
Chapter 820 Inside The Sacred Temple Of Delphi

Early in the third day inside the legendary Secret Oracle Gate, Ji Yuan soon found the ruins of a temple in a forest clearing and he was shouting excitingly about this to the Goddess Ai Tina and Xu Yifei about this.

The platform of this temple was completely ruined and there were hundreds of tall pillars all around this place, mostly broken or standing alone. 

The Goddess Ai Tina was startled as she flashed to Ji Yuan with a perplexed look, "We have found the Great Oracle of Delphi?"

Ji Yuan was also startled, "But I thought that you have said that we have only completed two challenges?"

The Goddess Ai Tina displayed a puzzled look before she looked at the entrance of this ruined temple, "Let's go in first."

Great Divine Consort Xu Yifei had a look of excitement in her enticing eyes; it was because the Great Oracle of Delphi was considered sacred by the Spiritas and it had answered several legendary questions.

"So, this is the Sacred Temple of Delphi where the Great Oracle lives." 

They soon entered into the entrance of the ruined temple.

Ji Yuan was startled to see that instead of more ruins, the inside of the temple looked more like a beautiful temple with lavish white celestium pillars and even the hallways were made of white and gold celestium.

The Goddess Ai Tina could see his astonished look and she smiled to him, "The outside is merely an illusion if the Great Oracle wishes. No primeval monsters will actually dare to attack the sacred temple because this is her domain."

Ji Yuan frowned, "Not even that 8th rank epic worm? I mean 1st class 8th rank horned worm."

The Goddess Ai Tina nodded slowly, "Not even primeval profound monsters that are more powerful than it."

Ji Yuan had a look of disbelief in his golden eyes, "This Trial Spirit is indeed powerful."

The Goddess Ai Tina took a look at him before saying quietly, "The Great Oracle isn't a Trial Spirit or any Fairy Spirit. She is an immortal."

Ji Yuan was startled, "She is an immortal?"

The Goddess Ai Tina said quietly, "Right. And much more ancient than I am."

Ji Yuan laughed weakly, "Then she is a friend of yours in the Greater Spirit Realm?"

The Goddess Ai Tina shook her head, "I've never seen her in the Greater Spirit Realm. Therefore, I can surmise that she isn't there or she is an immortal of just the Secret Oracle Gate. But either way, no one in the Greater Spirit Realm knows about the Great Oracle of Delphi."

Ji Yuan nodded as he looked at the beautiful hallways that were decorated with all kinds of heroic sculptures along the way, armed with all kinds of weapons.

"Well, she doesn't look like a Spiritas."

Xu Yifei asked curiously, "Master Ji Yuan, why do you say so? Of course, she is a Spiritas Goddess."

Ji Yuan pointed at the many male and female statues and said, "Spiritas don't use weapons, right? But these statues do. Also, some of the men even have beards. I think she is a human goddess instead."

Xu Yifei was startled as she took a careful look at the statues. 

At first glance, she had thought of these statues as champions of the divine consorts but on hindsight now, the Great Oracle of the Delphi has existed even before the Spiritas Tower.

Then she turned to the Goddess Ai Tina for an answer.

The Goddess Ai Tina said softly as she continued to walk rapidly, "Maybe the Great Spiritas Hero Ji Yuan is right that the Great Oracle of Delphi is a human goddess. In the past, the Spiritas do not live in the cities but in the forests. Only the humans live in the walled cities. But slowly, after the divine lords have defeated the humans and taken them as slaves, they started to dwell in their cities…"

She paused to say solemnly, "But whatever the origin of the Great Oracle of Delphi is, no one really knows. No one will waste a valuable question to ask about her origin, especially when we are only allowed to ask only 1 question. Do you agree with me?"

Ji Yuan and Xu Yifei were both nodding; 

The Goddess Ai Tina gave one more warning, "And be respectful in front of the Great Oracle of Delphi. Do not try to attack her…"

Ji Yuan chuckled aloud as he interrupted, "Haha… I am not so stupid to do something like attacking her…"

"Respectful also means not to talk too much in front of the Great Oracle of Delphi." The Goddess Ai Tina interrupted him.

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan muttered weakly, "Do I talk a lot? I feel that I am just like any normal cultivator…"

He then asked the Goddess Ai Tina again, "How do we know that we are the first? What if someone else is able to reach the Temple of Delphi earlier than us? After all, we have taken 3 days. Then we won't be able to ask the Great Oracle of Delphi any question, am I right?" 

The Goddess Ai Tina smiled instead at this question, "Only the destined will be able to find the Temple of Delphi to ask their question. Therefore, we are indeed the first."

Ji Yuan blinked his eyes before answering, "Oh well… we are the first then." 

As they made a turning in the hallway, they spotted a ray of light from the hallway ahead. 

The Goddess Ai Tina said to them but she sounded more like warning Ji Yuan, "We have reached. Be respectful."

Ji Yuan muttered almost incoherently to himself, "This Great Oracle of Delphi must be an ugly hag to hide in solitary in this ruined temple for tens of thousands of years…"

Xiang Li warned Ji Yuan: Keep your voice down. You don't want the Great Oracle to hear you, Big Brother.

Fairy Anyang was also agreeing: The Goddess Ai Tina is right. You really talk too much. Have you forgotten how you got punished by the last 2 Trial Spirits for talking too much? 

Xiang Li giggled: At least 5 Trial Spirits have commented that Big Brother indeed talks too much…

Ji Yuan frowned to them: How come the two of you are here?! 

Xiang Li giggled: Big Brother is meeting the Great Oracle of Delphi. So, we don't want to miss this great adventure of yours and we can be useful here too by offering you our godly advices. 

Fairy Anyang giggled too: You may need someone to talk with too. 

Ji Yuan laughed in his soul sea as he answered them: Well, I can't disagree with that. Follow me then!

Ji Yuan, Xu Yifei and the Goddess Ai Tina had soon entered the lit hallway and into a large white hall that were decorated with tens of torches that brightly lit this great hall.

Ji Yuan could sense profound energies coming from these torches and he knows that these torches were not any normal torches.

In front of them, a statuesque and regal great beauty of a maiden in white robe sat on her white throne. She looked almost albino but had red rosy lips and she had beautiful flocks of silver hair. 

  In her right hand, she carried a long dark rod with a golden circle on top of it that was decorated with nine beautiful precious stones.

Ji Yuan was stunned by her great beauty and this was not the old hag that he was half-expecting to find in this place.

The Goddess Ai Tina bowed with her hands politely, "Great Oracle of Delphi, we have come to ask you a question."

Ji Yuan and Xu Yifei were also bowing with their hands politely. 

The Great Oracle of Delphi smiled and said in her beautiful voice that could fill the entire hall, "Welcome to my Sacred Temple of Delphi." 

Then she added with a curled smile, "Ai Tina, we have met again after so many thousands of years. I won't ask you how are you because I already know the answer to that."

The Goddess Ai Tina did not reply and there was a woeful look in her eyes. 

The Great Oracle of Delphi continued with another smile. "You must be wondering about your third challenge and how is it possible for you to find my Sacred Temple of Delphi so quickly, am I right? Well, your third challenge actually starts now."

The Goddess Ai Tina, Ji Yuan and Xu Yifei were all startled.

Their third challenge actually starts now? What does she mean by this? 


Author Note:

1. I'd really appreciate it if the readers can contribute power stones to this story as a show of support even if you are reading from other websites. Your spirit stones are crucial for motivations and releases. Also, it means alot me/ story, Many love and thanks! ლ(⌒▽⌒ლ)

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