
Chapter 653 The Beginning of the Great Void

Chapter 653  The Beginning of the Great Void

Once again, Ji Yuan saw the masked man and he was standing with his sword facing the right hallway where there were 2 portals. But his eyes were looking to the left.

Ji Yuan muttered to everyone, "What the heck is this? So is it left or right?"

Old Reverend Beiyuan laughed jovially, "Hohohoho. It is to the right. Did you not notice his hand gesture?"

Ji Yuan bitterly said, "What the hell?! Not his eyes?"

Old Reverend Beiyuan frowned, "Do you think that it is the same clue all the time?"

Ji Yuan: …

How do I know the clue will change?!

Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing interrupted and displayed a rare smile, "I saw Old Beiyuan taking the wrong turn not so long ago. That is why he remembers."

Ji Yuan burst out laughing, "So he takes the wrong turn? So who is laughing at who? Haha."

Old Reverend Beiyuan ceased his laughter immediately and he bitterly said to Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing, "You are only a little luckier than me. And don't call me Old Beiyuan again. I'm Old Reverend Beiyuan."

Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing smiled as she flashed to the second portal on the right where the hand gesture was pointing, "Old Beiyuan, don't just stand there. Keep moving."

Old Reverend Beiyuan grumbled to himself before moving slowly toward the portals to the right side of the golden hallway, "I am your senior. Do you think that you can order me to walk fast? Then I shall purposely walk like a tortoise…"

Ji Yuan chuckled as he looked at Yun Chi, Bai Qianfeng, Shui Xisi and the Lovely Empress; he did not know what was up with the two God Immortals who were always at loggerheads.

But he could not resist asking after Old Reverend Beiyuan who seemed to be a little more friendly with his casual talks. "Actually, I am just curious. Isn't this place the Goddess Star Palace? Why is that we have so many imageries of this annoying masked man? I certainly don't mind if it is the imagery of the Great Beyond Goddess."

Old Reverend Beiyuan paused in his steps and so did the Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing who was about to enter into the next portal to Room 4.

"Well…" Old Reverend Beiyuan turned to look at Ji Yuan. "This isn't a terrible secret anyway. This place is the birthplace of the Boundless Sovereign Demon God. So you will see him in almost every room."

Ji Yuan was startled and so did Yun Chi, Bai Qianfeng, Shui Xisi and the Lovely Empress.

"This is his birthplace? Isn't he born with the void?"

Old Reverend Beiyuan casually said, "That is right. This place however, is also the center of the universe. This is where the void and the universe first begin."

Ji Yuan muttered slowly, "So this is his birthplace and where the void starts…"

Yun Chi was suddenly excited and her eyes were beaming, "I've heard that if one were to reach the beginning of void then they would also be able to unravel the secrets of cultivation. So this is the place?"

Old Reverend Beiyuan nodded slowly, "After the 10th room, you will be able to stumble upon some cultivation secrets if you are capable."

Yun Chi was smiling now, "How can I miss such an obvious thing. The center of the universe is where the great void begins."

Even Bai Qianfeng was excited because this could mean a certain breakthrough in their cultivation methods. Any breakthroughs from the 9th immortal positioning onward were extremely precious and any meaningful cultivation methods were worth a try.

As for Ji Yuan, the Lovely Empress and Shui Xisi, they were less concerned with the cultivation secrets in this place. It was because they knew that it was beyond their means to comprehend. All they wanted to do were to get out of this place alive.

This was precisely what Ji Yuan had in mind as he thought: I don't care if you are able to escape out of this prison by reaching Room 33. I am getting out of this place in 7 days… wait, 6 more days. So I'll try to waste as much time as possible in this place. Being with these two God Immortals is much safer than being outside this place.

That was his plan and possibly his maidens' plans as well.

The only problem was, what if they were to take the wrong turn and screwed him and his maidens instead?

Judging from what Old Reverend Beiyuan and Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing had told him, it seemed to him that previously they had reached Room 33 and not this time yet, with Old Reverend Beiyuan reaching Room 20 before he got kicked out.

While Ji Yuan was left to strategize his plans, Bai Qianfeng and Yun Chi were secretly looking at each other and they were thinking instead: We are going to waste as much time as possible in this place. Hopefully we may unravel some of the beyond divinity cultivation secrets. Even if we can't, the divine aura in this place is stronger than any spiritual and desolate auras elsewhere and this may be useful to us...

Ji Yuan could not resist shouting after the Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing as he abandoned Shui Xisi and the Lovely Empress Lu Jiangsu in his arms, "Hoho, so which room are you previously at before you've encountered us?"

This was important to him for he was Ji Yuan and he was never without any plans.

Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing took a cold look at him before she answered, "Room 18."

When Ji Yuan had heard her reply, he nearly fainted on the spot!

This unexpected answer was even worse than Old Reverend Beiyuan and he was expecting that she would fare much better judging from her supposedly success in Room 2.

"This is…" Ji Yuan was quite speechless.

Grand Holy Saintess Qi Yuexing interrupted him coldly, "And can you don't laugh like Old Beiyuan. This 'hoho' thing is irritating and this is what caused me to be struck in the same prison as him in the first place."

While Ji Yuan was bitterly smiling to himself, Old Reverend Beiyuan was muttering weakly from behind. "How can this be irritating. This is my signature laughter. Also, please don't call me Old Beiyuan. I am Old Reverend Beiyuan, you know."

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