
Chapter 128 128 - Meeting with Melinda

Chapter 128 128 - Meeting with Melinda

He knew that his participation was risky, however, they had found him right away it seemed, it was simply unbelievable.

He had only done a single fight, and he was masked, did his father who had abandoned him for so long recognized his son?

Aiden just couldn't believe it, however, he decided to wait patiently as maybe it wasn't related to that at all and it was something else completely.

Maybe it would be because of the strength that he showed while fighting.

But he quickly dismissed that thought as what he had done wasn't that impressive as Emma had more impact during the team fight.

Then, the moment arrived and someone arrived in front of him, however, Aiden was surprised by the expression on her face.

She seemed sorry, well... by the looks of it.

"Sorry about my tardiness, some dumb dwarf was keeping away from coming," said Melinda, showing the best smile that she could muster at the moment, expecting to catch Aiden's attention with that.

However, he didn't have any effect on Aiden who kept a straight face, waiting for her to continue talking about why he was currently here.

But, the reason why he didn't have any impact was because of the stress that Aiden was currently under.

He was meeting with someone that might be part of the Nightshade family, he really had to be careful.

"So, you're probably wondering why you're here, right?" she continued looking at the Reaper mask that Aiden currently had on.

Aiden only responded with silence once again, waiting for her to continue.

"Not much of a talker, huh?" she said, laughing a little as she said that. "Well, it doesn't matter I'll talk to myself I guess," she said, clearly making fun of herself a little.

"It's honestly quite simple, I was simply in awe by what you did during the team fight. Especially that last move of yours, it really was impressive I have to say," she added in the end, complementing Aiden.

'Wait what's happening? She met me and asked for me in front of everyone just to tell me that,' thought Aiden as he just couldn't make sense of such a situation.

Aiden, then opened his mouth for the very first time as he couldn't let her speak to herself for such a long time, after all.

"Hm, thank you."

"Oh, he can talk, interesting," said Melinda as she took the seat that was free.

They were now both seated at the opposite of a table while looking at each other.

"I guess that the reason you're meeting me isn't only to tell me this," said Aiden, as he really to not care at all about meeting one of the strongest in the world.

Sure, he was intimidated but he needed to seem strong mentally not being affected by such a situation.

"Woah, you really are heartless," she said as she once again smiled at him.

'What is she even doing? Is she trying to flirt with me or something,' thought Aiden as he couldn't even grasp why she was giving all smiles while teasing him.

Whatever she was doing Aiden didn't care as long as he wasn't in any danger, she could continue to smile at him for all he cared, it was a beautiful sight to look at after all.

'I guess this won't work on him, should I try something else?' thought Melinda as she noticed that Aiden didn't see to have any type of reaction regarding her beauty.

'It really is weird, everyone always tries to get in my good graces, but this guy looks like he doesn't even care about it,' she thought, finding him more and more strange.

"Well, I guess you're right, the reason why I'm here isn't to congratulate you, well, it's not only for that reason."

"So, um, what is it?" asked Aiden, wondering the reason why such an important would make the request to meet her.

"Curiosity, yeah I think that's what it is," she said.

Aiden hearing that, was even more confused than earlier as he couldn't understand anything that was currently happening.

"Curiosity? And what made you curious?"

"Well, many things of course, but the one thing that really shocked me was when you gathered everything around yourself as if you were one with nature," said Melinda, once again, complimenting him.

Aiden hearing all those compliments couldn't help but doubt what was going to follow those words.

"There was also when you released that dark aura around yourself, it made me wonder about your past and all of that."

Aiden, hearing that, only nodded waiting for her to finally ask something as he still couldn't see why she needed to meet him.

"That's all good reasons to be curious, but why are you meeting me? Couldn't you have kept your curiosity to yourself?" asked Aiden, completely disregarding the status of the person in front of him.

'He really is different, not showing an ounce of respect,' thought Melinda as she continued smiling at him.

"Well, you can refuse if you want but I was wondering if you could show me that beautiful face of yours behind that mask," she said, making sure to tease him while asking her request.

'Show what I look like? Is she crazy?' thought Aiden, as there was literally no way that he was going to show what he looked like.

There was a reason why he was wearing a mask and a pretty good one at that. He didn't want to show others what he looked like, or else who knew what might happen.

"Well, I'll refuse," said Aiden, instantly, not even thinking about it.

"You don't want to, um, I had guessed that was going to happen," said Melinda, sad that her proposal had been instantly refused.

"Then, scratch that, what can I give you for you to remove your of the founding families.

mask?" asked Melinda, out of politeness.

She asked it out of politeness because if she wanted to, she could literally remove it and Aiden wouldn't be able to do anything against her as she was a lot more powerful than him being the head of one of the founding families.

"Nothing honestly, there's no way that I will show you what I look like," answered Aiden, making his stance on the situation clear.

"Nothing? Absolutely nothing?" she repeated as Melinda started thinking about what she could possibly offer him to accept. "Um, let's say that you can join my family what would you say? Is that good enough?"

When she said that, Aiden had no intention of accepting still as he didn't know what family she was in charge of.

"About that, what family do you even represent?" asked Aiden as he still didn't know if that person was part of the Nightshade family.

Hearing Aiden say that Melinda was insulted as she knew that her identity was renowned around the world and that a lot of people knew about it.

Her family was one of the four strongest in the world, so how ignorant was the Reaper?

"Do you really don't know?" asked Melinda, getting a little frustrated about the question.

"I promise that I don't know, it's just...," said Aiden as he stopped speaking realizing that he was about to reveal something about him.

"Just what? You're an ignorant person that knows nothing about the world," said Melinda using this situation to make fun of Aiden.

However, Aiden didn't find it even remotely funny as he simply more about my family. The name of my family is Emberbane, and most of our family concentrates on the classes such as Enchantress nodded his head accepting what Melinda had just said.

"Um, I guess you really are ignorant, then I guess I can tell you more about my family. The name of my family is Emberbane, and most of our family concentrates on the classes such as Enchantress and the like. So, I guess it's fair to say that we focus on people with charm," she said showing off her body in front of Aiden.

'So she isn't part of the Nightshade family, I guess that's good to know,' thought Aiden, as he continued to listen to her attentively.

"So, that's why I wanted to see your face, to see if you have some potential in joining our family. Also, I know that you are an assassin and all that, but don't worry, I could get some really good skills for you," she said not wanting Aiden to be disinterested because of the Class-related skills.

But, before Melinda could finish her whole presentation about her family, Aiden interrupted her.

"Before you continue for no reason, this all sounds really interesting, but I'll need to refuse," said Aiden, not even adding the reason why he had made such a decision.

This time, Melinda was really frustrated and insulted as Aiden had just thrown his chance at becoming great into the trash, not even looking at it or considering it.

"Then, tell me why you don't want to join my family?" she said toward Aiden, clearly unhappy with the current situation as her smile disappeared from her face.

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