
Chapter 289 - One Or The Other

A short and simple question one moment. A convoluted and complicated decision the next. Amanda was shaping out to be a surprise wildcard in my life I never saw coming.

At first, I thought this whole fiasco here was just another ploy to get me riled… and it was that, but it was also so much more than that. She knew how I felt about Ash already…  and she used that fact to get that answer she wanted out of me all this time, convolutedly, complicatedly.

"Hey, I'm in love with you. Are you too?"

It's not like I haven't considered the notion that maybe she did indeed have taken a somewhat liking to me. I'm well aware I tend to be a bit slow on the uptakes, but in this case, even a blind man could have seen her not-so-subtle subtleties from a nation away, if I couldn't see it… then I might as well just pluck my eyeballs and give 'em off to someone who would put it to far better use than I ever could.

And yes, I did turn a blind eye - no pun intended - at every noteworthy remark, every implicating gesture she has thrown at me up till now, cause I mean, come on… a guy like me, a girl like her? What is this, a self-insert novel? 

I just can't at all fathom the how or the why… but yet here we are, nevertheless. I never addressed her feelings for me, always pushed any indications into the dark recesses of my mind where it was left to rot forevermore because I didn't want to disrupt the status quo. 

My relationship with her as it is, was fine as it is. Putting romance into the mix was a dangerous concoction the way things were… especially with how I already feel about Ash, or hell, Irene even…  when you consider those things, I just couldn't see it… see us happening.

But now current circumstances had forced my eyes wide open, and like it or not, it was time to face the music I had shut my ears to all this time.

Ash wriggled her ears, spinning graciously to the melody playing soft and gentle. Her expression anticipating, her gaze burning. 'Is it me or is it her?'. It was as if she didn't know the answer already to that obvious question.

Maybe she really didn't.

Maybe I really didn't.

"Well," I formed a smile, and spun along. "Who can say for sure? You're both very enticing rewards."

She smiled back at that. I noticed she's been smiling more and more often now. This convention's really doing its magic on getting her to unwind - and I have Amanda to thank for that too.

"You flatter me, Master. However, your statement does not prove a sufficient answer to the question." 

"It wasn't supposed to."

"Aah, how the burning curiosity lingers," She shook her head with a breathy chuckle. "I suppose I shall find out soon enough when the time comes."

"That you will," I said, then raised a brow. "Or, here's an idea… you could just drop out of this completely and save me the trouble. What do you think?"

The old Ash would have nodded her head in an instant, anything to better appease her Master in any way possible. However, current Ash was built slightly differently. Now she had her own whims, and with it, her own wants.

Ash didn't move her head in the slightest inch.

"I think not, Master," She replied, a sheepish smile manifesting in a twirl around. "Though it is true I was coerced by Lady Amanda to partake in this activity, over time I have come to realize that this might prove… an enlightening lesson for me, to put it one way."

"A lesson, huh? A lesson in what exactly?"

"A lesson in you, a valuable lesson too," Her swaying hair dropped as she finished her spin. "Your thoughts, your feelings… to better understand you, Master, I feel it is imperative to know just how far you'll go for the one you ultimately desire." 

"Oh-ho? That's a very commendable reason to stay as a first-place prize," I said. "But how do I know that you aren't also just doing this just to see your Master push himself to the brink for his dear precious servant; shall it end up being you that I pick?"

Another breathy chuckle, another sheepish smile. "You don't."

Suddenly, an echo shot throughout, a booming clap of hands that assailed the musical serenity. Then, breathing deep, the announcer came forth once more with a grin spread from ear to ear."

"Ahh, dancing. A unison of feelings and camaraderie like no other," He said with deep fondness to his tone. "Alas, it wretches my heart to say that all good things inevitably still have their ends. Now, it is time to rid away of the music, away with the dance. Princesses, I ask that you both return your throne and await the start of the tournament… which shall be commencing shortly, I may add. So to anybody interested who hasn't yet to fill in their names at the judges' panel, now would be the time to do so. That is all. Everyone enjoy!"

There was a hushed murmur of disappointment in the crowd, with a vocal few breathing out breaths of relief. I guess I wasn't the only one reaching my breaking point.

My grip on Ash's hands went lax, and slowly she let them fall back to her side, one distancing step backward, with a final curtsy to follow. "I suppose I better be off, Master. I shall await with bated breath for your choice to be unveiled."

I bowed back, one hand across my chest. "Just don't suffocate."

When I looked back up, I expected her to be gone already… amidst the crowd gradually dispersing around the room. But she was still there, one hand over the other, with a gaze tender.

"For transparency's sake, Master, regardless of your choice, whether it be me or Lady Amanda, regardless shall you prove victorious or if another shall claim me as their glory, please know that regardless of the outcome next, that I will always be your faithful, loyal Servant to the end. Rest assured, there's nothing that will ever change that."

Leave it to Ash to appease even the most minuscule of butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Regardless of what happens next, what choices I make next, she'll always see me, greet me, with a smile.

Something I don't think I'll be able to say for a certain someone else.

"I know, Ash," I said, then nudged my head left. "Now head back to your throne, your Highness. I'll see you in a bit."

And with a final departing bow, she finally took her leave, perched once more atop her high and mighty throne of gold. Shortly after, Amanda had made her return too, slumping down to her seat, burying one side of her face into her fist… a brazen weary sigh leaving her narrow lips.

I like to think the only reason she looked the way she did now was that she was simply worn out from all the dancing she had to do. Yeah, I'd like to think that, like to believe that… but I wasn't blind to the true reason anymore.

Time to make my choice.

Without all the waltzing and prancing, the route to the judges' panel was as clear as an empty road… I walked the streets, no longer concerned about bumping into any spinning cars or twirling bikes and before I knew it, I found myself staring down at a rather odd bunch of fellows once again - and they all stared back at me too, each in their own rather odd ways.

The Hunter silently raised his bushy brows.

The Vampire casually twirled at his narrow stache.

The Wizard gave a feeble surprised chuckle.

And The Witch shot up from her seat, very nearly slapping two of her colleagues as she stretched her arms wide apart in welcome.

"Ah, if it isn't the Jester himself!" She said, her smile utterly delighted. "We meet again! Third times truly the charm it seems." 

"Third?" The Hunter furrowed and frowned. "Pretty sure this is just our second. Where did the other meeting come from?"

"Ah, you weren't there for that," She said, addressing his inquiries with a wave. "I told you, remember? He came to my library earlier and played a game. The one Nick was trying to sabotage."

That's when The Wizard suddenly spoke up, his narrow eyes filling with intrigue. "Oh? So this is the very same fellow that actually beat Leon in a match of wits. Very nice."

"Ah, 'least someone here was paying attention."

I just shrugged. "I had helped."

"Yes, another vampire, right?" spoke The Vampire. "Not surprising. I always say Vampires are the smartest out of all the races."

"Dude, shut up, ten plus ten is your kryptonite," said The Hunter, then in an instant, snapped his gaze back to me. "So, you beat Leon, eh? Alright, good for you. So what you gonna do now with that label hanging over your head? Brag? Post it on insta, tweet about it, or something?"

"No, not exactly," I said, placing both my hands firmly on the table, my eyes meeting every single one of theirs. "I'm just gonna go beat him again."

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