
Chapter 378 Immortal Class Demonic Beast (3)

When Ji Yuan heard and saw Yun Chi's nonchalant look, his heart sunk. He thought; she is really so heartless. She had played with my feelings and caused me to lose billions of my precious little brothers…

"Qianfeng, Sisi. Stay here. Don't you dare follow me or we are over!" Ji Yuan said solemnly.

"I repeat! We are over if you were to follow me!" He added firmly.

Bai Qianfeng, Shui Xisi: …

Right now, Ji Yuan know that his profound power was above them because of his two superior divine swords and sword spirits that can amplify his Super Heavenly Light of the Coiling Dragon. Although he knew that they were both formidable fighters as well but he did not want them to take any risk.

If he did not succeed in breaking this Cherubim Demonic Beast's spatial space then there was only a slim chance that Bai Qianfeng and Shui Xisi would succeed too.

No matter what, he would not stand by and wait for the 100 over cultivators to all perish right before his very eyes. Already around 100 cultivators had already perished and their corpses literally littered the place.

He did not have the heart to stand by and watch by the side.

Against an immortal demonic beast that was stronger than even an epic ninth rank desolate monster, he really had no confidence at all.

The growth rate of the desolate monsters is different from the cultivators and grows exponentially.

Bai Qianfeng was quietly thinking; My lord. So our love is so superficial? Do you think that I will let you fight this monster alone?

Shui Xisi was also thinking; Ji Yuan, do you think that you're the only one that will have a saint-step divine sword? Today I will force open the seal of my divine sword and uses the holy sword of the Great Goddess Alice to slay this monster.

Even though Yun Chi appeared to be nonchalant and cool to Ji Yuan heroism, she was actually saying to herself; I won't let you die so easily. It so happens that this immortal monster is a Cherubim and I can simply order her not to harm you and to depart away from here.

She was not lying.

As the matriarch of all the angels, even an immortal cherubim will need to obey her will. It is just like all the dragon demonic monsters will have to obey the will of the Dragon God Longdi.

Just as she was about to send a mental message to the Cherubim Demonic Beast to pretend to lose to Ji Yuan, two dark figures from the other side had suddenly appeared and they had attacked the Cherubim Demonic Beast before Ji Yuan even had the opportunity to approach the monster.

It was a male and a female cultivator with two divine swords each that had suddenly appeared.

What was shocking about their profound aura was that they were both peaked great saints and they had two saint-step divine swords each in both their hands!

All the cultivators that were fighting the Cherubim Demonic Beast were startled by their sudden appearance and their strong profound auras that were like a bright sun that stood out in the vicinity.

The two of them quickly displayed their profound arts and soon the Cherubim Demonic Beast was screaming madly as the male cultivator displayed several flaming firebirds to engulf it while the female cultivator displayed a bright light of harken crossing across its body.

Ji Yuan was startled too but it was also because he had recognized that it was Saint Lu Qingyun and Saintess Fan Yuqing that had suddenly appeared.

"Brother Lu Qingyun is in this trial too?"

The Cherubim Demonic Beast screamed with great agony, raising its two flaming swords and thousands of fire feathers began to shoot out in all directions like a meteor rain, each one exploding into a huge fireball in mid-air.

By now Ji Yuan was already near to the battle scene and he quickly raised his two divine swords as he burned his two sword spirits to release all his most powerful profound art, the Super Heavenly Light of the Coiling Dragon.

Not one, but two simultaneously.

Immediately his Super Heavenly Light of the Coiling Dragon began to gather all the fireballs that were raining upon everyone before rebounding onto the Cherubim Demonic Beast.

Lu Qingyun and Fan Yuqing had also attacked at the same time with their most powerful profound art.

In the next instant, the Cherubim Demonic Beast had exploded into pure profound energies.

All the surviving cultivators were suddenly relieved that they were now safe now and many began to collapse on the ground from sheer exhaustion, finally able to relax their guards.

Hua Yingxiong turned to face Ji Yuan with an extremely weary look, "I didn't expect for you to come to save me. You're indeed a great hero and a true knight of my Golden Majesty Celestial Empire. My apologies to you for my attitude last time."

