
Chapter 683

It almost felt as if I was levitating, and maybe it was just the leftover alcohol still making its departure through my system, only this felt better, nicer, like nothing I’ve ever felt before... and every time I rolled her little swirly gift to me between my fingers, that feeling just surges even stronger.

I kept fiddling with the necklace, admiring it from all possible angles... from one side it kind of resembled a tiny lava lamp, from another it looked more like a vial that contained the only cure to a deadly pandemic, and I’m sure I could have come up with a bunch more comparisons had I not suddenly been distracted by the fakest, and faintest of coughs.

“I’m glad you’ve taken a liking to it, frankly, more than I’ve even anticipated,” Irene chimed in ever so discreetly. “But, um... I hope you’re not forgetting that Christmas is a two-way thing, yes?”

“Ah, yes, it’s my turn to give you your present now, isn’t it?” I smiled, letting the crimson essence in the cylinder sway and rest against my chest once more. “Bet a hundred you’ve been waiting for this exact moment all night, haven’t you?”

“Indeed, and what an agony it’s been, truly,” She rolled her eyes. “Just hurry up with it already.”

Well... not like she was denying it.


My chair’s hind legs gave a squeak as I got out of my seat, shambling and stumbling through the aftermath of empty beer cans and plastic cups towards the still half-decorated tree, reaching around blindly for Irene’s gift and hoping with all my heart that some drunk bastard did not whimsical decide to make off with the free goodies just sitting here beneath some branches.

To my immense relief, no alcoholic-Grinch decided to pay me a visit tonight, and I retrieved the little heart-shaped box safely in my hands. Then replacing that relief, came dread, as I shuffled my way back... and rapidly, I was starting to relate with that embarrassment Irene felt that one moment.

If we’re going by tiers and rankings, then to me, Irene and her gift were placed way up high on that pedestal. On the other hand, you got me, you got what I have to offer... and really, it wasn’t even a contest at that point.

I thought a chocolate box was just perfect when I bought it, had myself reaffirming my decision when wrapping it up. But now having this dangling, swirling piece of perfection swinging around my neck... I’m really starting to think that maybe I should have chosen better.

Another squeak, and I was back in my seat. I took a page out of her book and tried to play it casual... only except I forgot that I seriously suck and I’m the literal worst and ended up with something not-as-casual.

“Here, the gift, yours, this is... well, you were there, you already know what it is, um... yeah, this... this is it.”

I then slid the gift over towards her side, somehow moving even more limp and awkward than I sounded, and I really just wanna crack open my skull right about now.

Know what? Maybe Irene had the right idea with the whole closing-the-eyes thing. I probably would have been a whole lot more smoother if I didn’t have her gaze constantly affixed to me and throwing me off with its... its gaziness.

“Oh, embarrassed?” She cocked a brow as she reached for the box. “Funny how the tables turn like that, hm? Lucky for you, I’m not cruel like you. You’re spared of any teasing, better be grateful.”

“Yeah, I’m in your debt,” I said, sighing, mildly surprised I wasn’t blowing smoke like a steam engine from how hot my face had become. “Thank you for your mercy.”

All the same though, hearing her rip and tear away at the wrapper was like Matriarch nails on a chalkboard, and my sense of inferiorly took over.

“Compared to yours, it’s not much,” I muttered. “But, um...”

“You’re forgetting this was my first choice for you too,” She interjected, setting aside the crumpled wrappings before slowly lifting away the red-gold cover. “So clearly, I thought it was good enough for you.”

“Yeah, but now you’ve gotten me something better,” again, my fingers flew to the tiny cylinder against my chest. “Much, much better. And I guess I just wish...”

“That yours was better too?” She finished for me, meeting my eye with a faint smile that understood plenty. “Hey, whatever happened to the saying, ‘it’s the thought that counts’, huh?”

Irene plucked a piece of white chocolate from the selection, taking a sizable bite, and in her hazel eyes showed immense satisfaction.

“And really, you were never gonna win in your position anyway,” She continued. “Me? Amanda? The Elf? And Divines’ know who else? Picking a single present is already hard enough. And you, the loving, loveable man that you are, decided to bite off more than you can chew.”


“Right?” She took another bite, finishing the piece. “In any case, I’m just happy you did get me something... I wouldn’t care what it was... as I said, it’s the thought that counts... and the best present I’ll ever receive is the knowledge that you were indeed thinking of me all along.”

“Isn’t that just a given?” I said. “Thinking about you comes naturally, and I’m sure it goes both ways. It shouldn’t really be something you should be satisfied over... not especially when I can do much better for you.”

“I’m aware,” She replied, downing the piece with a small sip of wine. “But since when did I ever mention that I’m at all a hard woman for you to satisfy?”

Gotta admit, there was some truth in that. Despite her elegance, her demeanor, hell, the entirety of her in general being leagues way above mine, demand-wise, she was as lenient as they come. Aside from that one and only time, she’s never made any demands, nor ultimatums, so unlike a certain other woman I know.

I know that, but still...

“So... you’re really okay with this?” I slowly asked her. “Just... just this?”

“Why do you ask?” She inquired, glancing up at me with anticipation. “Why, do you have anything more hidden up your sleeve?”

“No, not really.”

“Then, yes, I’m okay with just this. More than okay, actually...” She plucked another piece from the box, dark brown this time, plopping it whole into her mouth. “You did good. I actually really love chocolate.”

I nodded quitely, but deep inside, I still felt a sliver of discontent still lingering... a feeling I didn’t do a very good job of hiding all that well.

“Oh, just look at you anguishing in silence over there, wanting so badly to match the gift I gave you, simply unable to see that you already have,” Irene softly cooed, giggling. “You know, you also have your adorable moments too sometimes.”

“Can’t help it...” I shrugged. “Y’know, I just...”

“I know, I know...” She flashed that same understanding smile. “Still always trying to bite off more than you can chew...” and shook her head fondly at me. “Maybe that’s why I’m so in love with you.”

Irene plucked another brown piece from the selection, but instead of immediately chucking it into her lips, she leaned slightly forward off her chair, extending her hand out towards mine instead.

“Open wide,” She demanded. “Say ‘ahh’.”

“Oh wow,” I went cross-eyed, stricken by disbelief, shattered by this revelation, staring at the chocolate piece before my eyes unable to comprehend just what I was seeing. “You’re... you’re actually doing this kind of thing? This, I certainly expect from Amanda. But coming from you...”

“Oh, come on...” Her hand sagged down a little. “I’m allowed my romantic moments too, aren’t I? You seriously think I’m always the harsh detective with a stick up her ass?”


“Answer that wrong, I dare you,” She warned, before jabbing her hand out again. “Now, hurry up already. Ahh~”

I opened my lips just barely, and Irene practically shoved the entire chocolate piece down my throat, all the while wearing an expression of absolute contentment on her face.

Almost like a giddy child, really. I kinda wish I was recording the whole thing... oh, just what her rainbow squad would have to say, seeing their refine and prudish detective smiling so goofily the way she was.

I’d probably be put in witness protection if she ever found out. Ah, but then again, this side of her, those eyes, that smile, and her words now... I think I much rather prefer to keep them all to myself.

“There you go,” She told me, licking the chocolate stains from the tip of her fingers perhaps a little too lavishly. “Now you’ve officially made my Christmas.”

And really, I think that may be all for the best.

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