
Chapter 629

Tomorrow... tomorrow, there was only a single afternoon to be spent with Lenora remaining. Afterward, would begin again the long months of obeying, of fighting, and of killing without question, day after day without pause, without peace. All for the sake of unwavering loyalty.

Eshwlyn sat in her bedroom within the confines of the Hendrick Manor, the blazing orange hue of dusk pouring through the framed window and bathing her figure in the warm evening shadow.

Her sword laid in her lap, its once lustrous shine dulled by faded stains of gray. She slowly ran a damp cloth over its edge, her face revealing clearer on its surface with every swipe.

“Tomorrow...” Her murky reflection quietly muttered back at her. It was a contained eagerness that left with her whisper, and as well as a profound sadness harboring beneath.

It felt as if only but a second had passed since she first returned to the township and in a single blink, the days had already fast gone by since. Now, she had only meager hours left, precious hours... that she wholeheartedly intended to treasure every second of... together with her... and if that diligent Magus could happen to pry away from her work... then together with them...

The cheery smiles, the mirthful laughter, the bitter tears goodbye... in her head, she could almost see them... in her heart, she could almost feel them...


“Tomorrow...” She flourished her sword forward into the air, the sharp glint of the setting sun shimmering pristinely at its polished tip.

Once satisfied, she promptly returned the blade back into its sheath, propping it against the bedside, and then, with her mind wrought with the confusing feeling of trepidation, Eshwlyn rolled over onto bed and began the lengthy struggle to attain a restful night... wishing earnestly that time would just speed it up, and yet desiring just as much for time to stay as it was forevermore.

She did not know how long it took for sleep to come, an eternity, a few seconds, all she knew was that it was late into the night when she found herself suddenly awoken.

A stern voice, a firm demand, rousing her with a start, “Get up now,” and suddenly, the golden glow of Tilina’s frigid gaze stared back at her.

The pale moonlight shone brightly from the window, whitening her crimson hair, and more alarmingly, illuminating the silvery gleam of her knight armor. It was the sight of that, more than the coldness she permeated, that churned Eshwlyn’s insides with panic and despair.

“We are leaving?” She asked, sitting upright, and with the tumultuous beating of her heart already knowing the answer.

“Master calls for us,” Tilina said, veering her eyes away and turning instead to the nightly view outside. Eshwlyn trailed her movements and quickly glimpsed upon a horse-drawn carriage sitting idly by and presumably awaiting their arrival. “We are to depart at once.”

“But why? How is this so?” Eshwlyn scrambled up to her feet, masking her outrage well with the echoes of her confusion. “I was promised another day with my sister, was I not? Surely, Master knows this. Could he possibly be mistaken? Or perhaps, he just-”

“Do not dwell us here longer with your questions, and simply do as you’re told, won’t you?” The Knight sharply reprimanded, snapping back at her with an unpleasant glare. “After all this time, you still believe your desires are yours to indulge upon as you see fit? What would it take for you to finally understand? You are not a free Elf anymore, your wants, your needs, and your life are now forfeit. It’s about time you start accepting that it is so.”

Eshwlyn fell instantly into a stiff quiet, and Tilina turned, leaving her alone in her own silence.

“Get dressed,” She ordered. “Do not stall anymore.”

It was with a strongly oppressed bitterness and frustration that Eshwlyn boarded the carriage, deliberately avoiding Tilina’s eyes so as to not show her resentment and anger that was brimming in hers.

The lash of reins, the creaky swivel of wheels, and then began their long, stifling journey onwards... every bump, every turn along the winding path uninterrupted... a painful reminder of the laughter, smiles, and the tears... that she’ll now never get to see... a tomorrow that will never be.

She didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye. But this frustration, this somberness she was feeling... she had only herself to blame for it. It was exactly as Tilina proclaimed-that her desires were now forfeit. She should have expected this, this fault in thinking was no one but hers to bear.

“The encampment north of the Reno’s domain,” Eshwlyn muttered, complying eyes falling to the hilt of her blade at her side. “I presume Master wishes to meet us there?”

“No, we will not be going off to the battle this time,” Tilina answered, her brazen nonchalance sitting in stark contrast to the large implications of her words. “The humans have conquered enough lands for the time being, any more and they risk stretching themselves too thin. It will be years of cultivating and shaping a proper foundation before they begin claiming any more of the earth for themselves.”

