
Chapter 70 - Pokemon Master Of Tactics: 70 (Bonus )

During the night, Alex sat with Crobat and discussed his plan of attack.

After 10 minutes, Crobat flew in the direction of the camp. This group was staying in this forest, which was perfect for the plan. Alex and his team were located 1000 meters away from this group. ​​

The only Pokémon from this group that could discover this surprise attack at night was Zubat.

Zubat can detect living beings with sound waves, which makes this Pokémon very useful to keep watch at night.

Another advantage is that the stronger Zubat/Golbat/Crobat is, the greater the range of its detection is. That is also the reason why Zubat cannot see Alex and his Pokémon, but Crobat can see their group.

The reason why Alex sent Crobat alone is that Crobat can change the sound waves of Zubat so that Zubat only discovers Crobat when it is very close. The reason Crobat can do this is that this Zubat is much weaker than him. So its control with sound waves is much worse than Crobat.

Crobat flew in the direction of the group without making a sound.

After a few minutes, Crobat was only 20 meters away from the Zubat that was supposed to protect the group from raids during the night.

Crobat knows that if he gets any closer than this, he will be discovered by Zubat, and it will warn everyone.

After 5 seconds, Crobat suddenly took off at its fastest speed in the direction of Zubat.

Within 1 second, Crobat flew in front of Zubat, who had just discovered him, and use Fly against Zubat.

Zubat, who was 20 levels lower than Crobat, could not dodge this surprise attack and gets beheaded by Crobat's wing. Zubat did not manage to leave a warning shout and died relatively quietly.

Crobat, who had fulfilled his mission, flew to Alex without making a noise.

After a minute, Crobat reached Alex and told him what happened.

After knowing that that Crobat had successfully carried out the first step, Alex got ready for the next step.

He got on Crobat's back and flew quietly in the direction of the group.

When he and Crobat were 20 meters away from the 5 tents, he took Scizor, Ditto, and Ralts out of their Pokéballs and told them about their next task.

Alex said quietly, "Scizor, use Focus Energy and Agility for as long as you can. Ditto use Transform and change yourself into Crobat. Then Ditto, Crobat, and Scizor will attack these 5 tents on my command. Try to kill the people in the tents as soon as possible. Ralts, you stay with me and get ready to use Teleport if necessary."

All three Pokémon nodded and got ready to attack these people on Alex's signal.

Alex knows that there is a person and a Pokémon in every tent, so he still needs a retreat plan in case something goes wrong. After seeing that these three Pokémon were ready, he gave them the signal with his hand.

Ditto, Scizor, and Crobat all picked a tent and attacked it at the same time. After just a few seconds, Alex heard loud fighting sounds that woke other people up.

Alex saw from a distance that Ditto and Crobat had managed to kill the person in the tent. Scizor failed to kill this person unnoticed and was attacked by the Pokémon in the tent. Although the Pokémon that fought Scizor was weaker than Scizor, it was strong enough to last a few minutes.

The Pokémon of the killed trainers did not attack Crobat or Ditto but ran away into the forest. It looked like they don't have any positive feelings for their trainer.

The two other people heard the sound and ran out of the tent with their Pokémon.

The thin man learned that they were being attacked and took his Nidoking out of the Pokéball. Together with the Pokémon in his tent (a 36 Bronze Fearow), he looked at the strength of the attacker.

The other man also grabbed his Pokémon (24 Bronze Fearow) and looked around.

When these two men saw that two comrades had already died and the third one was desperately fighting for his life, their first thought was to run away.

The thin man looked at the two Crobat flying out of the tents and knew that these two Pokémon were about as strong as his two Pokémon. Together with his two subordinates, he was sure that he can win this fight.

He said aloud, "Peter, follow me. We'll go and save Steven."

Peter followed the command and walked in the direction of the tent Scizor was attacking.

Alex saw that his Pokémon were in danger as they would have to fight against so many Pokémon. He shouted, "Retreat! Come back to me."

All Pokémon of Alex flew/ran towards Alex without thinking anything else.

The thin man saw that the attacker wanted to flee but did nothing. The Pokémon from this attacker was about as powerful as his Nidoking. He doubted that he could stop these Pokémon from running. Especially when these 3 Pokémon were so fast.

He went to Steven's damaged tent and saw how he was doing.

Steven was sitting on the floor with a wound on his upper body. Although the wound wasn't very deep, Steven was still bleeding a lot. Steven's 2 Pokémon also had injuries on the body that were not easy to heal. These 2 Pokémon would not have lasted long if they hadn't come so soon.

The thin man saw how much damage Steven had suffered in a short time and said, "That bastard got us. We only have 6 Pokémon left to fight, and we have no Pokémon that can teleport us away or warns us in the dark. We have no chance against two Crobat in the darkness. Our light sources are not large enough to be able to fight sensibly. We have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Steven said timidly, "S-sir, but if we go into the forest at night, we will definitely be attacked by that bastard. Only in this camp, we have enough light sources to keep us safe. How about we stay here?"

The thin man looked at Steven as if he is an idiot and said, "Are you stupid? The attacker also knows that the light sources are our only protection against him. Do you think we can defend these light sources all night? We have to get out of here as soon as possible. Don't worry, I have a plan. We will ride our flight Pokémon and fly over the forest in the direction of the city."

Steven, seeing the hope to survive, happily said, "Sir, you are a genius. If we do that, we can all survive."

The thin man said with a sarcastic smile, "Ohh, really? How great! But this plan has one major disadvantage. The problem is that the 2 Crobat's can easily defeat our 3 flight Pokémon in the dark!. That means that we have to split up to survive. Everyone will fly on different paths and hope that they are not the one to be selected as a target by the attacker. If we do that, they can only kill one person, and the other two can flee."


After a few seconds, the three men all stepped on their flight Pokémon without a word and began to pray that they would not be selected.

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