
Chapter 177 - Pokemon Master Of Tactics: 177 (Bonus )

In a forest on a mountain residing in the Hoenn region rests a proud Ninetales inside a very clean cave.

This proud Ninetales rules over this area together with her life partner, who had just gone hunting for food. ​​

She was the most talented among all Ninetales she has ever met. And even the Pokémon with the best talent of different species were not as good as her. Which made her a very prideful Pokémon. (She doesn't know if she really has better talent. But she noticed that how she improves moves faster and can even use moves that no other Pokémon can. That's why she thinks her talent is better)

This proud Ninetales also had high demands for her life partner. So she ignored all other male Ninetales and only talked to the most talented ones she met.

Although her life partner had a little less talent than her, he was at least a little stronger and was the most talented among the Ninetales (besides her) she has ever met.

After she and her life partner had accumulated good strength, they together secured territory for their family to use.

She noticed a week ago that her body had changed slightly and found out that she was pregnant with her first child. She felt that she probably wouldn't need to wait more than a month until her child was born, and this thought left her face very blissful for an unknown time.

Ninetales is a Pokémon that is only pregnant for 40 to 45 days. And only when the pregnancy begins on the 35th day that their combative abilities get limited.

As she was waiting in her cave for her partner, she suddenly heard a very aggressive scream from her partner, which could be heard throughout the area.

She knew immediately that her partner would never cry out such a scream, and he must have met a strong opponent. And he must have been warning that Pokémon to not enter into their territory.

Ninetales looked serious and quickly started running in the direction from where the scream came.

With her swift speed, she didn't even need 1 minute to arrive.

What she saw shocked her to the core and created a feeling she had never felt before.

An almost 3-meter tall 'Steel Giant' with an extremely powerful appearance, who had very long white horns (which shows how old he is), was eating the body of her life partner, who was lying lifeless in front of him. (She had never seen such a type of Pokémon in her lifetime. That's why she didn't know the name of its species and called it 'Steel Giant')

She knew that this monster was much stronger than her and that she would die if she fought against this monster. But she was not able to suppress these hateful emotions.

The 'Steel Giant' only looked at her for a moment and then began to eat again with a nonchalant expression.

She showed a hateful expression and began to show a fighting stance. When she was just about to attack, she suddenly remembered that she is not only responsible for her life.

"Child. My child... I have to stay alive for my child and not drag it to death with me. I can take revenge later. For now, I must protect my child."

She managed to suppress her anger and started running away. She felt as if her proud ego was wholly broken at that moment, but she knew that it was the right decision.

The 'Steel Giant' saw the hateful expression and knew that it wasn't over. Although he couldn't guess why this Ninetales ran away, he knew that this Ninetales wouldn't give up and kill him when she gets strong enough to do so.

Together with the fact that these Ninetales must be very talented to have such strength at such an age, he knew that he should not let this future enemy run away.

The 'Steel Giant' began to chase the Ninetales at a good pace, which was more than 100 meters away from him.

Ninetales saw that she was being followed and got really furious. He didn't only kill her life partner but also wanted to kill her child. What a Monster!

Unfortunately, the 'Steel Giant' was at a much higher level than Ninetales, which meant that although his species is actually slower than Ninetales, he still had a similar pace.

The 'Steel Giant' was even a bit faster as it caught up 1 meter every 20 seconds.

Ninetales, who realized she was a bit slower than him, knew that she had to find another way to escape this giant steel monster.

She immediately thought of the cold mountain's top where only Ice-type Pokémon can survive, which is adjacent to this area.

Together with the cold atmosphere on this mountain, she hoped to come across a strong Pokémon that can make this monster stop chasing her. With this thought, she ran there immediately.

Ninetales and the 'Steel Giant' started running at a higher and higher height and soon reached the place filled with snow.

Although the 'Steel Giant' felt uncomfortable, he did not give up and continued to pursue his prey.

Ninetales, who doesn't get along well with such cold areas, also felt very uncomfortable but endured it for survival.

When she almost gave up the hope of survival, she suddenly saw a strong Glalie in front of a cave watching two of them.

Ninetales showed a look of hope and quickly started running in the direction of this Glalie.

She knew from experience that this strong Pokémon would ignore her and transfer its attention to the more prominent threat.

