
Chapter 978: Sleeping Together

Chapter 978: Sleeping Together

Rowena looked at Raphael with admiration. She wondered what else he could do. He spoke about low-level magic and high-level magic. She tried to think about the difference.

Suddenly, her father's words came to her mind. He claimed that Raphael could actually revive Julian. Was he really that powerful?

If so... he could have healed Julian from the beginning, right? Why didn't he do that?

She looked at him uneasily.

Her gaze made Raphael feel that she wanted to say something but she was holding back. Was she curious about whatever things he was capable of?

"Is there anything you want to know?" he asked her with a smile.

Rowena bit her lip. "Can you... heal people?"

Raphael immediately knew where she was heading with her question. He felt bad about it but deep inside he still felt jealous of Julian.

"My healing magic was not as good back then," he admitted with a low voice. "I wish I could have saved your friend. When we arrived he was almost gone."

"Oh." Rowena nodded. Thinking of Julian made her heart hurt, like it was stabbed by a very sharp knife.

"Are you mad at me for not being able to save Julian?" Raphael asked her gently. Suddenly the mood turned somber, but he didn't even think about it. He was sad that Rowena looked hurt.

"No, Raphael, you did nothing wrong. Why would I be mad at you?" Rowena shook her head absentmindedly. She looked at her bed which was now clear from rose petals. Raphael did a good job with cleaning them. She pointed at the bed and said to him, "Do you want to sleep now?"

Raphael nodded. "Yeah."

He cast his glance around and pointed at the couch by the window. "I can sleep there."

"Why do you want to sleep on the sofa?" Rowena asked him. "Don't you want to sleep beside me?"

She didn't know why she suddenly said those words. Perhaps, knowing that they would soon become husband and wife made her feel more relaxed around him. Also, she felt so sad and needed a hug.

"You don't mind?" Raphael asked her, almost unable to hide his excitement. "I mean... I can sleep anywhere, but I'd be happy to share your bed."

"Yes, we can share my bed," Rowena said.

She went to the other side of the bed and took out a nightgown from the wardrobe. She had lived with Raphael for months in her hut and had been so used to his presence that after she got over the initial awkwardness, Rowena could act like usual again.

Besides, this chamber of hers was even bigger than their small hut. She actually had more space here than in the hut.

"They even brought some change for you here," Rowena gave Raphael a male tunic from the wardrobe. "I think this is more comfortable to wear to sleep."

Raphael nodded his thanks and received the tunic. He actually liked sleeping naked but after he lived with Rowena, he made it a habit to wear at least a tunic like this to sleep.

Both changed into their comfortable sleeping wear, trying to not look at each other while they changed. Rowena finished first. She immediately went under the blanket and lay down, waiting for Raphael to follow suit.

The man folded his own clothes and put them on the table before he went to the bed and slipped under the blanket as well. His heart pounded hard when he realized he would sleep together with the woman he loved and this time she didn't drink too much. So, she did this on her own.

"Raphael," Rowena's voice sounded so beautiful in his ear, calling his name.

He turned to her and looked at her with a happy smile on his face. "Yes, Rowena."

She looked at him intently and said, "I am sorry I don't remember what happened between us last night. Was I embarrassing? Did I say or do anything stupid?"

The man shook his head vigorously. "Definitely not!"

She let out a sigh of relief. "Good

. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of you."

"It will never happen," the man assured her. "You were so... adorable."

He tried to get rid of the memory of her naked body under him as they made love all night until she was exhausted. She must feel awkward to see that in his expression.

Raphael cleared his throat. "I am sorry I didn't know you were drunk and was not yourself last night. I was too... enchanted by you that I brushed off any thoughts that you might not want it to do it. Now that I thought about it, I should have known. I guess, I really wanted you and when you told me you were in love with me and that you wanted me... I felt like it was a dream come true."

Rowena attentively listened to the man speaking. She didn't want him to feel bad. She did love him and was in love with him.

Seeing this man on the same bed with her, she thought about the future and how he would be the first thing she saw in the morning when she woke up and the last thing she saw at night before she slept. She really liked the thought.

She just wished she had remembered their first consummation. How did it feel? Was it good? Was it loving?

She reached out her hands and hugged his waist, and looked at him with her big doe eyes. "Did you like it?"

Raphael swallowed and nodded with difficulty. His voice was hoarse when he spoke. "I liked it very much."

Rowena smiled faintly. "I am glad to hear that."

Raphael reached out his hands too and hugged her back. He pulled her to his embrace and Rowena instinctively rested her head on his chest. It felt so perfect, as if her whole body was created to be hugged by this man.

She loved his hugs and she loved his voice. She loved being with him and felt his skin touching hers.

"I want to sleep with you and consummate our love," she whispered. "but... maybe not tonight. Are you okay with it?"

She was still too shy to think about being naked around him and having sex with the man. She wanted to start with the hug and see where it would lead them.

Raphael rubbed her hair and kissed the top of her head. "Definitely."

"Thank you," Rowena said.

That night, Rowena and Raphael slept on the same bed but they didn't have sex. She was feeling a bit awkward because she couldn't remember doing it with him the first time. However, she loved being hugged by him. Raphael didn't mind. For him, just being able to hug her in their sleep was already a great reward.

Rowena promised herself that she would try to do more the next day. Maybe they could make out tomorrow and then it would lead to sex. She closed her eyes and hugged him. Soon, her whole being was engulfed in a peaceful feeling.

Raphael didn't immediately fall asleep. He was thinking of his plans to go home and break the news to his family. He could ask for the immortality potion for Rowena, but it was not something that he could just ask casually. There should be a good enough reason why he wanted her to become immortal like him and stayed with him in Cretea.

He had heard about other gods who fooled around with women from other realms, be it from the elven realm, or human realm. They didn't bother getting the immortality option for those women. It was easier to leave them and found another love.

Some of those relationships resulted in children. The children would become demigods who inherited their immortal father's extraordinary strength or even talent to wield magic.

Such cases happened. They would become powerful people in humans realm, and sometimes they didn't know about their true origins. and their poor mothers might never even know that the men they hooked up with were not humans.

However, that's not how Raphael wanted things to happen between him and Rowena. He truly couldn't imagine living his long life without her. So, he would definitely ask his father for the immortality potion.

The reason why Raphael would need one m

onth before he could invite Rowena and her father to Cretea was that he needed to get that potion for her. It was not an easy task. The king of Cretea would give him an earful and then a lot of tasks to accomplish in exchange for the potion.

"I love you, Rowena," he whispered to her ear softly before he finally closed his eyes and slept.

Rowena moved a little bit in his embrace and muttered, "I love you too, Raphael."


"How was your rest last night?" King Draco asked the couple when they came down for breakfast the next day.

"It was good, Your Majesty," Raphael replied politely. "Thank you."

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