
Chapter 395 - Not-So Friendly Face

How? How does he do it? Elusive, evasive… right up until the unexpected, when you least suspect it, it was the same with Irene back then, and it was the same right now.

Jay's smile grew even wider. "Coincidence meeting you here! I was just about to leave town for good, just came here for some last-minute things, how about you?" 

It wasn't exactly clear for Sammy to notice how both mine and Ash's expressions suddenly went rigid. But it's because she didn't know, and I can't let her know… I'm not dragging her into this.

If he's greeting me like this, with this warmness, with this pretense, instead of outright revealing himself… then it should mean he's not planning anything malicious just yet. 

So what the hell was he doing here then? 

I can't sense anything, so no magic… but I can't be too sure of that either, he might have a trick up his sleeve or something.

But what exactly?

So many questions, so sudden, so fast… I can't… what do I -?

"Another friend of yours?" Sammy asked, peeking over at me, spoon in her mouth still. "Was starting to think you didn't have any guy friends in this city." 

"Yeah, he's a friend," I immediately answered, blanking my voice, before forming a smile towards my 'friend', and waving around the paper bag of Sammy's supplies in my hand. "Same. We're just about leaving too…"

In the corner of my eye, Ash had gotten just that little bit closer to take our arms and run, in-between Sammy and I and just a slight inch forward - a subtle guard. She didn't say anything, but I think she knew too to just simply play along for now.

For a moment, Jay let his eyes wander. I tried hiding Sammy from view, try to make her out as something of little regard - but when it came to the magic side of things, there was just sadly no hiding that aspect of her. 

That slight raise of his brow, he knows, he's wondering, he's thinking… but… he didn't care. Yet again, the only thing that mattered to him showed in his eyes, his lenses - the distinct shimmer of green reflecting back. He stared at Ash for the longest time.

"Hey Ash," He spoke, for all his pretense yet unable to hide the fondness in his voice. "How are you doing these days? Are you well?" 

I couldn't see Ash's face, I didn't know what she'd say until she spoke… and then she spoke, "I'm well… as well as can be." 

"Good to know," He nodded, before turning back to me. "Just a heads up, don't think you'll be seeing me for quite some time… try not to miss me, alright?"

"That so, huh?" I couldn't help it, I probed. "Where will you be going, what're your plans?"

Yet once again, he kept firm on his silence. "I'll be here and there, I guess… doing this and that, I suppose. Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it." 

Not counting on it…

"Welp!" He exclaimed, loudly breathing out. "I think I've bothered you long enough. Nice catching up, though! Take care, alright? Same for you too, Ash, and also uh… whoever you may be over there..." 

"Oh, I'm Samantha," Sammy stepped out from behind me, extending her hand forward. "In case you can't tell, which I don't blame you, I'm this ugly mug's little sister." 

"Ooo, a sister?" He took her hand, and I had to resist every impulse, every nerve within me to promptly seize it back, and simply let the scene play out. "Cool. You know, he never mentioned you." 

"Jealousy," She said, smirking. "Don't think any less of him for it if you can, alright?" 

"I'll keep that in mind," Jay said, releasing her hand and stepping back. "Okay, that's my cue to go. See you around!"

It was happening again. Just like back then. This fucker within arm's reach, on a pedestal, gift-wrapped before me. I've no doubt if asked, Ash could take him on for sure… but the way he strode past us confidently, freely… if he had a contingency… I couldn't risk it, couldn't risk Sammy. 

Again, for the third time in a row, I was letting him go.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, one last thing too!" He called out from a distance. I glanced back slightly, and even from afar, right then, I saw it, on his face, the glimmer in his eyes, just briefly, his true intentions laid bare. "Do me a favor? Mind telling that detective of yours to stop pestering a friend of mine? I swear he's clean, I can vouch for him."

A friend? What? The hell was he talking about? What friend? 

"He's getting very angsty being poked and prodded every day," Jay continued, a concern on his face that was far from genuine. "If she doesn't stop, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to intervene… and I don't really wanna do that, so… you mind doing me a solid here?" 

Gonna have to intervene... was that a warning, a threat? If I was confused before, then I don't even know what to call myself now. I wanted so much to poke and prod myself here too, but with Sammy I just - 

"Yeah, sure," I responded back, giving a thumbs up. "You can count on me." 

This time he smiled again, and for once… it didn't feel like he was feigning it. "Thanks, man," then with a turn sideways, he was gone with the passing crowd. 

Could have imagined the whole thing... seeing him gone like that, it was so easy to think that he hadn't been here all along. But seeing Ash untense her shoulder, unclench her fists… there was no denying it, he was here, he was close… too close.

Thank God nothing happened at least. If something happened to Sammy, I don't know what I'll...

But what the hell was he talking about? This friend of his, does that mean there's another person walking around this city just like him? Another Magus? And what - Irene knew about it this whole time too? Why didn't she bring this up? Why wasn't I told? 

Could have at least warned me, I could have time to prepare, could have time to set up a guard.

A guard…


What did she say to me back then? Something about staying over for a few days? Keeping an eye on me, on things, all on her own initiative? That Irene had nothing at all to do with the decision? I think it's safe to call that claim complete bullshit now...

"Didn't catch his name," Sammy said, too busy digging up another spoonful to be concerned about anything else. "Oh well, don't think I'll bother remembering it anyhow."

"Don't worry," I said, immediately moving us along again towards the exit. "I didn't bother remembering it either. He's just a guy." 

"Well, that guy's asking for your help, you better get to it," She mumbled, a spoon in her mouth. "You gonna call the detective girl or what?" 

"Later," I replied, sharing with Ash a grim knowing look. "I'll call her later." 

And she better has some answers for me too.

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