
Chapter 175

Boertz bowed his head deeply.

“Countess Martha said that Her Majesty will never get involved in politics at all.”


Grand Duke Roygar let out a sigh of relief.

If Countess Martha had said it, it must have been true.

He had a rough guess.

Up until now, she had remained silent in the affairs of the Duchy of Riagan, and quiet in the affairs of Lawrence.

In the end, the reason that the Empress attended her lady-in-waiting, Grand Duchess Evron’s wedding was to separate Miraila and Lawrence.

And the result is now proved by Lawrence’s plight.

‘But. It was unlikely that Her Majesty would recognize anyone not of her blood as heirs of the Empire.’

Grand Duke Roygar nodded his head.

Only the foolish Lawrence was trying in vain.

It wasn’t new information, but it was good information to be able to confirm like this.

‘The problem is with Grand Duchess Evron. Was Grand Duchess Evron also deceived by the Empress? Or was she trying to mediate in an appropriate way?’

Otherwise, there is something else going on inside her mind.

Recently, Grand Duke Roygar has been feeling increasingly pressured by Cedric.

The duel pistol that Cedric gave was in the drawer of Grand Duke Roygar’s study desk.

Since then, Cedric hasn’t threatened or done anything in particular.

The Emperor kept Cedric in check by giving him honor and difficulties at the same time. For now, it seemed that Cedric was struggling to adapt and fulfill his duties in central politics.

Even when he encountered Grand Duke Roygar, he only greeted with the same calm face as before.

However, one side of Grand Duke Roygar’s heart was always anxious.

It wasn’t the kind of sense of crisis he had when he was fighting Lawrence or when he was afraid of being rebuked by the Emperor.

He can’t win even if he fights. It was like a boy-like anxiety before he was about to make a fist fight.

He cleared the depths of his heart. And he looked at Boertz.

Now was not the time to think about the problems of Grand Duchy Evron.

“Why didn’t you meet His Majesty the Emperor first? If it is news from the Duchy of Riagan, the Imperial Palace must be waiting for it.”

“Actually, Duke Riagan also told me to plead with His Majesty.”

Boertz did not hide his sigh.

“But, His Majesty, will he save the Duchy of Riagan just because of my appeal? If that was the case, it must have been decided when the Duke’s petition went up.”

“That’s true.”

“So I have come to ask Grand Duke Roygar.”

“Why will people like us do the things that neither His Majesty the Emperor nor Her Majesty the Empress will do?”

Then he opened the box that Boertz had brought and showed to him.

What was in it was nothing like a bribe. It was the seal and power of attorney of the Duke Riagan.

“First of all, I would like to tell you that the promise I make to save the Duchy of Riagan will have the same effect as what the Duke has done.”

“This is not simply a matter for the Duchy of Riagan to get involved in a difficult task. It’s an important affair, and nothing less than an international dispute. The Duchy of Riagan is even blamed for the assassination of Queen Eimmel.”

“Doesn’t Your Grace think that it’s unfair? We are just pleading for help in clearing the false accusations.”

said Boertz.

And he bowed his head. He found it difficult to speak this way to the great nobility of the capital.

It was because if it was a noble who valued face more than the real profit, he would be yelling at Boertz for what he saw Boertz as.

“The Duchy of Riagan faces not only persecution in the Kingdom of Eimmel, but also another fear. At this rate, the heavy duty that His Majesty the Emperor has entrusted to the Duchy of Riagan will be disrupted.”


“Duke Riagan fears it. No matter how we finish this task safely, if next year prices soar and damage the health of our people, how will we be able to withstand the continuing accusations and responsibility that follows?”

Grand Duke Roygar’s eyes lit up. It was because he now knew that what Boertz was talking about was the story of the South Sea salt.

The Duchy of Riagan had monopoly rights on the South Sea salt.

Strictly speaking, it belongs to the Emperor. In order to not be told by the outside that he robbed it while purging the predecessor Duke Riagan, he merely established the present Duke Riagan and entrusted it to him.

And South Sea salt was used in the central, eastern, and southern parts of the empire.

The profits from it were enormous. To the extent that it is necessary to discuss the percentage of South Sea salt in Emperor Gregor’s vital natural treasury.

That was one of the biggest reasons why the Emperor did not have time to mourn the death of his children and hit the Duchy of Riagan.

And it was also the reason why the enterprises and the great landowners who now support Grand Duke Roygar, clasped their purse strings tightly, and no matter how hard they tried, they could not shake the Emperor in the slightest.

It came out of the mouth of the one who had Duke Riagan’s power of attorney.

Grand Duke Roygar couldn’t help but pay attention.

Boertz said.

“Even if measures are taken from this very moment, salt distribution next year will be disrupted. If Your Grace listens to this petition, I believe you will also be able to introduce people who can be trusted and entrust the distribution in the eastern region.”

It meant that he would entrust the official salt distribution of the eastern region to the businesses within the reach of Grand Duke Roygar.