“Not... to battle? We will be journeying no longer?” Her lips hung open for a brief second before she found her next question. “Then where exactly are we embarking towards?”

“The Kingdom of Astra,” The Knight answered. “Before His Majesty’s court. Master will be expecting us there.”

It was another stiff silence that followed, Eshwlyn’s face expressing an incredulity that didn’t need to be spoken with words. The Kingdom of Astra, the embodiment, the very manifestation of humanity’s strength and dominance. A province of no equal might or size. The advent of all human progress. Ruled and governed by His Majesty, the ever-illustrious King Ardvair.

For her to be transported to such a place, to be summoned in the presence of such nobility and authority, with such little notice, little warning... Eshwlyn could only ascertain one reason as to why... but she can’t be sure... not yet... after all, she could still be wrong...

“Do you possibly know...?” She asked the aloof glow of gold across from her. “Has Master informed you why we are needed? Why I am needed? Surely, such a place... would be ill-fitting for someone like me, is that not so?”

Tilina slowly blinked at her, pointed ears hearing far more than what was said. “Think on this, why don’t you? Why is it indeed that Master believes your presence is necessary in such a place? Really think,” She urged, before shaking her head. “But alas, I believed you already had, haven’t you? And what you’re thinking now... let me assure you... you are not wrong.”

Then suddenly before any more could be said or done, the carriage jolted into an abrupt halt, jerking both passengers slightly off-balance, from outside the driver gave a surprised yelp, and the shrill whinny of a startled horse echoed in the night. Both Elves took a readied grip on the hilt of their blades, a tense still moment came and went, there was a muffled yelling resounding outside, and to Eshwlyn-a familiar voice.

“As the presiding Tower Magus of the Township of Ulian, I command you not to pass an inch further! You are forbidden from leaving this land until I am done with my business!”

Tilina made a noise of confusion, and Eshwlyn breathed out a light sigh of elation, the both of them coming to the same realization-Terra was just right outside-and with that revelation, followed immediately a question-why?

The Knight disembarked first after pressing Eshwlyn to remain within. But Eshwlyn huddled closer to the walls, her ears perked and senses sharpened, hearing even the slightest rustle of the leaves.

“What is the meaning of this, dear Magus?” Tilina inquired. “Are you aware that you deliberately obstructing my Master’s-”

“Oh, I am all too aware of what I am doing, I assure you,” Terra said, the sound of her footsteps heavy and loud. “You are not the only one that hears all of what that high-and-mighty buffoon intends to do.”

“Do not speak ill of my Master.”

“Then please mention him no further,” She advised. “Otherwise, I’m afraid I can be even less polite with my words, you’ll come to find.”

Tilina could be heard stifling a snarl. “What do you want?”

“The other Elf, the one still stowed inside the carriage,” the sound of her footsteps drew closer. “I wish to speak to her strictly in private for just a brief moment inside.”


“Because I feel like it, it’s one of my favorite pastimes, you see,” echoed a distinct weary tone of sarcasm. “I don’t need to explain my reasons. If you really must, go report this to your Master. I’m sure he’ll really thank you for pestering him so late in the night.”

When no words of resistance came about, Terra could be heard grunting in approval, before with the squeak of wood and hinges, clambered inside the heavy flutter of thick robes loosely draping all over the carriage floor.

A startling pair of wide blue eyes, and a finger pressed to her own thin lips, Terra waved her other arm, and out sprang a leather book from the gap in her robes.

The pages gave a ruffle, and then flicking her arm once more-the carriage door slammed close, and as the resounding echo faded away... so did every other sound within the vicinity. A complete and utter silence that could not be broken, a magic ward just perfect... in order to hear what cannot be heard.

“You are being Converted,” Terra said to her, the firmness in her voice dwindling to an unease. “Wilvur wants you at Astra in order for you to become a full-fledged Knight.”

“I know...” Eshwlyn replied grimly. “Two years he has confined me to his whims... and now he has decided to make it official once and for all...”

“Yes, but it’s become clear to me you do not know what Conversion truly entails,” Terra leaned in closer, resting both hands against the Elf’s lap, her baggy sleeves rolling over. “Listen, Conversion of an Elf into a Knight requires the proficiency and refinement only offered by a very well-learned magic-wielder... so naturally, the Grand Magus of the Kingdom would play an active role in the process.”

