
Chapter 344 - True Desires, Part 3 (R-18)

Irene had sprouted a tail. 

A long, black narrow tail. Its shape resembling that of a leaf - or a heart - that's been charred charcoal black with a pointy tip at the end… and there it was like it had always been there, suspended in the air.

Swishing. Flicking. 


She was reaching for something close sitting atop the bedside table, her back faced towards me, leaving the embrace of my arms for just the briefest moment. 

But as consolation, whether intended or otherwise, I'll just say she was as every bit enticing from the rear as she was from the front, and every bit as plump too.

Seeing the faint outline of her spine forming a smooth vertical line down the middle of her back had me salivating, the position her pelvis took, raised, swaying… and like a cobra rising from a basket, I was simply entranced… a wanting, willing slave to the silent gyrating melody of her hips.. 

Her tail fell limp, slithering onto the bedsheets, and Irene spun, turning back towards me, a soft wrinkling noise sounding from the squirming beneath her now closed fists as she did. 

"Just a precaution," She said a little bashfully, spreading open her palms. "I brought some with me, I - I don't know how many we'd need precisely so I took… spares."

I pretended it was the first time I was seeing those things, feigning bemusement as she let them plop onto the bed, those little squarish plastic wrappers in a bright blue bundle. 

Think I've played my shock a little too well to her liking, for she continued to speak out, fumbling through thoughtless words, trying in vain to get rid of the awkward silence in the air.

"Succubi don't get pregnant, usually. Not unless I - No, we!" She hastily corrected herself, passing the blunder off with a cough. "We… choose to be, that is. Our bodies are made to be that way, to pick and choose  the best, and rid ourselves of the worst, so, actually, theoretically, we don't even need these… these things."

"And yet you still brought them with you," I said, taking one from the pile into my hand, feeling it crinkle pressed between my fingers. "Why?" 

"Precaution," She said again, her face somehow turning to an even darker shade of scarlet. "I don't plan on getting pregnant anyway, but this is just in case I, um, absentmindedly, you know..." I heard her swallow. "Change my mind…" 

The look on her face right then was just the perfect blend of endearing and erotic. I pulled her close, already sorely missing the warmth of her skin, and began to slowly rip open one of the packets.

"I guess better safe than sorry, then," I said, teasing her with a sideways glance. 

I only had the packet for like a good thirty seconds in my hands, before it was ripped straight out from my clutches in a whizzing blur of red. The next thing I knew, Irene was fiddling around with it with her fingers, licking lusting lips, and staring down at my erection. 

"Let me do it…" Like a blade threatening, Irene whipped her tail around, pressing the sharp tip against my chest, pushing me, toppling me. "I want to do it." 

How could I, if I would even ever, say no?

As it turns out it was actually wise of her to have brought so much with her. Because in her haste, in her impatience, Irene had torn the packet cleanly in half on her first two attempts, succeeding only in her third, but then accidentally had it slipping between her trembling fingers to the dark empty abyss of the bed below never to be seen again.

When she reached for a fourth that's when my impatience peaked, I couldn't keep my hands to myself with her body just inches away from me, tempting me, so I lunged at her, plunging us both against the mattress. I landed on top of her, and immediately my hands began exploring her every ample curve, with my stiffening member pressing hard against her ass, pulsating painfully with desire.

She gave a giggle in amusement, before craning her neck upwards, and swarming my eyesight with quick, light kisses to the lips to subdue my heavy breathing. 

"Hold on," She whispered softly, playfully, tracing teasing circles around my groin with the tip of her tail. "I almost got it this time, I promise." 

And eventually, she did get it just right. I remembered her with widened eyes, almost frantic, almost deranged, trying in innumerable vain attempts to wrap the rubber around the head of my penis. 

Seeing her fumble and fail, her expression growing more bashful by the second, it only just truly dawned on me then that this whole entire experience was a first time for her too as much as it was for me. 

We were each other's learners, each other's teachers, in this trial and error game we call love… and in that moment, nothing else mattered to me, nothing except for her. It went beyond just wanting her, or craving for her…

At that moment, I needed her. 

