
Chapter 299 - Who Sent You?


Emmelyn beat up the two men expertly with the makeshift weapon she had. She didn't hold back and exert all her strength. She intentionally aimed at their weakest spots, those were their heads and their groins.

Her movement was fast and calculated and the men were completely caught off guard.

"Fuck! That hurts! You wench!!"

One of them curled up on the ground, holding his bleeding head, and growling in pain, while the other one was still trying to dodge Emmelyn's vicious attacks.

Now she felt grateful for all the exercise that Mr. Vitas forced her to take every day. At this moment of danger, she could exert a strength she didn't know she had.

She thought pregnancy made her weak, but it turned out, during this very critical time, something inside her awakened. She felt like a mama bear who wanted to protect her baby and would do whatever it took to stop the bad guys from trying to hurt her child.

"Hey, take this! Take this! Fuck you! You are trying to mess with me?! Who sent you!??" She kept furiously beating the man who was still standing. The thought that Ellena used these people to trick her made her filled with wrath.

Wait.. until my husband knows about this, she thought angrily.

Whatever affection Mars had left for his childhood friend would no longer exist after he found out what Ellena did to Emmelyn.

No, that was if Emmelyn didn't get to Ellena first.

Why would she wait until Mars came home to report this? She would deal with Ellena herself. She would find that wench wherever she was and kill her.

Emmelyn was so angry that tears flowed down her face. She kept hitting and hitting with all her power. The second man already fell to the ground and screamed in pain. She didn't care. The sight of blood only made her become more vicious.

"Aaaaahhhhkk!! You... you..." The other man, the one with the scarred face, tried to crawl toward the coachman seat to get his sword, but Emmelyn was faster. When she saw the sword rested on the carriage floor, she immediately ran toward it and picked it up.

Now, she became even more dangerous.

Emmelyn unsheathed the sword and stood before the scarred man with narrowed eyes and clenched jaws. The man's heart skipped a beat when he realized his life was in grave danger.

Fuck! How would they know that this pregnant woman was so savage? Wasn't she supposed to be weak?

This time they had made a grave mistake by undermining their victim. Now, they had to pay the price.

"P-please... please spare me, o my lady..." He started to beg for his life. "I-I didn't mean.. to-to... harm you... We.. are just told.. to.. to keep you for.. a few days..."

The previously scary-looking thug now looked so pitiful. His head was bloodied and his clothes dirty. His eyes were filled with worry.

He knew he had underestimated this woman and just now he was beaten up so viciously with just a wooden block. He could imagine what she would do with that sword.

He had never seen a woman with such a murderous aura before. It was almost like her whole being was engulfed by darkness. Maybe it was his imagination... but whatever it was, the thug was scared out of his wits.

"Who ordered you to trick me?" Emmelyn asked with a flat voice. "And why keep me for a few days?"

The thug cupped his head and shook it, looking fearful. "I-I'm not.. s-supposed to say, my lady..."

"TELL ME WHO ORDERED YOU?! I WILL NOT ASK AGAIN...!" Emmelyn raised the sword in her hand and made a motion as if she was ready to cut the thug's head.

"I... I am not supposed to—"

He couldn't finish his words, because Emmelyn had swung the sword in cold blood. His head fell first, followed by the rest of his body with a thud.

The other thug's eyes bulged when he saw what happened. He was immediately shaking and wet his pants. His body was bloodied and his face was filled with indescribable fear.

"What about you? Are you going to talk... or not?" Emmelyn turned to the scared man and looked at him dead in the eye. "I don't like to repeat myself."

"Y-your Highness... I.. I will talk," the man cried. "Please spare me..."


The man gulped and tried to compose himself so he could talk and save his life. At this moment, somehow his mind went blank and he didn't know what to say.

What was her question again?

He couldn't remember, but he didn't dare to ask her. He saw what she did just now.

This woman was like the devil. She was heartless like one.

"I-I.. well.. we were ordered to... to take you by.. our l-lady..."

"What's her name?" Emmelyn looked at the man with narrowed eyes. She pointed the sword at his chest, ready to push if she found his answer to be unsatisfactory.

"It... it's the young lady from the Preston family."

"Ellena..." Emmelyn muttered under her breath.

She knew it! Ellena was the mastermind behind this. But she didn't understand why Ellena wanted her to be kept for a few days...

Did Ellena plan something?

"Did my brother really have a son?" She finally decided to ask the super important question.

Killian's son was the reason why they could trick her and captured her. She must know if her brother really had a son or not. If he did, she must know what happened to him.

And if there was no child, Emmelyn could rest easy. She could stop worrying about the non-existing child and focus on herself and Harlow.

"There is... there is no son, Your Highness.." the second thug lowered his head. He looked scared for Emmelyn's reaction and was ready to receive her wrath.

However, the awaited wrath didn't come. So, he looked up and saw Emmelyn. He found her sighed in relief, and her expression softened.

Now, this man realized that as long as he cooperated, this vicious woman wouldn't kill him. He must find a way to keep his life by currying favor to Emmelyn.

Wasn't she the crown prince's wife? If she could report this to the king, surely the Prestons would be arrested and the family would have their downfall. There was no use for him to keep working for them since they would soon perish.

It would be better if he took this scary woman's side.

"Y-your.. Your Highness.. please don't kill me," he pleaded to Emmelyn with both his hands raised to his chest. "You will need me... to.. to be your witness.. to bring them down..."

Emmelyn furrowed her brows when she heard him. This thug did sound make sense, she thought. If she wanted to accuse Ellena of her crime, she would need a witness.

But... how would this man be of any use for her? As soon as they met the authorities, he could change his story in Ellena's favor and there was nothing Emmelyn could do about it. What guarantee Emmelyn had on him?

But what other choice did she have? She was a foreigner here and everyone knew she didn't like Ellena. If she came to accuse the Prestons without evidence and witness, people would think she was slandering Ellena because of personal hatred.

Emmelyn tried so hard not to show any weakness. She pressed the tip of her sword on the man's chest and growled. "I will not hesitate to kill you with the slowest and most painful death if you betray me."

"I-I understand, Your Highness..." the thug immediately dropped himself to the ground and touched Emmelyn's shoes to show his respect. While doing so, his eyes glanced at the horrific sight to his right: his friend's head lying down in a pool of blood with his eyes wide open, looking at him.

The sight made him shudder. He didn't want to end up dead like his friend. No, thank you. He would still like to keep his head.

Emmelyn quickly pulled her shoes to avoid the thug's touch. She felt disgusted by the man.

"Get in there," she said and pointed at the carriage. The man looked confused for a while before his clear mind returned and he did what she ordered him to do.

The man climbed into the carriage with difficulty. His blood immediately dirtied the carriage floor. Emmelyn winced in disgust when she saw it. She suddenly questioned if bringing this man was a good idea. She might have to take care of him on the way to keep him alive.

Once the man was seated on the carriage floor, Emmelyn locked the door and windows from outside. She didn't want to risk this man's escape. She needed him to be the witness.

Once she made sure everything was locked, Emmelyn dropped to her knees not far from the carriage. She broke down and cried.

She had been holding back her emotion so the thug couldn't see that she was scared and angry at the same time. She didn't want him to see her like this. She also didn't want him to hear her, so she cried silently.

She was relieved that she escaped a kidnapping attempt and now she knew for sure that Killian didn't have a child. That took a lot of weight off her chest.

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