
Chapter 941 Missing Presence

Chapter 941 Missing Presence

"Phenomenal. Absolutely phenomenal job, Qredrar!" 

The Director left his place behind the camera, walking into the scene, approving and applauding along the way. He turned his sunglasses in Amelia's direction; every source of light gleaming and glittering in its mirrored darkness, pushing the rare smile he had on his face to a level close to blinding. 

"See that? You see that everyone? Now that's—that's acting," He raved and praised, shooting a finger at Amelia like the first caveman discovering fire. "You all saw how she says her lines? Heard why she says her lines? The way she carries herself! You don't even see her anymore, the actress disappears—and what's left? Mmm… complete and utter perfection." 

He then turned the other way, to the only other performer in the scene, the shimmer and sparkle evaporating from his shades.

"Remelda, that was acceptable. You got anger, but you're still just hamming it up, I feel. Like you're trying to be angry instead of actually being angry. Lucky you got Qredrar bouncing off you to balance it out, but no more of that going forth, understand? Work on that anger or you're fired." 

The angry elf simply snorted, rolling her eyes and wearing a carefree smile that was entirely out of character for her. 

"Careful what you wish for, Director," Hayley warned, striding away off the set with a spring to her step. "You might not like me when I'm actually angry." 

"Are we done here?" The Elidna suddenly snapped, tapping a flipper against the dirt with rapidly diminishing patience. "You have me reiterate my performance ten times already, each rendition with a vastly different approach, and so far I have complied. I will not entertain an eleventh." 

Anybody else, and that definitely wouldn't fly around here. They'd be gone, their bags and talents packed before they could even finish the sentence, but not before getting scorched by the director's big breath of flames. 

In this case, though… for her… before her… that dragon-director was as meek as a sheep. 

"Well… but… I mean…" he muttered apprehensively, scratching a non-existent itch at the back of his head. "There are still some things left I'd like to shoot… some close-ups… your expression…" 

Amelia glared, a single second, a single look… in a way, giving him exactly what he wanted… which he immediately regretted. 

"On second thought, we'll make do. You're free to go, you're excused, umm," the Director veered his shades all around, fervently searching for something, and apparently finding it directly in my direction. "Chester! Good! You're here! Where the hell were you, huh? Actually, never mind. Everyone, dismiss! Take five! I need to sort some things out first. Oh, and can someone please try and get a hold of Terestra for Chrissake?! She's the only one left now!" 

Everyone uninvolved with his tirade promptly left him there still shouting orders to no one in particular. I followed Leon into a small trailer set up nearby by his prodding, one I could only assume was reserved solely for his use. It would certainly explain how posh and regal the whole interior was. As if someone turned Leon into a color scheme. 

"You can relax here for the time being, if you like," he said. "Trust me, you'll need it. Once it's our time to shine, I don't imagine we'd be stopping until everything's just perfect in his eyes." 

I stepped into his luxurious abode and took a seat on quite possibly the comfiest piece of cotton I've ever sat on. It was like sitting on a cloud. How the hell does this man get anything done with comfort like this?

"That Amelia is seriously setting a dangerous bar for the rest of us," Leon said, taking a pair of ice-cold refreshments from a mini fridge and slid one my way. "Hayley's acting would have been more than good enough a couple of shoots back. But now he's spoiled. It's either we match up to Amelia or not at all."

I looked at him, his stature, head to toe dripping with endless charm… even the way he sat down opposite to me… hell… and he's talking about high bars?

"Guy like you, talent spilling out of his ass," I cocked a brow at him. "And you're worried?" 

"Look, alright, I'm good, but…" he paused, letting a low, modest chuckle. "...well, you saw Amelia's acting. That woman is in a different league. If not for this movie, I would have thought she was the real deal—no kidding."

"I suppose," was all I allowed myself to say about it. 

"And I'm not even talking about when we're filming either," Leon went on. "When we're still setting up, she just suddenly shows up out of nowhere like she's always been here. And I swear, man—those nails of hers? They have to be real. I brushed past her once the other day. Accidentally. In case you couldn't tell, this is a different robe I'm wearing today. Didn't have the time to patch up the other one." 

Right, well… that's my cue to change the subject now. 

"What's happening with Terestra?" I asked, my ears still ringing with the Director's drivel. "Celine, I mean. The new girl. She isn't here?" 

Leon made a face. Subtle. The kind of look you give when you wanna believe an issue isn't really an issue. 

