
Chapter 285 - A Rowdy Calm

The majestic, illustrious rewards of black and white settled high up their pedestals curtsied, waved, and left, retreating into the grand double doors once more, disappearing from everyone's charm-glazed gaze just as graceful, glamorous - leaving this tingling aftertaste behind in everybody's mouth, this impulsive sensation in their senses, this… awakened carnal instinct spurring forth insidious intents.

A rising desire, an insatiable want. 

Looming above, the bell struck, tolling almost incessantly in the murmuring, squirming fervor of the crowd. The clangor eventually ceased, and with its end, came a new beginning. 

The announcer, his smirk from ear to ear, stepped aside with his arm extended, raised, like a signpost signaling the way forward, and just like a ring of the bell, he told, "Participants, curious onlookers, please enjoy yourselves plenty if you would."

That was all that anyone needed to hear. The first person that stepped forward was immediately followed by the second, after the second came third, third became fourth, then within microseconds, it was a stampede, one which the guards stationed on every side everywhere utterly failed to contain.

"Are we… going too…?" Adalia asked, raising eyes wide awake at me. "It sounds… intriguing…"

I took a glimpse back at the stream of people rushing inwards, and gave a snort. "Sounds loud too."

"I'll be… fine…" She assured me, then further inquired, "Will you be… participating too…?"

At that, Sera immediately snapped her gaze to mine, her amber shine shimmering the same question unspoken.

"Do you want… to...?" Adalia asked again.

Once again, this girl's eyes were the sharpest thing about her… never mind the fangs and claws. She could see me tingling, see the impulsiveness within seeping through the seams.

This wasn't just a game to me. Not when Nick was here… and certainly not with Leon. No, this was something else entirely. This was personal. 

I looked back again to the crowd, and amidst the chaos, there slinked in the rugged giant and the charming hero. 

"Yeah," I said, my mind made up. "I'm competing."

Expectedly, Adalia already knew my answer before I even thought it. She blankly nodded, and just casually inquired further, "Who… will you be… choosing to fight… for...?" 

Sera had tethered her gaze on me again, with curiosity once again brimming aplenty. 

"To be announced," I said, taking my first step forward towards the tower. "First, I gotta go slap me a princess silly. After that, we'll find out soon enough"

And with that being said, we joined the ever-shifting, ever-moving horde, gradually thinning as more and more people entered the premises. Sadly, no amount of VIP status can make this line go any faster - it's a one-way entrance and it was constantly teeming with people - no way anybody can just slide in no problem.

Usually, I was fine with the wait, long lines were absolutely no problem. But in this case, I found myself actually clicking my tongue in irritation, and edging ever subtly front thinking that would maybe get me closer. 

I wanted in fast. I wanted so badly to see Ash, to flail Amanda - I wanted, no, needed to speak to both of them ASAP… and obviously, it was a little hard to hold a conversation when you're like a hundred million miles away from the other person, and my imagination certainly wasn't helping to improve matters either.

What was happening in there? What were they doing in there? Did Leon get to her first? Did Nick? Is this seriously happening? Am I about to enter the fray all willy-nilly?

Like an imaginary racecar hurling round and round an imaginary track, these thoughts just kept looping over and over in my head… an unwanted, unneeded source of company accompanying me all the way through.

But somehow, even so, I managed to pull through. After a long, long test of patience that could push even the most devout, devoted Buddhist monk to the brink, the moment finally came for our turn to enter through the giant double doors.

We crossed the threshold, and I remembered as we did, in my head, I was formulating a highly intricate plan involving infiltrating the behind-the-scenes ongoings and somehow sneak myself an audience with either Ash or Amanda. 

How so? Don't know. But I was dead set on seeing the plan through. That was until I took a few more steps deeper inwards, a few more blinks and glances at the interior before it dawned on me.

Perhaps, maybe, I was overthinking things just a little bit.

In my head, I was scaling stories, putting on an array of disguises, flipping the building upside down to accomplish my goal. All that planning - unnecessary. Why would you do any of that when your targets were already right in front of your very eyes?

Inside was a grand space unique from any other. It was larger than the library, grander than the theater, and could encompass more people within its walls than all of the stands combined in the jousting arena. 

It was a gargantuan chamber with wooden columns and walls flushed to a glossy white finish. Stained glass windows, pouring in glimmering rays of light through of every shade, of every hue - a goddamn palace was what this behemoth of a room was, and I think that was exactly what they were going for.

A place befitting that of royalty.

Ash and Amanda were right there, surrounded by glitz, adorned in glamour, perched high up their magnificent thrones placed beside one another. 

Like a pair of high and mighty princesses, they sat there, looming over us all common folk, surrounded by guards in the dozens, their gleaming spears gripped in their hands firm and ready. 

