
Chapter 964: King Draco Roseland Tries To Convince Rowena

Chapter 964: King Draco Roseland Tries To Convince Rowena

Rowena immediately recognized the beautiful older lady, Lady Liz, who was fussing over Knight Jarvis with a sigh.

"I really do not understand why His Majesty insists that I stay here when I no longer have any exact responsibilities," Lady Liz complained.

"Do you not wish to accompany your husband?" Knight Jarvis chuckled.

Lady Liz simply sighed. "It's been so long that I can't help but feel like he's simply hoping…"

"Lady Elizabeth?" Rowena called out.

The older woman suddenly turned around at the sound of Rowena's voice. Lady Liz rubbed her eyes and looked at Rowena before she made a sound and then rushed towards her. Lady Liz suddenly grabbed Rowena's shoulders unsurely.

"Is that really you, Princess Rowena? How did you… Whoaa... you've grown so much!"

Rowena smiled and nodded. "It is me. Apologies for suddenly leaving but—"

"I'm glad that you are safe and well, that is what matters to us the most." Lady Elizabeth engulfed her in a hug before she stepped back and cleared her throat. "Apologies, Your Highness."

"It's fine," Rowena reassured her. "I'm thrilled to see that you also look happy and well, Lady Liz."

"Am I?" Lady Liz laughed and then looked at Rowena. "I am not sure when you arrived, but would you like to rest and have tea? We have much to talk about and discuss. If I look happy, you've yet to meet Lady Mary. She doesn't seem as sour as she used to do."

"Really?" Rowena asked in surprise.

"She has a beautiful child that brightens her disposition. Lady Mary admits that she thinks of you often now that she has her own daughter."

While they were not exactly family or close, Rowena couldn't help but smile. Their presence eased the loneliness in her heart.


When evening came, just as promised, King Draco held a banquet that celebrated the return of Rowena. During the gathering amongst the nobility and chosen guests, he spoke warmly and expressed his happiness at Rowena returning.

"It is with great pleasure that after three years of my daughter leaving the kingdom to find herself–she has finally returned." King Draco spoke fondly as he offered her a present in front of everyone.

"Father…" Rowena's eyes widened. Her return was sudden, so she didn't think that he'd be able to procure a beautiful gem necklace and hold a banquet either.

However, everything was prepared as if it was expected. Suddenly she forgot her purpose to come back to Ashland. She couldn't confront her father about what he did to Julian when Draco Roseland was acting like a doting father to her.

"I have been waiting patiently for your return." King Draco admitted. "And I had you in mind constantly, which is why I had this made, hopeful of your return. I missed a lot of your life for the past three years, and I want to make it up to you."

Rowena blinked as her father helped her put it on and gently touched the gem.

When she was younger, King Draco was not like this, but perhaps he was finally acknowledging her and no longer as harsh because she was grown up?

The two of them even had a father-daughter dance in front of the dance, something that a younger Rowena dreamed up as she admired her hero.

Even the fact that Rowena did not like the formalities of the ball, with several young gentlemen appearing to take her away from her father—King Draco was attentive to it too.

Lady Mary and her husband took over as the hosts of the banquet while King Draco and Rowena left the ballroom.

"Where are we going, Father?" she asked her father.

"You do not seem happy about those men trying to flirt with you, and neither do you actually enjoy the parties," King Draco pointed out as they walked through the garden.

"I… that's true," Rowena admitted. "It can get aggravating."

"Indeed. It's tiring to in

teract with others, but you simply do it because it is your responsibility," King Draco said. "But tonight, I believe that we can make an exception and go elsewhere."


King Draco and Rowena arrived at the stables. There was a beautiful carriage that awaited them. "Yes, I believe that you came here for a certain someone didn't you?"

Rowena looked at her father and nodded. "Yes, about that—"

"We will be taking a horse carriage up the mountain, it'll be a nearby ride before we arrive at the ice cave. Are you fine with that, Rowena?"

Rowena stared at the two beautiful horses that were connected to the carriage.

"Wouldn't going uphill prove difficult for the horses with the carriage, Father?" Rowena asked.

"They're horses. I do not see what the issue is."

Rowena looked at him. "If you do not mind, Father. Can we simply use horses?"

"Can you handle it?"

"Of course."

Rowena was wondering what her father wanted to show her. She decided to come and see what Draco Roseland did.


It was about an hour ride that evening, both King Draco and Rowena navigated past a forest, some hills, and even a couple of small villages before they arrived at their destination and trekked up to reach the ice cave.

When they arrived, the chilly air of the ice cave made Rowena shiver, but her heart pounded as she somehow felt that Julian was around.

King Draco draped his cloak over her shoulders and led her down to the bed made of ice. Her steps halted and she froze on the spot when she saw Julian.

"Julian!" When her mind went back to work, Rowena rushed forward and saw her friend who looked like he was just asleep.

Julian's appearance was the same as when Rowena last visited him, even though it was more than three months since she last saw him.

Tears sprang up in her eyes as she reached out to touch his hand.

"Oh, Julian…" Startled, Rowena backed away. She pressed her lips in bafflement. She turned to look at her father with widened eyes. "How... how is this possible?"

King Draco understood her question. He asked back. "Rowena, do you know the reason why his body hasn't decomposed yet?"

"Is it the ice?" Rowena looked around the cave. Could mere ice do that to a human body? She didn't know it was mostly Raphael's magic that preserved Julian's body. The ice cave was only helping a little bit.

"No. It is proof that his vitals are still functioning, Rowena. Your friend is merely asleep." King Draco said. "I've heard that you used panacea?"

"From the Merfolk realm—"

"It worked." King Draco approached his daughter and gestured at Julian. "You can see it for yourself, this is tangible proof. His body is completely intact, and yet the only way to awaken him is through the immortality potion."

"Of Cretea?"

"Yes, the potion that is brewed by the gods. It will wake him and it will even make him immortal. Which is why I suggested you seduce Raphael."

Rowena stayed silent as she held Julian's hand. She spent the last months accepting his death with the help of Raphael, however, as she looked back at Julian, she saw that he truly looked healthy and fresh.

Perhaps he truly was alive? So, her father was right?

The ones at Verona were not experts, but now her own father reassured her of Julian being able to wake up.

"You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by obtaining the potion, Rowena." King Draco insisted.

Rowena knew that was true, she would do everything for Julian. Especially now that her faith was renewed about him being alive, so it was just the immortality potion that proved to be the issue.

Which was why she turned to her father. "Raphael is…" &


"Yes, did he reveal his identity to you?"

"He did not."

A small frown crossed over King Draco's lips as he looked over at Rowena and wondered if her personality had made it difficult for Raphael to like her.

However, all was not lost.

King Draco was confident in his assessment and knew that the Seventh Prince was attracted to his daughter–all he simply needed to do was wait.

If Raphael was not interested in Rowena, why did he go through such great lengths to help her? No man was that noble to do something for a woman without any agenda or something they wanted in return.

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