
Chapter 1029 - She-Devil

"What...have you done...to us?! You have turned us...into monsters!!"

Her yellow eyes and sagging nose flared at the thought. She hadn't seen herself in a mirror but even what she could see was utterly bizarre.

When she mentioned the looks the other two obviously had the same feelings, well, at least the brute did. It was impossible to tell how the third one was feeling since his entire face was only a white mask with eyes.

The little monster that Eurig had created from the infant jumped and hoped across the walls and landed on his shoulder. It whispered into his ears and Eurig's eyes began shining with a mysterious light as he inspected every inch of their bodies.

"Mhm, very nice. Yes, I see what you mean," he muttered under his breath.

Feeling ignored she shouted this time, "EURIG! ANSWER ME!"

She stabbed the floor with her 'walking stick' as she said so which sent a wave of yellow smoke in every direction. When the others inhaled it their veins bulged and flesh bubbled, increasing their overall aura.

"Yes yes, I see you, I hear you. There is no need to get worked up," Eurig stood up with the infant monster still squatting on his shoulder like a parrot.

He turned his head slightly to the infant's direction to inquire further, "Which ones exactly?"

The infant took one look at the monstrosities in front of him before whispering back into Eurig's ears.

"Hoh, really? That's amazing!" he even clapped in excitement before finally engaging with the girl.

"You all are drawing power from another plane. The symbol on your chest creates the connection between your soul and the beings of this other plane and whichever creature you're most compatible with will lend you its power. That's why you look the way you do, the more power you borrow from them the more you turn into their actual selves."

"The being that is lending you its power is an old she-devil with a great many names. She used to be a powerful witch at one time but turned into something else after murdering and eating her own children. As her acolyte, you are considered to be a Hell Priestess, someone of very high standing."

Her eyes opened wide as she listened to Eurig narrate the background of the one she had bonded with. And as he did so, a few morsels of information suddenly popped into her head.

Her yellow eyes rolled back into the sockets as the trails of a 'terrible' vision wandered in. She saw a great forest where the trees reached into the upper atmosphere.

It was dark but definitely not quiet as numerous beastly howls echoed within the darkness. The sound of trees creaking and branches breaking came into her ears as a small hut slowly came out of the shadows.

At first she couldn't tell whether the hut was coming towards her or she was inching closer to it but then she saw the pair of chicken-like legs the hut was perched on. The legs moved up and down and the hut 'walked' towards her.

Its front door creaked open to reveal a faint outline of a hunched figure standing in the entrance. All the noise died down in an instant to reveal one barely audible murmur that was hidden in the back.

A whisper that wormed its way into her brain, "What...do you desire?" it asked.

Back in the room her body jerked and twisted back and forth as her hand moved by itself and grasped the top of the walking stick. Her fingers caressed the air around it. The air became thicker and more vicious as a solid ball of black light materialized out of nothing.

The bones of the walking stick came alive, extending over and around the black ball until it was firmly entrenched on top of the stick.

Meanwhile, her body started to change again. Normal human skin grew back, the cracks closed themselves, and that suppleness returned to her flesh. Within seconds all the changes were reversed or rather covered up.

Her hair grew back, longer and thicker than ever before. Her facial features morphed to create a completely symmetrical design that was enchantingly beautiful.

Right in front of everyone's gaze she had turned back into a human, and one so beautiful that it could a man forget his reason for existence.

Long legs, a thin waist, and such a picture-perfect upper body that even aphrodite would be envious of.

But perhaps most shocking of all, even the mark over her chest had disappeared with caught Eurig's attention.

When her re-transformation was completed she regained her senses. She slowly opened her eyes and saw her new body, moving her hands over every inch of it. And when she saw her reflection within the black ball on the walking stick a smile bloomed on her face.

"I am...perfect!"

Eurig glanced at the infant with a knitted brow who was even more confused than him.

"Not a she-devil? Something else?"

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