"She's just late," He said, sipping his can. "Or I hope so."

"You hope so?" 

"Celine plays an amazing Terestra. You'd like her, but…" Leon frowned, the look no longer as subtle. "... she's quite controversial. You saw how she looks? Yeah, it's not close to the real thing. And apparently, a lot of people thought the same. When we announced that we got our Terestra online, and everyone saw how she looked… well, let's just say, quite a bunch of them made their opinion very known." 

"Oh," I said, realizing the rest. "That bad, huh?" 

Leon decided that rather than waste his breath, it was better I saw it for myself. He handed me his phone, already opened to the studio's personal feed and before long I found myself scrolling endlessly away at a flood of outcry and disapproval. 

"We told her to ignore it. That all the noise was just a very loud minority. That once they see her in action, it'll all stop. And as far I could tell, she didn't seem to be letting it get to her…" Leon paused again, staring at me and far into nothing. "But in hindsight… Celine is a very good actor, so… you know…" 

And he left it at that, taking another, longer, heavier chug, before exhaling loudly. 

"What happens if she doesn't show?" I asked, handing him back his phone. "We cancel the shoot?"

"Actually, we'd be just fine with the first couple of scenes," He said. "It'll be just me, you, Tressa, and Remelda for quite a while. After that, well… Terestra's supposed to show, it's the crux of the entire scene… and if she doesn't show… well…" 

Leon suddenly shot up, drink still in hand, and finally giving the present issue the look that it deserved.

"I'm gonna go see Hayley," he declared, pacing hurriedly toward the trailer door. "Maybe she can get a hold of her. Celine seemed to like her most." 

I was much too comfy in my seat to even think of leaving it, so I decided to just see him off, finally cracking open my can and chugging a refreshing cold rush of tea down into my body. 

When I looked back, I expected to see Leon already gone. Instead, he was still there, motionless, the door hanging wide open in front of him. He seemed to be staring at something… something extremely close.

"Uh," I heard his voice echo back to me. "I think you got a guest." 

"I do?" I blinked. "Who?"

Leon slowly stepped off to the side, and a silhouette emerged from the bright, blinding glow of the midday sun. There was no mystery, I knew that dark figure anywhere… or actually, it would be more accurate to say that I knew that scowl anywhere. 

Amelia entered the trailer as a silent, brooding blackness. Her wings were gone from her back, her long feet nowhere to be seen protruding through the thick hems of her black dress, she came as herself… and I think I much rather prefer being visited by an actual Elidna than her. 

"Leave us," she quietly demanded, her dark eyes flashing Leon the quickest, slightest sliver of regard. 

"Right…" Leon murmured, eyeing Amelia's claws extensively while slowly inching his way outside. "Make yourself at home, um… I guess."

A second later, the trailer door swung closed once more, the light dimming, the room slightly darkening, and I took a deep breath, bracing myself for whatever the hell I got coming in store for me now.

"Whatever it is you think I did, I think I can explain," I said, initiating first. "Just get to the point first, alright? After that, you're free to insult me."

"I am not here to admonish you for anything," Amelia said. "That is not to say there is nothing more that persists to berate you for. Rest assured, you remain still an unending grievance to my eyes." 

"Good to know," I raised my can to her. "So what do you want?" 

"Originally, I came with the intent to question you regarding what I've heard about your family." 

"You wanna know that they're really here?" I said. "Yeah, they are. And they'll be here quite soon. I suppose you're looking forward to it? Y'know, reunion and all." 

Amelia made a face to that. The same subtle look as Leon before. 

"Delighted," she replied dryly. "But that aside, there is now another matter I wish to consult with you about." 

Consult with me? Since when did the two of us start doing consultations? She calls me names, I get defensive, she scoffs at my pleas, and then takes her leaves. That's been the basis of our relationship since the dawn of time. 

Who shifted the paradigm?

She began to break from her standstill, taking light, silent steps my way, and before I knew it, I was gazing opposite me again… Amelia having taken Leon's spot in his place. 

Maybe I shouldn't have gotten too comfy, after all.

"Well?" I nudged her on, risking a bit of intrigue. "I'm listening." 

For a moment, she hesitated; her lips twitching at the sides. And when she next spoke, I realized right away why she hesitated. The cause of that twitch. 

Pure and utter repulsion. 

Or maybe something just as mundane as simple embarrassment. 

Knowing her, either option is equally as likely. 

"I require some aid with Tyler." 

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