I loved her.

"There!" She exclaimed, gasping triumphantly. I looked down at her work - it felt weird, seriously weird. The latex was tight, it felt constricting. I presumed that meant it was on properly. Clearly, Irene thought as much, crawling her way up and over and batting pensive eyes at me. "So how do you want to… how should we do this?" 

I didn't expect her to ask me such a question, and I didn't myself to be searching for an actual answer. All this while, instinct, and impulse had guided us through the motions… but in this case… for this moment especially… it's as if we've never been more aware of each other's apprehension. 

"How do you want it?" I asked her back. 

Irene smiled at that, a sheepish, almost wry smirk. She planted another kiss on my lips again, a long, sensual, slow one this time, before we broke apart, and she clung herself to me close, relaying her answer in the softest of whispers, "How you want it."

So, as gently as I could, I got on top of her once more, our eyes never once leaving each other's gazes. With both hands, I slowly spread her legs apart, and with both hands, she gripped tightly onto the crumpled sheets.

She was wet, glistening… I took a moment to take in the view. I gulped, but swallowed nothing. Inhaled, but still felt breathless. Between her thighs was a narrow pool of moisture. I've… it - it goes without saving… I've seen vaginas before… I really shouldn't be gawking here. 

But up close… personal… hers… 

I was completely immersed. 

My hips were being drawn closer and closer to hers like a magnet. On autopilot, I shifted my knees, positioning myself properly, than clutching my penis with a hand, slowly guided myself towards her closed slit. 

In my nervousness, I ended up slipping… in the dark, it was hard to see, hard to know… the few moments I thought I got in, instead was just me rubbing my dick between the folds of her clit, and even that already felt like nothing but heaven.

Her shrill timid whimpers certainly didn't help. I could hear with every attempt, her growing more impatient, I knew the anticipation was killing her gently inside… because it was killing me too. 

"Lower…" She whispered softly through the back of her hand, her eyes closed firmly shut. "Go lower…" 

I shifted myself again according to her faint murmurs, once more, holding my breath, I pushed… and that's when it happened.

Irene yelped. A sharp gasp instantly silenced. Her hands shot out, clutching more, clutching harder on the sheets - palpitating. At the same time, pleasure, overwhelming, overflowing, surging throughout my entire body. 

This was… I knew now… this was… I penetrated her… I was inside of her. 

She gave another whimper, and I forced myself to a halt. It hurt, the first time always hurts, that's what they always say. I had to take it slow, I had to take it… take it…

Irene's eyelids fluttered open. I saw her face strained, flinching… I thought she was in pain, she had to be in pain… but then I caught the look in her eyes, and heard the breathless words that left her trembling, gaping lips.

"Don't… be gentle."

That was all I needed to hear, all she needed to say, to crumble any and all my restraints. 

I pushed into her deeper, harder… then faster. This sensation, this feeling, I could no longer stop myself from wanting more of it. I was squeezing her hips for a tighter grip, pounding even harder into her, and listening to her loudly moan in response. 

This was… this was it. The way her breasts roughly jiggled and bounced, the wild uncontrollable flailing of her legs, how her body was responding to my own, clamping down on me, this hard squeeze from all around… this was how sex felt like… this was how she felt like it.

I couldn't keep myself upright any longer - I fell forward, collapsing onto her, my lips somewhere in the blur finding hers, as I thrust, as I kept ramming into her, I forced her lips wider apart and she readily complied, offering every inch of her to my demands. I sucked onto her tongue, pulling it as hard as I could, and in response, she did the same. 

It wasn't long before I felt the pressure building again, but unlike last time, I couldn't even resist - with one last hard thrust, and a stifled moan from her buried between our lips - I felt myself spurting out an immense amount inside of her.

Slowly, I pulled myself from out of her, and with a gasp of air, also wrenched our mouths apart. Somehow in our entranced frenzy, the condom managed to stay on. 

It was a strangely intriguing sight watching myself pinching it loose, and seeing my fluids pooling over at one end of it.