And the reality didn't disappoint her. Glalie started yelling at the 'Steel Giant', whom he knew as Aggron, that he shouldn't enter his territory.

Aggron wasn't afraid of this Glalie, but he knew that this Ninetales would probably escape if he started fighting this Pokémon now.

He wasn't quite within range, but he still started to prepare a long-ranged move to hit Ninetales.

Glalie also noticed that he had no chance against this Aggron and began to use his secret weapon.

He used a move to hit a weak part of the mountain top to detonate it and create a mini avalanche. He has lived in this area for a long time and knows which places he has to hit in order to create an avalanche.

Glalie wasn't afraid of being buried in the snow, but this Aggron won't have it easy. He is bound to suffer.

Ninetales saw how slowly the avalanche was getting bigger and was soon about to reach and cover everything around them. She knew that she would die if she were hit by it and dashed towards the cave of Glalie. While it's not the best solution, it's better than dying right now.

Aggron, who saw an avalanche coming closer and closer, showed an astonished and angry expression. He felt that he would be at least gravely injured if he was hit by it and that the situation only happened because of this Ninetales. He wanted to run into the cave where Glalie came from, but he saw that there wasn't enough time and that this Glalie would stop him.

He became furious. To vent his anger, he used [Hyper Beam] that he had prepared beforehand against Ninetales, who was standing near the face of the cave and was just about to enter.

Because of the great distance, Ninetales was able to evade and enter the cave as the [Hyperbeam] only hit the ceiling.

Because of the incredible strength of [Hyper Beam], the cave began to collapse, and Ninetales had to run deeper into the cave to avoid being buried by rocks, ice, and stalactites.

Ninetales, who ran deeper and deeper into the cave, noticed that the cave was not showing any signs of stopping the collapse when she looked back. And just like she had thought, the cave continued to collapse for the next few seconds.

After 100 meters of running, Ninetales finally noticed that the cave had stabilized and stopped collapsing.

It seems that the combination of the [Hyper Beam] on the ceiling and the avalanche almost collapsed the cave.

Ninetales stuck in this cave began to go deeper into this cave to look for another way out.

After 2 hours, she noticed that although several Zubats (they can live quite well in a cold place) were living in this cave, there was no other way out than the entrance with which she had entered the cave.

Ninetales, who suddenly felt that her whole body temperature had dropped very low, knew that she could not survive long and had to get out of here.

She started using Fire-type moves to keep her body warm and to melt solid ice. In addition, she began to remove the stones and the ice to clear the entrance.

Unfortunately, she did not make much progress, and the work was more challenging because of the cold.

Above all that, she had to spend most of the time keeping her body warm enough.

Ninetales's whole day's work removed only the 3 meters of the path and was not even close to the exit.

She couldn't sleep for long either, because otherwise, her body would freeze to death, so she slept for 30 minutes several times in order not to get too tired. Even though it wasn't optimal, she was able to relieve her exhaustion well enough.

Ninetales started to clear the 3 or 4-meter path every day and slowly struggled towards freedom.

She thought about giving up several times but suppressed that thought quickly because of her child and gave her best every day. Even if she felt that it was hopeless, she wasn't one to admit defeat.

This proud Ninetales even began to eat the Zubats in this cave just so that she and her child can survive.

Zubats taste terrible (really terrible), and Ninetales had never eaten something so disgusting in her entire life. She even thought about dying with dignity rather than eating something like that.

But the thought of her child made her sturdy ego crumble into pieces as she consumed her food with a bitter face.

After 30 days, she managed to be just before the entrance. Although her whole body was in a terrible state and could only move with willpower, she felt that she and her child would survive.

When Ninetales wanted to continue working, she suddenly felt a great deal of pain.

She was about to give birth to her child.

In this weak state, she knew that she will not survive and only showed a sad expression as she thought about how to save her child.

After 20 painful minutes, Ninetales finally saw her child for the first time hiding in its egg.

Although she was bleeding and her whole body was under cold, she began to gently embrace her egg with her body to keep her child warm with her fur.

As she slowly passed out, she had only one thought, "Will my child survive?"


I hope you enjoyed this big chapter.

It was by far the largest chapter that I have uploaded so far.

Usually my average chapter has 1000-1200 words, but this chapter has 1900+words.

The reason why I uploaded such a longer chapter is because it is much more pleasant when the whole back story is told in 1 go.


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