So far, it has been evenly distributed at the businesses of several places, and the price is also controlled. Even if the salt was resold, it was possible only because the state did not manage all the retail items.

However, this meant that they would stop the practice and leave it entirely to Grand Duke Roygar; to add one more distribution process.

Grand Duke Roygar was able to estimate the gains to come from there. It wasn’t just about profit.

It meant that he could strengthen the influence of the merchants that had been distributing salt in the eastern region so far.

Of course, Grand Duke Roygar had no intention of crossing the dangerous bridge on his own.

“His Majesty must have given you instructions, do you mean to break them recklessly?”

“The guidelines given by the central government do not always fit the situation. His Majesty is not aware of all the salt making and distribution.”

said Boertz.

“I would like to entrust it to Grand Duke.”

It meant the salt that the Emperor was not aware of, that is, coarse salt. Grand Duke Roygar also understood.

It has been 18 years since Duke Riagan took over the management of South Sea salt. The coarse salt he made himself and its distribution.

He couldn’t help but covet it.


“Is this really enough?”

Countess Martha asked. Artizea bowed her head.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“He visited the Empress’ Palace. How dare Fernando’s nephew.”

Countess Martha could not hide her displeasure.

She received an instruction from Artizea, and she endured and agreed to meet him as it would eventually lead to the Empress’ wish.

Words like spoken advice were also put in her mouth.

But she was terribly offended that the traitor had brought the bribe from the Duchy of Riagan that was accumulated from the stolen wealth, and she could not stand it.

Artizea decided to immediately take the property that was in the carriage and dispose of it.

However, she threw the jewelry she had received out of the window. She hated holding it.

“Because Fernando Riagan and his wife kept the fact that they were involved in the accident of the former Ducal couple a secret. Especially in the South.”

Of course, it was not a secret to those close to power.

But that was 18 years ago. And in the meantime, the Riagan Ducal couple kept their silence in the South.

Eighteen years ago, when he was only nine years old, Boertz could never have not heard of the truth.

He was aware of the fact that his uncle and his wife had betrayed their predecessors.

However, he knew only that the betrayal was attached to the Emperor after their accidental death and he had been given the title in exchange for the transfer of important rights of the Duchy Riagan.

Artizea knew that for sure.

After more than 10 years, he became a dignified bureaucrat and was called up to the capital.

So it wasn’t difficult for him to come to the Empress’ Palace.

He first bribed the butler of Duke Riagan’s residence in the capital so that he would hear about the Empress. In addition, through several routes, the story of the Empress missing the Duchy of Riagan in the middle of her life was blown into his ears.

Boertz was a thoughtful man in his own way, so he fell into a trap.

If he had met the Emperor or visited the Chancellor according to the secret order from Duke Riagan, things would have been a little more complicated.


Countess Martha, who had chewed on her hatred for a moment, calmed down and looked at Artizea.

“What are you going to do by having Grand Duke Roygar intervene in Southern affairs?”

Rather, wouldn’t it be better to just keep doing nothing like now?

Lawrence has ruined the Southern Conquest Army. If Grand Duke Roygar does a great contribution of wisely resolving disputes with other countries in the South, he will establish himself as the Emperor’s successor.

Considering Artizea’s purpose to raise Cedric to the throne, it was something she shouldn’t have done.

Conversely, it was difficult for Grand Duke Roygar to make a big mistake.

If only Grand Duke Roygar was killed, it would not be easy to think that Cedric would be the next successor.

If that happens, the Emperor’s suspicions and checks will be concentrated on one person, Cedric. It would not have been enough to prepare for that yet.

“Don’t worry. Grand Duke Roygar is a good negotiator.”

“His Majesty has been very sensitive to Sir Lawrence’s affairs, and suspicions have been heightened. Grand Duke Roygar must know that it is not good for him to intervene.”

“So it was requested by the Duchy of Riagan. If it wasn’t for the South Sea salt, he wouldn’t be able to move.”

The South Sea salt flickered in front of his eyes, and so there was no way Grand Duke Roygar would not do anything.

Even if the name Lady Ford is related. For Grand Duke Roygar, it would be just a bit of a gritty matter, like a stone in a shoe.

“Are you planning to tie up not only the Eimmel problem, but also the coarse salt? Would that be simple?”

“It won’t be easy. His Majesty the Emperor knew that Fernando Riagan had another pocket, but he must have thought that it was only contributing to the old man’s livelihood.”

Above all else, the Emperor does not know how greedy Grand Duke Roygar is.

Artizea smiled.

“So Grand Duke Roygar would want to go down south to do it himself.”

As long as Grand Duke Roygar goes down south personally, Artizea’s purpose is achieved.

It was hoped that the coarse salt smuggling would not be revealed. It is a mortal sin to tamper with the Emperor’s finances, but it would end up being a personal sin of one Grand Duke Roygar.

He couldn’t do that.

The power of Grand Duke Roygar has deep roots. The wealthy and powerful nobles and the enterprises who entered politics had to be completely lifted for the sake of future reign.

‘What is needed is that much justification.’

Artizea thought so.

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