
Chapter 99 Ravendwood's Territory

"Finally, we arrived," exclaimed Emma coming out of the weird-looking van, looking quite exhausted.

"Finally? Was my company that bad?" said Gerald, making fun of Emma.

Both Gerald and Emma in the whole day of travel, hadn't stopped talking even once.

It had become quite tiring to constantly hear them speak, in fact, it had reached such a point that even Maelis had been tired of their constant.

But, now that had gotten out of the vehicle, Aiden could finally leave the two of them alone and explore the city without any distractions.

Then, as he was trying to get away discreetly, he quickly got called back by Maelis.

"Aiden? Where are you going?" 

Then, instead of answering he just got back to where he was.

"I know that you want to explore the Ravenwood's territory but not so fast, I need to tell you guys something, and I know that you'll be interested," she said with a certain tone of certainty.

Catching Aiden's attention, she continued to explain what she had discovered yesterday when they had left.

"I was informed yesterday by one of the representing of the Ravenwood family, that there will be a special auction on the occasion of the Inter-Family Tournament."

Immediately after saying that, Emma interrupted her with excitement.

"An auction? Where?"

"Obviously, in the Ravenwood Pavillon where all the auctions take place. Also, since there is an auction, I have decided to give both Emma and Aiden some Credits to spend buying better gear for the tournament," said Maelis as she looked to the side where Finrod was and made a little "sorry".

"It will be held tomorrow at noon so make sure to be there as many interesting items and skill books will be presented there. Don't forget that we are in the territory where most weapons that we, awakeners, use are crafted."

"I will give both of you 30 000 Credits which you will be able to spend as you wish, it won't be enough to buy the best items, but with it, an upgrade of your equipment should be somewhat feasible," she added looking at Aiden particularly.

Then, as she finished saying that she said her goodbyes as she had some meetings in the city with other family leaders.

"Shall we go look where this Pavillon that she talked about is?" said Gerald, smiling, seeing Emma's excited face.

Then, the four of them started exploring this vast city that they were now is.

The first change that immediately caught Aiden's eyes was that most people living inside this territory were dwarves which made sense as they were known to the best blacksmiths.

Then, the architecture of the city was also quite different than what he was used to.

How could he describe it simply?

It looked old... 

Well, old compared to the territory of the Nightshade which was technologically advanced with inventions that he had never seen before.

But here, well it looked as if they were back in the Middles Age, with blacksmiths on each corner of the road, with dwarves walking the street with a hammer in hand.I think you should take a look at

It really was a city of crafters, a city where the majority of people knew how to use their hands to craft beautiful things.

Then, as they were in the direction of the Pavillon as Gerald pretty much knew where he was, a dwarf coming out of a blacksmith went right up to Aiden.

"Hey, you!" said the dwarf coming closer and closer to Aiden.

'What did I even do?' thought Aiden not finding any reason as to why a dwarf would go up to him.

The dwarf was like in any manga, it had a long beard, was very small, and had a red hair.

He had quite well-defined muscles all over his body, and calluses on his hands which clearly showed that he had spent a lot of time hammering and crafting.

But then, the next words of the words explained the situation. "Where'd you find that dagger, I thought that I had thrown it away as thrash."

Aiden was confused when he heard that as he knew that this dagger wasn't the best, but it still wasn't thrash in his mind at least.

"Well, I guess it took me a long climb to find it," said Aiden remembering the stairs that he had to go up to finally find the dagger in his hands.

"A long climb? Doesn't matter, do you like it?" asked the weird dwarf clearly talking about the dagger in Aiden's hands.

"Uh, I guess, why?" said Aiden not sure where this was going.

"Well, it might surprise you, but it was me that crafted that dagger, it was one of my very first creations," he said with a pensive expression on his face, "Time sure flies by."

Aiden was shocked not by the fact that the man had recognized the dagger, but by the fact that he had done so with such distance between them.

After all, they had been quite far away from him and they hadn't even paid attention to him. 

His eyes were impressive, to say the least.

"And why did you come up to me?" asked Aiden as he still didn't understand why that dwarf was still talking to him.

Sure, he had crafted Aiden's dagger, but what else? That simply couldn't be it.

"Oh nothing much, I was just surprised to see a weapon that I had made such a long time ago," said the dwarf before returning inside his smith seemingly finished with that little interaction.

"Oh and my name's Thorin, don't forget it."

"Well, that was weird," said Emma to the side who had simply watched this little interaction between the dwarf and Aiden.

"You should have seen your face when he came up to you, ahaha," she said laughing, still trying to make some type of conversation between the two of them.

It seemed like she still hadn't given up on making them friends again, she liked the old Aiden, the one who would at least be a little more talkative.

Author's Note: Go check out my other novel, The Only Cultivator.

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