
Chapter 364 - Eye To Eye

When Ash puts on an apron that's when you really know shit just got so real right now. 

Long nights with studious eyes behind a thick book that dimly illuminated by lamplight spent on nothing but learning and refining the culinary arts had molded her into a master like no other, capable of producing delectable delicacies that I daresay can even rival a mother's cooking.

She was like an artist, the gleaming silver spatula in her hand her brush, and the stove her hot, burning canvas. So attuned was her focus that she didn't react when I told her off-handedly that Amelia would be bunking over a couple of days… too busy by the counter measuring slices of butter down to the micrometer.

That was until I got to the part, spoken hurriedly rush and in a hush, where I mentioned what room exactly Amelia would be bunking herself up in… thought maybe I could slip that little frivolous detail past her, yet alas, those narrow ears perking upwards allowed for nothing to go amiss. 

"That is not her place to choose that," Ash exclaimed, slicing the butter with enough force to nearly sever the bloody cutting board. "All my efforts, my hard work, all for her comfort? I think not! Master, where is she? I would love to have a word with this devious piece of - "

For the sake of brevity, I would not go into the utter struggle it was to quell Ash's outrage. Maybe it was a good thing that Amelia bounced out of sight when she did… being the subject of an irate Elf-Knight surrounded by so many shiny pointy things was not a predicament you wanna find yourself in.

But as fate would have it, thanks to some quick wit and a somewhat silvery tongue, I managed to convince Ash that the room was far too big for a person as small as little sister Sammy, who'd actually much rather prefer sharing a room with her darling big brother after many long months parted from each other.

Thankfully, Ash bought my totally legit wholesome aww-worthy story of the deep bond that siblings shared and continued merrily cooking away… and it didn't take long right after before the smell of simmering steak pervaded every nook and cranny of the house. 

So potent swirled its aroma that from up above I could faintly hear the faint scurrying of footsteps slowly making its way down the stairs. Like a fish slowly being drawn to bait, Sammy's nose was completely snared hook, line, and sinker.

I was over yonder elsewhere setting up plates on the dining table when I saw her taking her first step into the hall, her small little nose wrinkling, her bright blue eyes searching. Her brown hair styled again in its over-the-shoulder braid, swishing and flicking in place as she scoured all over for the reason why her mouth was starting to salivate. 

"Is Mom here?" She asked, upon catching sight of me. "This smells like Mom's here." 

I nudged my head over at the cloud of smoke streaming from the kitchen, smiling, "That'd be just Ash you're smelling, actually."

Sammy continued to stare. "I don't remember ash smelling like steak." 

Smartass, huh? I wonder whose side she inherited that from...

"The Elf, Sammy," I nudged my head in the direction of the kitchen again. "You remember her, right? The one from Tyler's video? The one you thought was my girlfriend?" 

"Oh," She paused. Almost at once, she tensed up, like every single one of her joints has been replaced by icicles. "Yes, I… I remember her…" 

Sammy was wearing that face again, going twice now… with that nervous timid stare she was giving. 

"She's… here now?"

"Well?" I nudged again at her for the last time. "You're not gonna go say hello?" 

"Umm…" She thinned her lips. "Yes, eventually…" 

This little irrational fear of hers of the mythical was something she's gonna need to overcome quick, if she ever hopes to survive the next few days living under this roof… and the sooner, the better.

"Sammy," I said, breathing out a short chuckle. "It's her you gotta thank eventually for making you the meal, y'know?" 

I seriously felt like a father teaching a child her manners or something… over this child was way past being taught and should really know better. 

"Ah, sheesh," She snapped, letting out a little hoarse groan. "You're acting like it's normal for us to be talking to Elves, and sheltering vampires or something! I know you are, but I ain't yet - and I'm trying alright? Give me some time… I'll… fine, I'll - I'll go tell her how I like my steak, I guess…" 


She threw me that annoyed little sister scowl that I've been subjected to oh so many times already, before she went following the trail of white vapor into the kitchen. 

Not wanting to miss their first face-to-face interaction, I precariously crept forward, and peeked an eye around the corner. 

Ash was laser-focused swirling garnishes in a hot pan when Sammy started walking. I was just waiting any second now for her to take notice of that slow ambling figure gradually getting closer.

Then, it finally happened. Just as Sammy was midway close. A wandering glance to the side suddenly freezing stagnant, Ash saw her standing there. In that one moment, that one second of eye contact, it was like you could pinpoint each other's thought process. 

Assessing demeanors first, appearances second. Then when that second came and went, Ash flashed her a warm friendly smile, wide emerald eyes gleaming kind, and drew herself away from the stove, her hands squirming eager against one another.

I'm sure Ash has rehearsed this moment many times in her head already, day and night. Thinking of what to say, how to act, wanting first impressions to be just right, and from the look of things as it was, it was really going quite smoothly. 

That was until she took her first step forward at her. 

Sammy suddenly took a step back.

Ash immediately refrained from taking another step. I didn't know what it was she was seeing out of Sammy, but whatever it was… it vanished her smile in an instant.

There were no words, just total silence… and yet somehow so much was still being conveyed. Ash just stood there in place, her hands falling limp to her sides, and her eyes losing their luster. 

But it was Sammy that caught me off-guard the most. The way she quickly spun around again - facing her back towards Ash - taking large hurried strides in the opposite direction, loud thumping footsteps as she raced back up the stairs. 

She just breezed past me there, she didn't even look at me… but I saw what I saw, and what I saw was not hesitation, not apprehension, she wasn't shy, she wasn't timid… she was scared.

In her eyes, trembling, shaking, I saw fear.

The bedroom door slammed with a distant echo resounding in the sudden tense silence - and like Ash, I was left standing there, a plate in hand, her plate I haven't yet set, stunned… wondering what the hell just happened.

When I looked over back at Ash, the way she just quietly walked back to the stove in acceptance, her head hanging low… it was like she knew this already, expected this already… 

But then midway through, Ash caught me in a glance and immediately froze again. In that second, at that moment's passed, she raised her head again, she was smiling again, and it was such a convincing display that it felt like what happened less than a minute ago was a minute that never existed, that never happened… but it happened.

"Ah... Master, you saw that, did you?" Ash spoke, and even the way that she did spoke contrary to the reality, so bright and cheery. "She bears a striking resemblance, Master. So much of you in her features… she has such lovely piercing blue eyes too. Why, I've no doubt she'd blossom to be a fine young lady." 

I was quiet… and I think she didn't like that quiet, trying to fill it in any way she could, upping the blaze of the stove, and pressing down on the steak making that loud searing noise.

"Ash…" I began before being abruptly cut off.

"You really shouldn't worry yourself about what had transpired just now, Master," Ash hastily continued to say. "The blame does not lie on her for reacting the way she did. Please, consider her disposition, her circumstance, she's never encountered a being like me. it must have simply overwhelmed her too much. Just given what she had seen, it is only natural, after all..." 

How could she still smile so nonchalantly saying all of that? Those days and nights, thinking of what to say, how to act… I don't think it was just Sammy she was rehearsing for.

"And what did she see?" I asked her. "What did she see that it's only natural to want to run away like she did?" 

She looked back at me, still maintaining that glow like nothing was amiss, and she gave her answer still wrapped in that tone of normalcy.


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