice dripping with seduction. She sensually caressed her own body with her free hand, all the while swirling the Weapon of Lust through the air. "Don't you yearn to taste and indulge in this exquisite form of mine?"

It would have been fine if I had a kink for this sort of thing, but no. I don't even have the slightest inkling of attraction to it.


"Hmph, let's see how you feel once you've embraced this body of mine," she purred before vanishing right before my eyes and reappearing behind me.


I hadn't expected her to be that quick, and I was caught off guard. Before I could react, she hugged me from behind, her chest pressing against my back. Some might argue it was tempting, but considering the bizarre situation and the very real possibility that she could end me before I knew it, I didn't feel the least bit lucky.

"How about it, want to explore uncharted territory with me and savor the experience?" she whispered in my ear, her tone dripping with seduction.

For the first time in my life, I felt the need to suppress the intense libido in my body. It's screaming for me to do it. Or even to try it out. However, I still hold my consciousness and the desire to reject her. I struggled a bit. But I managed to fight back the power that was trying to tempt me.

"If you want to have a taste..." I turned around and before she could respond...


I slapped her face which in return, stunned her for a bit, shocked at what I was doing. She held the cheek that I slapped hard and was not able to process what just happened.

"You still good to go? Good, cause I still have more. Have a taste of my b*tch slap!"


I continued to slap her multiple times in both cheeks multiple times. I didn't even care if she was hurting or not. She will taste it until she starts to retaliate.

"How dare-" Before she could speak, a slap welcomed her face and she almost staggered.

"W-wielder...what is this kind of method you are doing?" Shadow Dragon was stunned at what I was doing.

"What I am doing? I am disciplining her. If she thinks she can just do what she wants then she is wrong.


Another crisp slap on the face was received.



"I surr-" 


"You saying something?" I asked.

"I will sur-"





After a few more minutes of my relentless onslaught, her face bore the telltale signs of bruising and distress. I couldn't help but wonder if I had gone too far, but the consequences of her retaliating were far worse.

Surprisingly, it appeared that my actions had the unintended effect of momentarily disabling her spellcasting. She looked thoroughly traumatized, her weapon slipping from her hands as she continued to caress her swollen face.

"Wielder... I never imagined you had it in you to push her this far."

I smirked, "Just because she's pretty and alluring doesn't mean she's attractive to me. If she breathes, she's nothing more than a mere thot."

I reached down to pick up the whip from the ground, feeling the palpable aura of Lust emanating from it. 

"Hey, I've got it. Open wide," I directed the Shadow Dragon.

"Alright, give the command."

I obliged, commanding, "Here, [Devour]!" as I tossed the whip into the air.

The Versatile Weapon trembled, and the Shadow Dragon materialized. Saliva dripped from its maw as it fixated on the whip. With a swift, sinuous motion, the Shadow Dragon extended its neck, engulfing the whip in a single gulp.

The strong power of lust that had been lingering around the castle has disappeared. Izmir, who was still conscious, fell to the floor and lost consciousness. The elves also began to awaken one by one. Seeing the situation, I immediately extinguished the light in the room and quietly slipped away. I carried Izmir with me, despite the fact that she was an enemy.

However, that was the only time I would assist her.

I retrieved the [Cape of Hiding] from my backpack and draped it over her before leaving her in one of the nearby vacant rooms. Despite her questionable past, she is still Renatta's sister. Perhaps her personality might change now that the controlling powers of the weapon are gone.

I hoped for the best and I hope she does carry it. I sighed and escaped before she woke and confronted me about what she was doing.

As for the Versatile Weapon, it has gone into hibernation. The same amount of time it needed to digest the weapons that are related to the Seven Deadly Sins. Although I am not sure what kind of new skill will be unlocked, I hoped that I won't be experiencing the way Izmir has been while the weapon was in her hands.

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