There goes my plan out the window, can't even get within ten paces of them without risking a trip down to the dungeons. Seriously, they were like museum artifacts over there… just something to be admired afar, but never to touch.

Know what makes it even worse? They caught wind of my presence already, they noticed my stares from afar - they saw me seeing them - and infuriatingly all they could do was wave at the burning questions lingering beneath my gaze.

Ash timidly, a little happily… the way she blinked sporadically made it blatantly obvious she played no part in any of this. Just a puppet on a string tethered to Amanda's whims.

And speaking of… there was that little minx herself, flamboyantly, mischievously, waving her gloved hand, and smiling wide her ruby lips. 

So close and yet so far.

This was her idea, was it? Participate in an event, dragging Ash along with… putting the both of them in the spotlight, throwing themselves to a pack of wolves… and why?

Because I chose not to choose back then.

Seriously, all this effort, just to spur a little initiative from me? 

Well then, not like I have anyone to blame but myself, right? I kicked myself in the balls here. I loaded the shotgun, I peeked down the goddamn barrel, and I pulled the trigger hard.

'Go with her, Ash.'

So much for being wise.

Then snapping me from my staring stupor, from out of nowhere, I heard a whiff, then slowly drawing up to my right, Adalia took another audible sniff.

"It's a… banquet…" She muttered in a tone so evidently pleased. 

I too began to breathe in deep. There was a tanginess to the air, a zesty aroma swirling in every square inch. Even Sera had the tip of her nose beneath her veil piquing upwards.

There were tables on each side of the chamber, many tables draped in white, long and wide, and on top of every table present were giant gleaming platters of gold and silver, and on top of those platters was every feast imaginable prime for the picking. 

A little song and dance, the announcer proclaimed back then. 

It seemed we would be celebrating first before we get to the down and dirty of things. Or in other words, this was the calm before the storm.

Pretty rowdy calm if you ask me.

Everybody was indulging themselves to their heart's content. Feasting, reveling, continuously merry onwards, prancing jolly feet to the beat of the melody by the bards off to the side.

Once again, I found two pairs of eyes meeting mine, inquiring silently, piercingly, both Adalia and Sera's.

Yeah, that reminds me… none of us had lunch yet, did we? Whoops.

I nudged my head, flailed one arm. "Yeah, go nuts, guys. Not like I'm your chaperone, am I?"

The words barely left my lips, and already they were gone… somewhere amidst the festivities, indulging themselves right along with the rest of the crowd.

I'm surprised Adalia barely minded the ruckus… she probably smelt pancakes or something. 

As I scoured the crowd, I came upon another familiar sight. In their own little secluded corner, a panel of four individuals sat in a row. One had fangs, one had drabby old robes, another was cloak in a gilded hood, and the last wore a rather large pointy hat.

Knowing what I know of them now, from a distance they had this presence about them - an air of authority, and a feeling of importance - but I suppose that's a given, they'd be terrible judges if they didn't.

Occasionally, I'd see an individual break from the crowd, and steadily approached them… and the latest from a long line of individuals, I saw Leon himself emerge. Confidence in his stride, a swell to his chest, he went over to the panel and made light banter with the four before scribbling something hastily on the table, and shortly right after that, he was off on his way once again. 

I suppose that's where people go to enlist, herald themselves as champions for one or the other or whatever. I see, so that's how it is. 

That's Amanda's ploy.

This was where she'd make me choose what I didn't back then.

Her or Ash?

Clever girl. 

Stupid girl, too.

I'm not tethered to your strings, Amanda. I'm not a puppet. I can make these choices for myself… and I'll make them now. 

Ash was the obvious choice, if I wanted to spite you back… and I obviously do, and I obviously will. So… there you go. 

The divine Elf-princess in white, it was.

One leg over the other, I slithered through the gaps in the crowd and slowly made my way over. But just as I was about to emerge out the other end, a voice came booming, proclaiming.


"Dear potential champions!" Bellowed the familiar tremor of the announcer's voice. "Before we continue on with the festivities, I feel the need to remind you all that it has always been a long-standing tradition that preceding the main event - males, and females of every kind need absolutely to partake in the Waltz of the Divines."

Waltz of the Divines? 

Everybody line up! Brace yourselves! For now, you dance beneath the loving gaze of the Divines!" He clasped his hands in a resounding clap. "And of course, everyone will too have a turn dancing with each of the Princesses at least once… as per tradition, of course? Isn't that right, your Royal Highnesses?"

Amanda stood, curtsying with grace. Ash followed along, bowing her head slight and meek.


Over to the panel, four nods in unison.

"And that's that!" The announcer clapped his eyes again. "Now what are we waiting for? Bards! Cue the music! Everybody in line! Let the Waltz of the Divines begin!"

Well then, I suppose enlisting can wait for a bit. I think my plan has yet to falter, after all. Very well, let's go and have ourselves a dance, shall we?

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