“If it’s only a simple manner of magic,” Eshwlyn began, utterly dreading the prospect of a stranger’s magic being used against her. “Then couldn’t you yourself-?”

“I cannot,” She said at once. “Or rather, I will not. It is an abhorrent practice meant to you reduce your kind to nothing more than willing slaves. And it will not be me to forever subject you to such a lifeless form of living. But, argh! This is not what I came here to talk to you about! Please, just listen! It’s imperative that you do! I take too long now and I’ll just arouse more suspicion than I already have.”

Despite the questions swelling, the panic growing, Eshwlyn mustered the effort to keep her lips closed, her body still, just long enough to sit and listen.

“Conversion is a very demanding affair, with most of the burden falling upon you. For in order to become a Knight, your very nature, you to your most intrinsic senses, will have to be overridden. Everything about you, you will be pledging to the service of your Master and every other Master you will have henceforth, and for the rest of your life, to your dying breath, this is how you will live your life. Doing, wishing, wanting, desiring, no longer for your sake... but for your Master’s.”

Terra paused here to breathe, to compose herself, her lips gradually thinning as they silently stared at one another, as if almost too afraid to say another word more.

“But for the Conversion to succeed, it is you yourself that will have to be willing for it to be so. They cannot force this. You must already accept this, you must already be willing to be resigned yourself to this fate, and you must do so out of loyalty and devotion to your Master. And should you succeed in this, then you will know, it will show... your soul, your body, it will be scorched, branded with the mark that will forever symbolize your eternal pledge to humanity.

“It will be an indescribable agony like no other. You will feel as if you are on fire, but you must not waver, you must not bend-the reluctant do not survive this. You must will yourself to forge on until the very end. When it is done, you will emerge a different being-Eshwlyn the Elf-Knight-and you will be recognized by everyone as nothing more and everything less.”

The more Eshwlyn learned of Conversion, the more she felt her resolve waver. There was usually very little that she felt a semblance of fear for... yet this... this was beyond fear...

But if this is what it takes... if this was what has to be done, then there was no pain, no level of degradation that will keep her from-

“I know what you are thinking, Eshwlyn,” Terra leaned in closer, close enough that the blue in her eyes was all she could see. “If for your sister, if for Lenora, then you will succeed no matter what, am I right?”

“All this,” Eshwlyn spoke, her voice low and calm. “I do for her.”

“I know.” She swallowed. “But not for this.”


“Do you not see? Have you not realized the deviousness in this ploy of his yet? Have you not ever wondered why he has allowed you to meet your sister? Despite already assuring your obedience with Lenora’s confinement, why he even bothers himself with your due happiness?”

Terra’s voice was rising, ringing more deafening, more piercing than the silence surrounding them.

“This is Wilvur’s ultimate and final test for you! He will use the Conversion in order to gauge your true allegiance! Whether it is true that you are loyal only to him or if you were, all along, only loyal out of love!” She exclaimed, a deranged strained look contorting her usual refined expressions. “He seeks to gain only the most strongest, the most loyal Elf-Knight ever cultivated, and for some unknown reason, he believes it is you! If you were to prove him wrong now, should the Conversion fail, and should he see his aspirations vanish before him because of you, his most gifted servant... I... I do not know what he will do... especially to the subject of your true loyalty... he will be merciless... ”

Before Eshwlyn could even think, Terra grabbed hold of both her hands, clutching them tightly, clasping them together with hers, almost as if in prayer... a shaky, trembling prayer.

“So please,” She heaved, the corner of her eyes nearly forming tears. “For your sister’s sake... do this, pledge to him, be loyal to him, strip all feelings and dedicate them solely and only to him! Be his Knight not just in name, but in total faith! Eshwlyn the Elf-Knight, that is who you must become!”

“If you manage to do this, should you truly surrender yourself completely-forfeit your life!”

Another heave, another bout of silence, as Terra’s tears began to fall heavy, her words bringing their own anguish upon her, more than sympathy, more than empathy resounding with the agony in her voice.

The way her blue eyes shimmered bright... glimmering with the burning tears of love.

“Then perhaps your sister might just get to keep her own.”

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