
Chapter 91 No Memories Of It

"Want me to put it in?" asked Aiden as he kept rubbing the tip of his penis onto Emma's pussy.

"Yess~," she said as moans kept coming out of her mouth.

But then, as Aiden was going to put it in, Emma's body fell forward as if she had lost consciousness.

"Emma? Are you still there?" asked Aiden wondering what could have happened to her to act this way.

However, there was no answer at all from Emma.

"Did she really just fall asleep?" said Aiden somewhat frustrated as he really wanted to do it with her this time.

All the actions that she had done to seduce him had excited him to a point where all he wanted was to fuck her, but now that she was unconscious, Aiden didn't want to do it anymore.

It was against his morals to fuck an unconscious person and he honestly found it disgusting.

That's why he stood up and put on his pants watching the back of Emma's body.

'Urgh, whatever it's not like we won't be able to do it another time,' thought Aiden as he knew that those types of situations would be more and more frequent since they had already done everything that there was to do between them.

"However, one thing kept bugging me when I used [Gentle Touch] earlier, why weren't her emotions about me fading, and why were amplifying," he said as he simply couldn't understand that part.

Maybe the skill only removed negative emotions and amplified the emotions which were considered good.

That was currently the only hypothesis that Aiden had as he couldn't think of anything else.

"Should I wait for her to wake up or do I simply go to sleep?" said Aiden as he quickly decided to go to sleep.

Nonetheless, he didn't go sleep on his bed as Emma was occupying it.

He went to sleep in Emma's bed.


In the middle of the night,

Emma slowly woke up as her eyes opened up.

'Why am I naked?' she thought not understanding the situation she had been in, not remembering what had happened yet.

She remembered that she had hugged Aiden, but there was nothing after that.

It was a part of her memories that completely vanished leaving a hole in her memories.

She didn't even remember the time when she had kind of regained control of her mind.

Her last memory of last night was simply hugging Aiden.

But then, she lifted her head up and started looking around as she didn't understand why she was on this side of the room.

'Shouldn't I be on the left?' she thought not understanding why she was sleeping on the other side of the room.

'Wait, wait, wait, I'm naked, I'm in Aiden's bed, is he in my bed?' she thought trying to make sense of the situation.

Then she looked toward her bed, and she saw Aiden's figure which was completely covered up sleeping peacefully.

'Did something happen last night?' she thought trying as hard as she could to remember.

But, it didn't matter the effort that she was putting in to remember, she still couldn't.I think you should take a look at

The thing that really bugged her was the fact that she was naked.

Did Aiden see her like this?

Did he see her whole naked body?

She didn't know yet but Aiden had actually seen a lot more than simply her body.

He had seen her act in a way that even she wouldn't be able to understand.

'I hope that he didn't see me in this state,' she thought as she quickly stood up as she picked up her clothes from the ground.

As she picked up her panty, she noticed that it was wet.

Then she touched her legs and also felt that there was some residual of a certain on it.

'Wait, there's no way right?' she thought as she touched her pussy.

'No, no, no, don't tell me that we did it,' she thought as she now knew that something had happened last night.

'Please tell me, that he also doesn't remember,' she thought as she could only pray that Aiden wasn't going to remind her over and over again about how they fucked each other.

She was panicking as she quickly went to find another outfit to put on as this one well... was a bit dirty, to say the least.

Then, she decided that the best course of action would be to simply wait for tomorrow morning and wait for Aiden's reaction.

She realized that she couldn't do anything to change what happened.

The past was the past and nothing could change it.

Then, she went back to sleep in Aiden's bed which was filled with her own fluids, but she didn't realize it as she fell asleep right away.


The next morning, Aiden woke up and saw that Emma was still sleeping. 

So, he decided not to wake her up and simply go train once again.

Personally, for him, it wasn't really a big deal what happened yesterday so he decided that he would wait for her to talk about it.

It was, after all, her that had started everything.

Then, he arrived at the training ground early in the morning and there was still no one around as he could shoot his arrows in peace.

One hour later, as Aiden was fully concentrated in his task, he heard some steps from the entrance of the training ground.

Looking back, he saw pointy ears and a tight training uniform.

It was Emma, she had just entered the training ground.

However, something about her was different as when Aiden looked at her, she would always evade his look.

"Emma, are you alright? Did something happen?" asked Aiden acting concerned toward her, wanting to see what she would say.

'Let's see, does she want to talk about it?' thought Aiden as he had simply no idea that she didn't even remember what happened between them.

"Y-yes everything's alright, how's the training?"

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