
Chapter 18 Maelis

Aiden could feel the aura of multiple strong awakeners as he was looking at the shop. It seemed this shop wasn't one of the best in the market for no reason, many strong awakeners were guarding it.

Sensing all those auras made Aiden alert. He was ready to fight at any moment if one of them would come after him, he wasn't scared of battling out with anybody.

Noticing Aiden's reaction, Maelis questioned herself if he was actually able to feel the strength of some of the people looking at them. If that was actually the case, it meant he had excellent intuition that could only be formed by experience, but the thing that bugged her was, where did this experience of his come from?

She knew he had only completed the first trial because he had told her that. Thinking about where he could have grown, she started analyzing what he was wearing which didn't seem luxurious or anything, it was some plain clothing that didn't indicate much to her. She would need to ask him some questions to learn more about him.

"Humm... Aiden, sorry it's too personal but... where do you live? I have never seen you before and I know most of the names of all up-and-coming young awakeners, it's really weird I never heard your name, not even once." said Maelis, truly founding it weird that she had never once heard her name before.

Aiden receiving this sudden question out of nowhere didn't know how to answer, but quickly calming his mind, he decided to actually tell her where he lives right now since that would probably clear up her confusion.

"I'm actually living in the slums," said Aiden, as he patted the back because of the embarrassment he was feeling.

"You-You're living in the slum, with this talent of yours, and no one has once taken notice of you?" responded Maelis, shocked by this information.

'Does this mean no one knows about his potential, maybe this could be my chance, to take him in my family. He should probably accept, after all, he lives in the slums.' thought Maelis, thinking about the possibilities of recruiting Aiden.

"I mean... it's been almost one day since I have awakened, it's normal no one will notice me that fast. And I'm probably not that special compared to the best of the young awakeners, that you speak of."

"Don't be so sure about that, if you killed the boss monster on the first trial you should be getting praise and admiration. But that's probably going to be difficult since you live in the slums. By the way, if you don't mind me asking, did you always live there?"

'Should I tell her the truth? Probably not, I don't know much about her, and for all I know she could have connections with my family.' thought Aiden, realizing he didn't know much about Maelis.

"I will answer on one condition, after that question of yours we will ask each other questions in turn because I don't much about you except that you are helping me for no reason at all," said Aiden, as he started to doubt Maelis and what her purpose was.

However contrary to the expectations of Aiden, Maelis didn't even think about whether or not to accept this proposition of his, this actually gave hope to Aiden that maybe she didn't have any hidden reason for helping him.

It was now time for Aiden to answer her question and he decided to lie because he couldn't tell about where he came from since then it would be much more complicated.

"I was born in the slums and lived there all my life. I guess you could say I was lucky for awakening recently because, with the money I will make from the trials and the equipment I will sell from the Otherworld, I'll probably be able to leave this hellish place," said Aiden, as he said things he didn't really care about like leaving the slums to find another home.

He only said that to convince Maelis that he was actually telling the truth. He didn't care that much about the room he would be living in because he was always used to the bare minimum in his past life, having a bed and some clothes. He only got a television, the last month before his death.

"My turn now," said Aiden.

"What is the reason you are following me around, are you actually here to help me?"

Maelis contemplated telling him the truth which was that she wanted to recruit him into his family but she decided against it, saying only a bit of the truth.

"I'm actually only trying to help you, I can swear that I have no bad intentions toward you," said Maelis, keeping it short not wanting to reveal something she didn't mean to.

"Don't take it wrong, it's just I have a problem in trusting people. I guess, it's your turn now what did you want to learn about me?"

"How the hell are you able to walk silently all the time, are you an assassin or something, it's weird not hearing your footsteps. I can never tell when you're right beside me, it's creeping me out,"

"Oh, sorry I wasn't doing it on purpose and I developed this habit of mine, living in the slums, not wanting people to find or hear me," said Aiden, as lies seemed to be the only thing coming out of his mouth but he didn't have a choice.

"What trial are you currently at? Are you strong?"

'Oh, it seems he can't see through me.'

"Well, I'm currently a trial seven and I'm not really powerful most of the time I get carried in the trials," said Maelis, it was now her time to lie to him, not wanting to reveal to him that she was actually strong.

"Alright, let's say this is the last question we ask, we need to enter the shop after all, we shouldn't waste too much time. Did you have the most impact when killing the boss monster on the first trial, is that why you have its core, or were you given it?"

"Yeah, I was, actually we were only two from our original team of four. Two of the teammates decided to leave the trial without killing the boss monster, not wanting to fail their first trial because that would be bad for their reputation," said Aiden, not knowing that killing a monster with only one other person was truly a big accomplishment and that not many could do it.

'He killed a boss monster with only one other person, just what special class does he have?' thought Maelis, thinking that he was one of the special class holders.


Author's Note:

If I hit 100 powerstones before the end of the week I will drop one bonus chapter, might be two if I have time :)

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