
Chapter 769 Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina (2)

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina smiled alluringly to all the rebels, "Fear not. I am a benevolent First Divine Consort and I am also the patron goddess of the weak, warfare and wisdom. You can say that I am also the protectress of the maidens."

She walked calmly to Elder Xie Tianzun who were bowing with fear and turned around to look at all the 3000 rebels who were also bowing and shivering with great fear. 

This actually included the 2 celestial great saints in their midst for they had no wish to fight an immortal and they know that somehow the spirit cultivators here were all stronger than them at the same cultivation realm; they were as frightened as the others since an immortal could easily crush them at any time.

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina smiled wryly before saying soothingly to them, "You must be curious why I am able to use your shrine and got here, am I right?"

Indeed, all the rebels were secretly curious to know but they did not dare to ask why…

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina smiled alluringly, "And also you are curious to know about the Greater Divine Realm but did not dare to ask too."

All the rebels were bowing their head in fear; many were thinking that this must be a trick question and if they dare to ask, then they must die!

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina slowly looked up to the dome of the hall, displaying an amused look. "How many tens of thousands of years have passed since I have ascended to the Spirit Divine Realm?"

Then she looked down and suddenly said coldly, "And there are still so many male spiritas that still want to restore the glory of the old spiritas traditions?!"

When she had said that, many of the rebels including Elder Xie Tianzun were all banging their heads on the floor.

"Goddess Divine Consort Ai Tina… we are all wrong! Please have mercies on all of us!"

"We don't dare to be rebels anymore!"

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina smiled alluringly, "After I've ascended, there are no divine lords in the Greater Spirit Realm that can contest against my profound strength. It is because they are all leading a decadent lifestyle up there and did not pay much attention to their spirit cultivation. Although it has taken me several thousands of years with my divine consorts to finally put down all the opposition, but I have finally succeeded into coming the Supreme Divine Goddess of the Greater Divine Realm…"

She paused to display her awe on all the rebels, "This Kong Rong was just a slave in the spirit mines and he had recently escaped to the lower Spirit Divine Realm. I do know that he is dead now. But I also curious why he has fled here. So, it is because he has accomplices here in this place."

All the rebels were now banging their heads on the floor really hard.

"May the Supreme Divine Goddess please forgive us and have great mercies upon us!"

"I don't want to die…"

"I don't want to be a rebel anymore…"

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina smiled alluringly, "However as the most powerful immortal in the Greater Spirit Realm, I am willing to give you all a chance to turn over a new leaf."

All the rebels were begging loudly, "May the mighty Supreme Divine Goddess please enlighten us!"

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina heaved a soft sigh, "This is easy actually. From now on, convert your shrine to worship me as your Protectress Goddess Ai Tina and I will protect you."

All the rebels were banging their heads and saying, "We will obey all your divine instructions!"

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina smiled alluringly, "This is really wonderful. Then I shall bring you from the darkness to the light. Next step, I will be meeting with all the divine consorts in this city."

All the rebels were banging even harder when they had heard her. 

"Protectress Goddess Ai Tina, please have your mercies on us. The divine consorts will surely slaughter all of us…"

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina smiled, "You are afraid of the divine consorts? Fear not. I am here. I will protect all of you and bring you to the light. None of you shall come to harm as long as you worship me as your Protectress Goddess."

All the rebels were crying and kissing the ground now.

This included Elder Xie Tianzun and he was in hot tears that he had once again escaped a certain death.

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina smiled alluring, "I have forgiven all of you now from your trespasses. From now onward, all of you will be known as my secret followers."

Many of the rebels were startled as they muttered, "Secret followers?!"

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina explained with a wry smile, "Not even the divine consorts shall know about this. From this day onward, you are my secret followers and people. You shall all be known as the followers of Aetina and as my people, you are my Aethinians."

All the rebels were gasping with shock but it was something that had also aroused their spirits! 

Not only can they come out of the open but the Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina will also be their patron goddess and protectress goddess! 

What is more, from now onward, they shall also be known as the Aethinians, followers of the Protectress Goddess Ai Tina!

This was really a special privilege compared to the short reign of the Immortal Divine Lord Kong Rong!

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina smiled alluringly, "From now onward, I shall establish a new order based on merit and democracy from my people the Aethinians. I shall decide who is going to be leaders and who is not."

Elder Xie Tianzun was quite startled that he was going to lose his position soon and he was stammering to ask, "May I know… how is this merit…going to be earned?"

He was a little worried because his spirit cultivation was not as good as the 100 rebel leaders in this hall. Therefore, he would soon lose his position as elder.

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina smiled at him, "You are qualified to be my leader."

Elder Xie Tianzun was shocked, "I am?"

Did he do anything meritorious? 

Ancient First Divine Consort Ai Tina smiled alluringly, "Of course you."

Her only criteria were that the leader must have a beautiful face and that was merit enough. To be ugly was not considered a merit in her eyes. 

Then she turned to everyone with an alluring smile, "First, I shall select the new leaders from all of you. Next you shall slowly briefly me on the history of the Spirit Divine Realm, the current divine consorts in this city-state…"

Then she paused to say slowly, "And I want to know everything about Xu Yifei and where to find her."

In the past, she was a great leader and had inspired the female spiritas and humans to revolt against the divine lords with her superior organization ability. Converting people to her cause and getting their loyalty, was naturally not a major issue for her. 

Right now, she had seized the opportunity to descend to the lower Spirit Divine Realm for a short period of 60 days and she intended to make the full use of this. 

She hated her 'masters' and had pretended to be docile to them in order to survive in the Greater Spirit Realm. 

However she knows that she has to first gain their trust in order to plot against them in the future and for that, she intended to find the True Devil God within the 60 days time frame. For this aim, she truly hope that it was really the reincarnated True Devil God and not just some other powerful profound darkness disturbances. 

It was because she hope to make full use of the True Devil God. 

But for now, she could not betray her 'masters' because they had put several restrictions that were on her that could kill her instantly should she ever try to divulge their secrets.


Author Note:

1. I'd really appreciate it if the readers can contribute power stones to this story as a show of support even if you are reading from other websites. Your spirit stones are crucial for motivations and releases. Also, it means alot me/ story, Many love and thanks! ლ(⌒▽⌒ლ)

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