
Chapter 57 - Pokemon Master Of Tactics: 57

Golbat and Arbok stood across each other with a distance of 10 meters in a relatively big Pokémon battlefield.

Alex and Maria got ready for the rematch. Alex counted down, "3,2,1, Let's Start!" ​​

Maria had learned from her last fight and said, "Arbok, use Glare."

Alex knew that Maria would try that and said at the same time, "Golbat, use Taunt."

Both Pokémon tried to use their moves as quickly as possible.

Golbat was a bit faster and used Taunt before Arbok could use Glare. (Golbat won because he practiced this move a bit, in contrast to Arbok, who used this move only a few times)

Arbok noticed that she suddenly couldn't use that move and looked angrily in the direction of Golbat.

Alex saw that Golbat was faster and said, "Golbat, fly above Arbok and use Confuse Ray."

The private training room was over 10 meters high and could also be used to train flying-type Pokémon. Golbat had no problem flying several meters over Arbok.

Maria responded and said winningly, "Arbok, let's end this fight with Rock Slide."

For her, it doesn't matter what Alex tries to do. Her Arbok has the Rock Slide on Expert rank and does not need to be afraid of Golbat. With this mighty move, she doesn't think she will lose.

Arbok tried to avoid Golbat's Confuse Ray but was still hit by the yellow ball and saw the world twice.

Even though Arbok was muddled, she used Rock Slide on Gobat, who was just flying over him.

Alex said, "Golbat, you know the plan."

Golbat heard Alex and quickly dodged the stones falling down on him from above and flew to the ceiling of the room.

Rock Slide is a move that is difficult for flying Pokémon to dodge, but this move is not without any flaws.

As long as you are at the height from where the stones are generating, you cannot be hit by Rock Slide. Because if there is no space for the rocks to form above him, how will it contact him and deal any damage?

After his last defeat, Alex thought for a long time whether there was really nothing else he could do. After much thought, he came up with this strategy.

As long as there is no free space above Golbat, the move rock slide is totally useless against flying-type Pokémon.

Alex doesn't know whether he is the first trainer to come up with this strategy or not(he doubts that), but that doesn't really matter to him.

Golbat, who had no free space above him, could not be hit by Rock Slide and dodged the attack effortlessly.

Arbok, who was under Golbat, suddenly noticed that the stones were raining on her. And because she was still confused, she saw twice as many rocks and was unable to avoid the attack.

She was even hit in the head many times and suffered critical damage from her own attack.

Maria was shocked by how Arbok was gravely injured by her own move and questioned her talent as a trainer.

Golbat and Arbok were roughly equal in strength now. And under normal circumstances, it will be a close match. (Golbat has the higher LV, and Arbok has a super effective move against Golbat)

But Alex, with the help of his tactics, made Arbok's strongest attack useless and turned it against the Arbok herself.

Maria thought about what she can do and realized that all other ranged moves the Arbok can use are almost useless against Golbat.

Arbok has to force Golbat into close combat in order to have a chance of victory, but that was impossible because Golbat prevented her from doing that from his first move.

Although Arbok can jump 10 meters in the air without a problem, she would become a target for Golbat's attacks. And Golbat can easily dodge her attacks in advance. Golbat, who is now faster than Arbok, can easily evade such attacks.

Maria acknowledged that she can't think of anything. And the way the fight was going on, Arbok would lose.

That gave her self-confidence as a trainer a big blow.

Her Arbok, who has better talent and a super effective move against Golbat, had lost without even injuring Golbat even once.

Maria noticed that only to train in power and not to develop any tactics for her Pokémon was a big mistake. She got lazy after the win against Alex and was overtaken after only two weeks.

She thought because her Arbok has S-talent (Gold), Golbat would never be stronger than Arbok in his life. Maria realized that talent is not everything. You also have to work, or else Arbok's talent is a waste.

While Maria was thinking about it, she watched Arbok try to defeat Golbat herself. But no matter what Arbok did, she could hardly harm Golbat (she used Sludge Bomb, Poison Sting, and Acid to do a little harm).

In contrast to Arbok, Golbat had a good ranged move to harm Arbok: Shadow ball.

Shadow Ball, on the Expert rank, has a devastating power that can knock Arbok out of action after just a few hits.

Arbok, who was bleeding all over her body, knew that she couldn't win this fight. But she still kept on fighting.

As long as her trainer didn't tell her that she lost, she believed she could still win (just like last time).

Maria saw how Arbok was suffering more and more damage and said with an unwilling face, "We give up."

Hearing that her trainer had given up the fight, the expression of unwillingness and anger appeared upon Arbok's face. Maria saw Arbok's face and didn't know what to say.

Golbat heard Maria give up and flew in the direction of Alex with a happy expression.

Alex hugged Golbat and said, "What did I tell you? We are the strongest!"

Normally, Golbat would flee from Alex's embrace and look at him with a disdainful look. But this time, he celebrated his victory with Alex.

This victory was very important for Golbat. This victory showed that with hard work, he and his trainer can achieve anything.

Golbat, who was happy about his victory, was filled with strange energy inside his body.

Suddenly Golbat's whole body started glowing.

Alex immediately knew what was happening. Golbat was evolving.

AUTHOR'S THOUGHT------------------------------------------

how did you find this fight?

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