
Chapter 205: Amicus

Chapter 205: Amicus

Hao Xuan stood in the third containment unit, looking at the computer mainframe that controlled everything in the base. It looked very simple. There was just one platform in the middle of the unit with a single glass screen above it.

With the help of four other sub-divisions scattered across the entire planet, it controlled everything here.

Fortis was sitting on his favorite spot, (Hao Xuan's head), looking around curiously. He had seen Hao Xuan's memories but that was like watching a movie. Experiencing things first-hand was an entirely different affair.

"System!" Fortis shouted excitedly, pointing at the glass screen with a couple of his tentacles. He was like a child that was seeing things for the first time after learning about them beforehand, which wasn't wrong.

Hao Xuan nodded, "Yup, that's the computer system that controls everything."

Fortis closed his eyes and looked up smugly, proud of himself for getting it right.

Hao Xuan couldn't help but smile.

He cleared his throat and started speaking in the language of the Sagax.

"System, activate P.O.G!"

P.O.G was an acronym for the Planetary Observational Grid. Since Poriverse used the planet as his base, he set this up to be able to oversee everything from the comfort of his 'home'.

The screen lit up and the systems robotic voice echoed in the room.

"Sub-Division three, four, and five damaged beyond repair. Power was redirected to main base for containment of Specimens 'G' and 'D'. P.O.G working at 40% capacity."

Hao Xuan frowned upon hearing that. So the "irreprehensible damage" system spoke of was to the other three sub-divisions?

"Alright, show the full map of the planet first, with all base locations."


A black and white hologram of the planet appeared above the glass screen. Five points were lit up at different areas. Three along the horizontal axis, and two on each pole.

"Which one is the main base?"


The light at the top of the planet increased in intensity.

"Hmmm. Where is the place I fell in from?"

An area near one of the horizontal lights lit up.

"What?" It was much further away than he expected.

"How far is that from this place?"

"Approximately four million miles."


How could it be that far? He fell straight down back then.

"Explain! How did I end up here?"

"Several hundred teleportation formations were set up in different places. Any creature that fell in would be tested. If the requirements were fulfilled, they would be transported here."

"What requirements? And for what purpose?"

"Only Requirement: Above Average soul strength. For the purpose of receiving progenitors knowledge".

'So that was it!'

Hao Xuan wondered what a huge coincidence it was that he "happened" to fall so close to the main base. So it was all planned by Poriverse from the start. He was looking to pass on his knowledge to someone.

The more he learned about Poriverse, the more he respected him. Most people wouldn't share all their findings like this with just anyone. And the only requirement was to have a powerful soul? Tsk.

'Wait, powerful soul! They could measure soul power?'

"System, what is the strength of my soul as compared to the other people that were tested before me?" he inquired.

Hao Xuan knew his soul was powerful but never knew by HOW much exactly.

"Users soul strength was highest among tested subjects. 7.5 times stronger than the earliest subject-"

'7.5 times?! Damn, I knew I was special, but this is on a whole new level,' he grinned.

His chest puffed out unconsciously upon hearing the result, that is until the system's voice came again.

"-slightly above average."

"A-Above average?"

7.5 times stronger is just above average?! What the f*ck kind of scale is this?!

"System, using the earlier subjects as the standard, what's the highest recorded soul strength and who did it belong to?"

"Highest recorded soul strength: 67. Belonged to Progenitor at the height of power."

"Gawd dayum system. So Poriverse's soul was more than 89% stronger than even mine?!"



Hao Xuan stood there shocked, mouth agape with incredulity.

Fortis didn't know what they were talking about but upon sensing the change in Hao Xuan's aura, he stretched his ball like head down onto Hao Xuan's forehead and looked at his expression.

"Stupid!" he pointed at Hao Xuan's face with his little tentacles, waking him from his stupor.

"K-Kind of, surprised is more like it though," Hao Xuan replied dejectedly.

Fortis got the validation he was seeking and happily crawled back up to Hao Xuan's head and continued to to play with his hair.

'Sh*t. I thought Sagax were supposed to be the nerds of the cultivation world. Just how strong is a God's soul if a damn nerd is this powerful?!'

It felt like someone had emptied a bucket of cold water on his head. All his pride was washed away in an instant. The reality of the situation hit him once again.

Right now, he wasn't that powerful at all.


'Why couldn't I keep my mouth shut...'

He slapped himself awake. Now wasn't the time for this so he continued with his query.

"System, show location of all lifeforms on the planet's surface."

Three different areas lit up with multiple lights.

One was relatively close to the tomb he fell in. There were a few dozen lights gathered together in one place, some of which were flickering.

There was one massive light right behind them. It was several times bigger and brighter than the rest, and a different color as well.

While all other living creatures were represented with white lights, this one was a deep blue.

And the last group of lights was on the opposite side of the planet, near the other pole. There were a few dozen there as well.

Hao Xuan frowned. 'Three different groups?'

"System, show all recorded changes to the planets surfaces in the last two months."

The view changed. All lights other than the giant blue one vanished.

That lone blue light was randomly moving across the surface of the entire planet, and with incredible speed to boot. It would go about in circles, for several days at a time, before returning to an area near one of the sub-divisions on the horizontal axis for a day or two, before continuing the strange movements.

Then about six weeks ago, five groups of lights appeared in the span of one day. Each group had more than a hundred lights.

One group journeyed to the tomb where Hao Xuan fell in from, so it was clear those were all the military units that had come through the rifts.

The blue light changed its pattern as well. It would go around following different groups, but never actually came into contact with them, always staying just a few kilometers away.

'What is this thing?'

"System, identify this lifeform," he pointed at the blue light.

"Lifeform Identified: Amicus."

"Amicus?" Hao Xuan's frown got deeper. He had seen that word before.

Closing his eyes he recalled all the information about it.

'Amicus: a rare creature of heaven and earth. Also known as "Kind Architect", it is a sentient species found in some deserted planets across the galaxies. They are mistaken for beasts of prey because of their fierce visage, but are extremely soft-hearted.'

'Even when assaulted, they never retaliate, even though they are more than capable of doing so. They are called the "caretakers of the worlds" and are hunted and enslaved for their special powers by powerhouses.'

'Powers and abilities include: converting the Worldly energy into Qi of heaven and earth, converting one form of Qi to another, changing the state of the land, converting one element into another, accessing the void, etc.'

Several images of the creature flashed past Hao Xuan's eyes. (Authors note)

It was a massive lizard type creature with a wide tail, four limbs, four eyes, and rock plates on its head and back ridge. Its skin had giant openings from which it would covert energies and Qi.

If Hao Xuan didn't know any better, he would also consider it a monster at first glance.

"System, what is the origin of this Amicus?"

"A pair of Amicus were captured and brought to the planet by progenitor several thousand years ago. This is the last surviving offspring."

"What has it been doing here all this time?"

"Its duties include taking care of the planet and keeping the flow of energy going to the bases."

"...how long? How long has it been doing that?"

"Approximately 900 years."


Hao Xuan looked at the blue pillar of light circling around the dozens of smaller white lights and couldn't help but pity its existence.

It was born as a slave, brought here against its will, taking care of a dying planet, alone, for so many years. Even now it was keeping an eye on Zeng Yu and company.

"Poor creature..."


Authors Note:

An embarrassed Fortis: https://gfycat.com/ImpassionedUniqueHermitcrab

Amicus: https://images4.alphacoders.com/115/115646.jpg

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