
Chapter 478

Even when she said about the celebration banquet, she refused directly. It can be seen that she was very angry.

But Gu qiaoyue was busy all the time and didn't have a chance to remind her.

But she was worried. Now it seems that the two sisters have cleared up their differences again.

Gu Qiaowan was embarrassed to scratch her head and said, "sister, she has many things. She can understand when she is busy and forgets. However, if she dares to forget again next time, I will be angry."

"Hahaha, OK, let me tell your sister, take a book and write it down. You must remember to ask your grades, or you will be angry."

Gu Qiaowan naturally knew that his mother was making fun of herself. She stamped her feet and said, "Mom, you laugh at me too“

"Well, well, don't say it, but what do you think of the day after tomorrow?"

After thinking about it, Gu qiaoyue nodded and said, "OK, mainly to ask her sister if she is free."

"You girl, well, it's the day after tomorrow."

Zhang Peipei nodded and looked up to see Gu Qiaowan's appearance of wanting to talk and stop. She couldn't help laughing and asked, "is there anything else“

Gu Qiaowan looked up at Zhang Peipei. She still wanted to stop talking. She didn't know whether she should tell Zhang Peipei about her desire to go to Xianggang now.

If you say it, and you're afraid she won't agree, don't say... Wait until your sister is here?

Then she should agree.

Gu Qiaowan thought and listened to Zhang Peipei's face slightly dignified. He asked, "Qiaowan, do you really have something?"

"Mom, I want to go to Xianggang." Gu Qiaowan almost blurted out.

After that, he realized that he had said it. He simply looked up and looked at Zhang Peipei seriously. He said, "Mom, I heard that there are many TV and film stars in Xianggang. The film and television industry there is very developed. I want to go there during the summer vacation."

"Mom, I said before that I want to be a star and play a movie in the future. I'm really not kidding."

Gu Qiaowan looked at Zhang Peipei with a serious face and felt uneasy.

Sure enough, Zhang Peipei said, "Qiao Wan, it's one thing to be a star in a movie, but Xianggang is too far away, and it doesn't belong to China. What if something happens?"

Gu Qiaowan had already prepared his speech and immediately said, "Mom, I can apply for a pass. I've already inquired about it. There's an embassy over there. If there's a problem, I can ask the embassy for help. I can also call home... In short, mom, I can take care of myself."

"And, mom, you see, my sister is only one year older than me. She can do a lot of things alone, and I can do it."

Gu Qiaowan's attitude was firm. She looked at Zhang Peipei solemnly.

Zhang Peipei sighed deeply and said, "Qiao Wan, but it's too far away, and you only have more than a month. What if you can't catch up with the report?"

"I'll be back early," Gu Qiaowan said immediately.

Zhang Peipei looked at Gu Qiaowan seriously and said, "Qiao Wan, let mom think about it."

Seeing that Zhang Peipei didn't refuse at the first time, Gu Qiaowan was relieved and nodded, but still said, "Mom, I really want to go. It's my dream to be a star in a movie."

Zhang Peipei nodded and didn't speak again.

Her heart is heavy now. She doesn't want her daughter to go so far from the bottom of her heart, but she can't bear to refuse her resolute appearance.

She said to give her daughter the right to pursue the life she wants, but now

Zhang Peipei sighed heavily and thought to discuss with Gu qiaoyue when she came back.

For such a long time, although Qiao Yue is not old, Zhang Peipei has a deep understanding of her maturity. The first thing I think of when I encounter something is to discuss with her.

And Gu qiaoyue was on the construction site of Changwu county all day today.

It has been confirmed that there are ancient tombs there, and the land nearby will naturally be let out.

The cultural relics bureau directly sent someone to talk to Gu qiaoyue.

"Miss Gu, thank you for giving up this land for free. Your spirit is really commendable and I admire it very much."

"You can rest assured that our cultural relics circle will issue the certificate of cultural relics donation to you as soon as possible. It's really rare for a young man with such high consciousness as you. Your spirit is worth learning from all of us in China..."

The man talked so freely that he almost boasted about Gu qiaoyue's flowers.

Gu qiaoyue didn't speak either. After listening to his praise silently, he smiled calmly and said:

"Thank you for your praise. The cultural relics in the ground originally belong to the country. Although they were found in my land, they do not belong to me. It is the most reasonable for the country, but..."

The people from the Cultural Relics Bureau looked at Gu qiaoyue with a smile and listened to Gu qiaoyue's voice and said:

"But this land is mine. Since your cultural relics bureau wants to occupy the land, should it supply me with the occupied land?"

"Also, I'm building factories here. As you can see, a lot has been built around here. Now in this situation, the original buildings must be pushed away and rebuilt on other lands. The previous human and material resources have been wasted. I hope the cultural relics bureau can give an explanation."

In short, ancient tombs and land can be used, but it is absolutely impossible to pay directly.

Whether it's the labor cost of building the plant before, or the delay cost, land, and the loss of shutdown in recent days, it's not enough.

Gu qiaoyue has always been one yard to one yard. Cultural relics are not hers. Naturally, she won't want them. She doesn't care about the ancient tomb.

But the land is hers, and she won't give it away for nothing.

The man from the Cultural Relics Bureau was stunned and looked at Gu qiaoyue for a long time before he said:

"Didn't you donate this land, Miss Gu?"

Gu qiaoyue raised her eyebrows and smiled faintly:

"Go first, you may be mistaken. I donated ancient tombs and things in ancient tombs. I can't even donate land. I bought it with real money to build a farm."

"There was an ancient tomb on the ground of the farm. I don't know if it will affect my breeding in the future."

"After all, I raise animals. You know, animals are always more sensitive than people. Those strange things may have no impact on us, but we don't know whether they have any impact on animals..."

Gu qiaoyue paused and said:

"So, sir, I think you should ask your superior for instructions, and you'd better give me some compensation in this regard, otherwise... Ah, in case something happens, my loss is really... Not small. Seriously, I regret digging up this thing, and I should have built it directly on it at that time."

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