"The real heroes are them," Ji Yuan laughed as he pointed at Lu Qingyun and Fan Yuqing.

Then he quickly rushed forward to greet them, "Brother Lu Qingyun and Saintess Fan, why are you here? Haha. Luckily you are here or else I don't know if I may see the next day sun."

Lu Qingyun quickly bowed respectfully, "Brother Ji Yuan, you're also here as well. It is your timely intervention that saves everyone here."

Fan Yuqing giggled, "Yes, it is such a coincidence. So, have you been traveling with my Sister Saintess Feng Minyue? Where is she? Is she alright?"

Ji Yuan laughed weakly, "She is fine. She is also in this trial."

Then he noticed that they were in the Red Faction.

"Haha, we are from the rival factions this time. Your Red Faction must be so lucky to have the two of you on their side."

Fan Yuqing giggled, "My little brother-in-law, you're so wrong in this. They are so unlucky instead."

Ji Yuan smiled bitterly, "You must be joking with me."

Fan Yuqing laughed, "We're the only two survivors from our Red Faction. So do you think that they are unlucky or lucky?"

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Shui Xisi was the first to arrive at the scene and she was shouting excitingly, "Sister Saintess Yuqin. Sister Yuqin, you are here! I'm so lucky to have you around. Hehe."

Fan Yuqing giggled softly, "I'm Yuqing now. You keep forgetting. Lucky I am here to save your ass or else our Sister Feifei will be so sad."

"You are always my Sister Yuqin. Hehehe." Shui Xisi said as she hugged Fan Yuqing tightly.

Ji Yuan had already known that Fan Yuqing and Shui Xisi were both half-sisters so they were related by blood.

But he never knew that Fan Yuqing would have two saint-step divine swords and the profound power that she had just displayed were stronger than his two Super Heavenly Light of the Coiling Light.

But this Brother Lu Qingyun was even more formidable.

Sisi's sister is so formidable?! Is this for real?

Four saintly swords?!

He began to recall that Bai Qianfeng had once told him that Shui Xisi may have an immortal background but he had laughed it off. It was because all the cultivators like to claim to have some ties with the immortals but the truth is, it is just a way to increase their prestige.

"My lord, you're alright." Bai Qianfeng said as she arrived at the scene.

She had purposely arrived slower than Shui Xisi because she was hesitant in meeting Lu Qingyun again.

But Lu Qingyun seemed nonchalantly about meeting her again and he had only returned a polite bow.

This caused her heart to calm down immediately.

Yun Chi was the last to arrive and she was not smiling.

Fan Yuqing immediately said to Ji Yuan as she pointed at Yun Chi, "Who is this pretty maiden? I'm sure that she is a real beauty behind her mask."

Ji Yuan laughed, "Not as peerless as you."

Yun Chi: …

It was the truth.

Fan Yuqing was really an extremely beautiful maiden and she got an enchanting demeanor that could turn heads around.

At this moment, all the surviving cultivators including Hua Yingxiong were all drooling at Fan Yuqing now.

Lu Qingyun patted Ji Yuan on his shoulder, gently saying. "Brother, there are some things that your eyes can feast upon but you shouldn't covet it, do you know?"

Ji Yuan smiled weakly, "Naturally…"

But he quickly said, "Brother Lu Qingyun, I've met a Maiden Leng Qiuyue in the lower level trial here. She seems to be looking for you."

Lu Qingyun was startled as he muttered, "Qiuyue…"

Fan Yuqing sighed softly, "I guess that she didn't forget about you all these years. You have better pay this ex-protégé sister of yours a visit after the end of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth. I don't mind, you know."

Lu Qingyun sighed heavily, "Yes, I should pay her a visit…"

"Sister Yuqin!" Shui Xisi said excitingly. "Now that you're here, you can help us to deal with the Death God Mingwang! With brother-in-law and you around, this time the Death God Mingwang will be a dead piece of meat. After we've killed him, let's parade his naked body for all to see!"

Yun Chi: …

Ji Yuan: …

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