
Chapter 971 Frozen Wind and March of the Monsters

Chapter 971 Frozen Wind and March of the Monsters

Approaching the frozen whirlpool, I peered into the crystal-clear ice, affording a glimpse of the unfolding spectacle within. Many Sandworms still writhed within the frozen medium, their movements gradually diminishing. Moments later, their contortions ceased entirely, and their once lively bodies took on a darkened hue—indicating the irreversible stillness of death.

"Looks like they have finally died. Izmir, are you still good to go and can still use the same spell?" I turned to look at Izmir.

"Yes, I still have mana to spare," she nodded, flexing her mana in her palm.

"Alright, prepare first, and let's head to the next sandworms."

We moved a little closer to the carcass of the Great Sandworm we had just slain. Observing it being devoured by its fellow sandworms, I could see they were still struggling to finish the carcass. Since they were huddled together while eating, the same spell should be sufficient to contain and restrain them.

Pulling out the Scroll of [Whirlpool], I looked at Izmir. Confirming that her spell was ready, I positioned myself and mentally designated the target of the attack before tearing the scroll.


As the scroll was torn into two pieces, the magic circle materialized around the sandworms. Similar to the previous encounter, they were ensnared without any chance to escape.

"Now, do it!" I ordered Izmir.

Izmir waved her hands and aimed her attack at the whirlpool containing squiggling sandworms. As expected, the whirlpool froze, capturing the sandworms within. However, one crafty sandworm managed to evade the icy trap, leaping off the whirlpool with its gaping mouth, intent on swallowing both Izmir and me.

I was ready to strike the sandworm, but Queen Tanya swiftly intervened. Stepping in front of us, she delivered a powerful punch straight to the oncoming threat.

"What a nuisance!"


In a single devastating blow, the sandworm exploded into pieces. Queen Tanya casually snapped her fingers, turning the falling flesh into ash. I observed the astonishment on Izmir's face, marveling at how effortlessly Queen Tanya dispatched the sandworm with a single hit. Achieving such a feat would require a myriad of buffs for me, yet Queen Tanya executed it effortlessly. She was indeed a formidable force. Considering the difficulty she had defeating me earlier, it is a wonder how I am able to deal with and defeat her in the first place.

With the immediate threat eliminated, we lingered for a moment in case more danger lurked. The absence of any further sounds confirmed that we had successfully dealt with the problem.

"The issue has been resolved. Let's head back. We're already close to the Frozen Region, so let's continue," I gestured toward the horizon, where giant white mountains and a distinct atmosphere marked our proximity to the destination in the west.




After confirming the elimination of the threat, we continued on our way to the Frozen Region. Observing that the temperature was dropping rapidly, Queen Tanya dispelled the cooling enchantment surrounding us and replaced it with a warmer one.

"Huh? Why is the temperature rising?" Izmir asked, noticing the sudden change in temperature.

"It's necessary; otherwise, this entire place will freeze, and everyone will be shivering from the cold," I explained.

"Is it really that cold?" Alena inquired.

"Absolutely! We've been there before, and it was bone-chilling, much colder than the lowest temperature settings on the AC back on Earth," Rika responded.

"Wow, seriously? Then it's going to be too cold... but I don't have any clothes that can withstand that level of cold," Alena frowned.

"No worries. I had them prepared in advance. I made sure they were ready for our journey. I also have spares for everyone," I assured, snapping my fingers to distribute cold-resistant gear, including custom-sized jackets for Queen Tanya and even Pixie. While the gear could block the cold, it wasn't entirely resistant, allowing a bit of cold air to seep in without causing freezing discomfort.

Renatta inquired about Almira-san, to which I responded, "She's already prepared. Honestly, I doubt she needed what I made; her protective jacket is far more capable."

"Damn straight, my disciple. You're still far from surpassing me, so don't dream of outdoing me anytime soon," Almira commented over the intercom, her competitive spirit intact.

As we approached the border, everyone, including the elves, donned the jackets I crafted. The temperature swiftly dropped despite the warm spell from Queen Tanya, and the cold air enveloped the surroundings.

"We have officially entered the Frozen Region. Anyone who is not capable of dealing with the cold, please head to Manato and ask for any coat for everyone to wear while we are here," the voice of Almira on the intercom blared, letting everyone in the mansion and outside of the mansion knows where we are right now.

As soon as we arrived, multiple tremors could be felt. Things have not changed at all.

"Woah there, what is happening? Another sandworm? Enemy attack?" Mila frowned.

"Relax, guys. This is commonplace here," Riko casually drinks a cup of juice from her cup.

"What? What do you mean?" Renatta frowned.

Queen Tanya grinned. "Just look outside and see for yourselves what they are talking about, and you all will soon understand as well."

Since no one said anything at all and was not worried, the elves went out on the balcony outside, and soon the sight revealed itself to them.

"Woah, woah, woah, what the hell? What is happening? Are my eyes getting bad?!" Avos frowned and even wiped his eyeglasses for a few minutes before wearing them again.

The scenery is the how the giant monsters are walking in front of us. Towering giants that even the bosses that are considered giants failed in comparison to them. They looked like dinosaurs with a much bigger size. I have seen these guys before but only in the distance and not up this close. They do look like dinosaurs to me walking side by side with their families and in a migration though they differ any sizes and looks. Some have those rocky-looking things similar to a stegosaurus, while some have just plain skin in their bodies. They have plenty of varieties.

"Don't worry about them. Unless they are a total big threat, they aren't worth concern. These guys are just doing their own march to the frozen region.

"What? Seriously? Those guys are bloody giants! How the heck can we even just ignore them and think it's fine?!" Avos seems to be getting troubled.

"Unless they are hostile and actively trying to kill us, those guys will not do anything nasty," Queen Tanya explained as she joined everyone on the balcony.

"These monsters are a regular occurrence here in the frozen region?" Izmir asked.

"Yes. They are totally present every day and anyone living here will not be surprised when they see them moving. The site has become stale for everyone to see that they are not even actively watching the phenomenon anymore. For first-timers, everyone would think this is dangerous but not really. These things are a daily occurrence," Queen Tanya grinned as she explained the monsters.

"So these things are always here?" Mila frowned.

"Nope. Although this is a common and almost daily occurrence due to how slow these monsters walk, these guys are not here always. Manato and the others could testify that these guys were not here when they first arrived in this region."

I nodded in response. "Yes. These guys were deeper into the mountains when we were here the first time around. I heard they have a term with this phenomenon?" I turned to look at Queen Tanya since I didn't actually know about it, they just said they had called it something.

"It was the March of the Monsters. Some called it March of the Titans but since these guys are not the biggest buggers here, they ditched the Titans part and changed it to Monsters instead.

"You mean these towering monsters are not the biggest monsters here?!" the elves looked at Queen Tanya with a shocked look on their faces.

"Hahaha, yeah. These buggers are not the biggest monsters here, there are more of them deeper in the unexplored and uninhabitable areas of the Frozen Region and they are more dangerous than these guys. But since they are content in where they are, I doubt they will be a big threat," Queen Tanya shrugged.

"But what if they became one?" Avos has still doubts about the towering monsters we are seeing.

"Then my sister will be the one who will deal with the problem and will be tasked to deal with the enemies. After all, they are the guardians that act as the final barrier for monsters to fully cross the entire world and wreak havoc.

"Your sister? Someone is living here?" Izmir was surprised.

"Yes. She will be the one we will meet right now in here."

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