
Chapter 25 - She Will Not Run Away In A Dress. Duh.

[Damn .. why did I turn stupid? I can't possibly write.]

Emmelyn was surprised at herself. Usually, she was very smart. But why did it seem like her brain refused to work this morning? She forgot that she couldn't use her right hand.

Then, how could she write the list of foods she liked?

Finally, she decided to come to the kitchen on her own and meet the cooks. Easier to just talk to them, right?

As soon as she stepped inside the kitchen that was located at the far end of the castle, several cooks who were chopping vegetables immediately came to greet her respectfully.

"Good morning, My Lady."

For a moment, Emmelyn was stunned. She used to go back and forth to this kitchen to get food for Prince Mars, and they never respected her, because she was just a lowly servant.

But ... now they were all very respectful. And ... it looked like they didn't recognize her.

Aha. Did this mean that nobody knew who she really was? This meant that yesterday when Emmelyn was detained by the guards for trying to kill Mars, the prince didn't tell anyone who she really was. Only the three bodyguards knew about her ...

Ahhh ... This made Emmelyn feel calmer. She would be ashamed if these servants and cooks found out that she was posing as a servant here for a month, before becoming the mother of the crown prince's future children.

The thought created a smile on Emmelyn's lips. She excitedly waved her hand and called the cooks to come over. Two men and a woman came to her and immediately listened to her words.

"The prince asked me to tell you all my favorite food," said the girl. The three of them nodded respectfully. "Can you read the list of food if I wrote them for you?"

They shook their heads in unison. Emmelyn sighed. She had guessed that none of these lowly servants could read. Luckily, she didn't bother writing down a list. It would have been a waste of time on her side.

"Alright .. then, how do you guys know how to make food that I like?" asked Emmelyn in a desperate tone. "I won't be able to teach you how to make them. I can't cook. I only know how to eat."

Emmelyn was better at using knives for knife-fighting than for cooking.

"My lady... it's okay. You just tell us what food do you like. We'll find out how to make them," said a fat male cook with oily face. Seeing this cook immediately reminded Emmelyn of a roasted pig. She was suddenly hungry.

"Hmm .. alright." Emmelyn took a chair and sat in the middle of the kitchen and told them the names of the dishes she liked. She mentioned one by one all the delicious food she had ever eaten in her life, including the typical Wintermere apple pie that her mother used to make.

Hmm ... just talking about all that good food made Emmelyn lick her lips.

After she finished, she asked the three cooks to make sure they understood everything she said. "Do you remember everything I told you?"

"Yes, My Lady. We do." They nodded with determined expressions. This impressed Emmelyn.

"Alright .. let's see if you guys will really be able to make the foods I like. I want the apple pie and pecan peanut cake, and roasted pig for dinner tonight."

The girl then came out of the kitchen and decided to take a walk around the castle.

As Mars had promised her, Emmelyn could do whatever she pleased while she was in the castle. Not a single soldier held her back.

However, as soon as the girl was about to step out of the gate ... Five guards appeared from nowhere and stopped her in her tracks.

Gosh .. It must mean that these guards had been shadowing her and made sure she wouldn't run away again.

Emmelyn remembered that she and Mars had signed an agreement that if she ran again she would be punished ...

Gulp. The punishment was to give birth to another child for every (failed) attempt to escape.


"Excuse me, My Lady. His Royal Highness Prince Mars said you can only exit this gate with his consent and if you are with him," said a soldier with a firm stance. "Please go back inside."

Emmelyn stomped her feet in annoyance then turned back to walk toward the castle.

Okay. She was just testing what kind of surveillance was being carried out on her. She was not that stupid to run away wearing a dress like this.




From the author:

Uwuu... I am sorry for not updating for two days. I was being under the weather this week. I don't know, everything ached. I feel like a grandma already... T_T

Psshh.. I am writing three chapters today. Expect to read 2 more chapters today to make up for yesterday. xx

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