They really do work…

"More…" Her voice. "Keep going…"  She said, pleading, her eyes glazed over, fully overcome by pleasure. "I need more..." She spread her legs again. "I need to feel you more." 

Everything was a haze to me, I heard her only just barely. But I knew I too wanted more of it, more of her. I couldn't get enough of it, I didn't think I ever would. 

My head shook light when I nodded, my sights felt blurred when I searched, and my hands felt numb feeling for the rest of the blue packets. 

'There…" I heard myself excitedly whisper when I finally found one, seizing onto it immediately. 

In my eagerness, I discarded the old one with a careless toss, and began to hastily fiddle with the wrapper, trying to tear it open, and I almost did - almost. 

Something hard, and something fast, forcefully knocked the condom out of my hands, disappearing in an instant over the edge of the bed. I didn't know what it was at first, and then I caught the sharp glint of scarlet red from the corner of my eyes… and a narrow black tail slowly swaying in the air.

I turned my gaze towards Irene again, and wordlessly, still breathing heavily, I saw her firmly shake her head at me.

As disorientated as I was, in spite of it, I knew that what I was seeing before me now was not something I should be taking lightly. That shake of the head, I needed to make sure…

"Are you sure you..." I looked for the words, pausing as long as it took for me to find them, and I did find them. "You might be making a mistake." 

"I love you," Her voice whispered out to me feebly. "That's not a mistake." 


She gave a faint smirk. "Ruria..." 

"Ruria," I corrected myself. "Are you sure you want to…?"

"I just want to feel you," She interjected, stretching her arms out towards me. "Please… let me feel you…" 

What I heard from her didn't sound like lust. What she was asking didn't sound like a request that gave into temptation. No, her words, her voice, the deep tender look in her eyes… it was love.

"Let me love you…" 

Immediately, I felt all my qualms dissipate, and slowly, I fell back into her arms, allowing myself to be enveloped by her loving embrace. 

"Okay," I simply said, and locked our lips in another form of a loving embrace. 

The same readied position, the same silent tension. 

I let pure instinct guide me, feeling myself grazing against the suppleness of her thighs. It didn't take long before I was hearing her drawing in another sharp breath as I eventually protruded onto her most sensitive spot.

Without hesitation, I thrust myself into her once more. She reacted instantly - her fingernails on my back gripping tight, as did the walls of her insides, clamping onto me almost refusing to let go.

This was only our second time, and already it felt like a whole new experience than the first. Doing it raw, actually feeling her, actually having sex with her  - it went beyond comparison. 

I wanted it to be slow this time. I wanted us to enjoy this immensely, and as much as we could. I kept the rhythm of our bodies to a snail's pace. When I moved, when she moved… we moved with passion, when we explored, we explored with tenderness. 

Her moans weren't as loud as before, and yet they sounded much more unbridled, much more real. 

For a long, long, while, we stayed as we were, our actions as one, our bodies as one. We didn't need words, we didn't need fervor to satisfy one another… we just needed us.

She squeezed even tighter, and then that's when that familiar mounting sensation began to build again. 

My breathing went heavy. 

"Ruria…" I began to pick up the pace. "I'm… I'm cumming now…" 

A silent nod. A silent consent. 

Then, just as before, I gave it one last powerful thrust - and I was spurting a torrent of cum deep inside of her, and as I came, Ruria arched her back, twitching, spazzing, climaxing as well… before we both fell back limp onto each other, breathing heavy, and breathing fast.

That was my limit.

I couldn't… I couldn't do anymore. I couldn't move anymore. I stayed on top of her, my arms wrapped around hers… fighting back against my drooping eyelids that had suddenly gone heavy.

There was something I wanted to say to her, I didn't know what exactly, I just knew that I needed to say something, anything. But I couldn't, not when I was so drained of energy, not when I was so lost of breath.

Still, I tried to speak, managing only to slur out a faint, "R-Ruria…" before I felt a comforting warmth hold me tight, stroking my hair, caressing my back, lulling me away to a world so tender with a hushing, "Shh." 

And the last thing I heard before sleep overwhelmed me was the sound of a distant gentle voice, saying.

"After. It can wait after." 

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