
Chapter 79 - Pokemon Master Of Tactics: 79

Alex noticed how much easier it was to increase the potential of a Pokémon during their evolution. He could not help but wistfully think of Zubat's first evolution. If Alex had better items back then, Crobat might also have reached Gold potential by now.

He felt a little guilty about 'wasting' Crobat's potential. Although he didn't have any good Pokémon items at that point, he couldn't hold back this feeling. ​​

Alex knows that poor trainers often dispose of their first Pokémon when they find a better Pokémon.

For example, a poor trainer's first Pokémon is usually a Normal potential Pokémon that he trains for months. After this poor trainer has trained his Normal potential Pokémon to sufficient strength, this trainer will find many ways to buy and catch Pokémon with Bronze or even Silver potential(with luck). After this poor trainer has more and more Pokémon that have much better potential than his starter Pokémon, he'll often throw away his Starter Pokémon like trash.

Although cruel, it is often the case with most Pokémon trainers. These trainers see Pokémon only as tools that can be replaced at any time.

Alex, who sees his Pokémon as a family, despises such trainers very much. He doubts that the really strong trainers would treat their Pokémon that way. Even Giovanni from Team Rocket treats his Pokémon very well. As you can easily see that he will mega evolve his starter Pokémon Beedrill in the future. This shows that he and his Pokémon have a special connection.


Celadon City Arena.

Alex walked to the registration office for contestants from the hotel where he stayed over.

He only had to walk a few minutes before he saw a line in front of the registration office. More than 30 trainers lined up in a row and waited for their turn. Alex noticed that even if the line was a bit long, it only took 50 to 70 seconds before the next person's turn came. So Alex didn't have to wait long before his turn came.

After 40 minutes, it was Alex's turn to move in front of the registration office. A beautiful woman around 30 years old looked at Alex and said with a smile, "Hello, please give me your ID card."

Alex, who knew that only Alliance trainers can take part in this tournament, gave this woman his ID card.

The woman put the card on the scanner for a second before handing it back to Alex.

She said with a smile, "Do you want a normal registration or the seed spot registration?

Trainers who register for this tournament have two different types of registration.

With normal registration, you can take part in the tournament free of charge.

To register as Seed Spot, the trainer has to meet two requirements.

1: His/her 3 Pokémon must have an average level of 30.

2: He/she has to pay a fee of 1,000 Pokédollars.

But the trainer who registers this way has a great advantage.

Seed participants will not fight against other seed participants in the preliminary round. And because almost all the strong participants are seed participants, you won't have to worry about strong opponent in the preliminary round.

Although it is not suitable for normal trainers, this rule makes sense for Alex. If there wasn't such an option, the two strongest trainers in the tournament could end up against each other in the preliminary round due to bad luck.

With this option, the strongest trainers will only meet in later rounds of the tournament.

Alex said, "I want to register for the seed place."

The woman looked at Alex and said, "Ok. Please put your three Pokémon that are going to participate in the tournament on this machine."

Alex put the Pokéballs of Crobat, Scizor, and Kirlia on the machine. This machine looked similar to the one from the Pokécenter.

The beautiful woman looked on the screen with Alex's Pokémon's data and said with a smile, "Good, your Pokémon's average level is LV 33.33. You are entitled to get a seed place. Here is your participant number. If you have any questions about the rules or the schedule of the tournament, you can visit our website for the Kanto rookie tournament. I wish you a nice day."

Alex took the participant number that showed the number 68 and made way for the next person.

He looked thoughtfully at this machine as he left. He had read on the internet that this machine can not only discover the level of a Pokémon but also whether the Pokémon is from this trainer not.

"How exactly does this machine know who is the trainer of a certain Pokémon? How exactly is it determined that a Pokémon is of the trainer's and not of someone else? No matter how I think about it, there is no logical answer to it. Hmm... Well, at least the participants cannot cheat due to this machine by competing with a strong Pokémon of another trainer."

Alex sat down at a quiet restaurant and ordered something to eat. While waiting for his meal, he took out his TRH device and opened the page of the Kanto rookie tournament.

Alex looked at the website and looked at the rules.

1: The participants and the participants' Pokémon are forbidden to attack other participants.

2: Pokémon are forbidden to kill or mutilate other Pokémon.

3: Participants are prohibited from using other Pokémon than they have registered.

4: If a Pokémon passes out or if the trainer of the Pokémon gives up, that Pokémon will be considered lost.

Alex skipped the obvious rules. (No need to list all the logical rules)

15: In the preliminary round, the participants will fight 1 v/s 1. When there are only 64 participants left, 2 v/s 2 fights will be used as the format. The format 3 v/s 3 will be used for the round of top 16.

16: Items or held items are prohibited for use.

17: The participant may change his Pokémon only once per battle.

18: The Pokémon of both participants may not go deeper than 5 meters under the ground or fly over 15 meters permanently. Also, the participants or the Pokémon are not allowed to leave the battle arena during battle.

After Alex had gone through the rules and eaten his food, he went to the hotel to prepare his Pokémon for the tournament that will start in 2 days.


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