
Chapter 131 131 - Hidden Body Potential

Chapter 131 131 - Hidden Body Potential

Aiden was currently in one of the most important conversations he ever had.

He was about to get answers from Melinda about all the things that he ignored since he had arrived here.

Those answers which he had waited for a really long time, and the delay in having those answers had also made him change his personality a little as he fully concentrated on himself because of that.

It was now time for him to ask his first question.

"My first question is where does the system come from?" asked Aiden, as he was serious but also nervous as to what she was going to answer.

Then, Aiden waited for a couple of seconds but he noticed that Melinda still had her mouth as if not hearing the question.

"Where does the system come from?" repeated Aiden, once again, waiting for her to answer.

"The system? Where does the system come from, huh?" repeated Melinda as if she had absolutely no idea about its origins.

"Yeah, where does it come from?" repeated Aiden once again.

Melinda, however, once again took a couple of seconds before answering him.

"Um... Aiden, that's quite a good question, I'm not sure about that answer, ahaha," she said as she laughed a little.

"I never thought of questioning the origins of the system, I don't know it was always part of our society, so I didn't find any problem with it," she then explained, trying to make her words make sense.

However, it didn't convince Aiden at all, as he simply couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"So, you're telling me that you have no idea where it comes from? Is that it? You have not even thought about it once in your life?"

Melinda didn't answer this time she simply nodded, looking like she didn't have anything else to say.

"Maybe, it was too hard of a question," said Aiden, clearly mad with the first answer he had gotten.

He was sad that he hadn't gotten what he had expected, and there was also the fact that the answer she had given was weird as she had thought about it for a long time before answering him.

So, he decided to ask a question which was in his opinion supposed to be common knowledge as he had gotten that message at the end of the Second Trial.

"What about the hidden potential of one's body? What is that?" asked Aiden.

'She better answer or else there's literally no way that I'll join her family,' thought Aiden.

"Wow, you have great questions, the hidden potential of someone's body? Where have you heard of that if I may," said Melinda, however, this time her voice contained a different tone from earlier.

It seemed that Aiden's question wasn't common knowledge as Aiden started to feel pressure on him, as Melinda seemed to really want to know the answer to her question.

"Oh, it was the head of my family who told me about it, why?" lied Aiden, right away, as it seemed to be quite a touchy subject.

"And that head of your family, she couldn't explain it to you, huh?" added Melinda, picking up on some of the problems with Aiden's answer.


Aiden started to feel a lot of pressure coming from Melinda who still had her perfect smile on her face, however, Aiden knew that behind that smile was hiding something.

"Ah, doesn't matter if you don't want to answer, just a stupid question," said Aiden, quickly, noticing the change in the atmosphere.

"Oh, no, no need to do that, I'll answer no worries," said Melinda, who still had her smile on her face after saying that. "However, that will be your last question, is that okay?"

Aiden wasn't happy to hear that, however, he still nodded as he couldn't contradict her at the moment as she didn't seem to be in the best of moods.

"It's not like you'll go around telling what I'll say to everyone, right?" she said as she laughed while saying that.

"Of course not, I wouldn't dare," answered Aiden as quickly as possible. "If you don't want to, there's really no need to answer the question, you know," said Aiden one last time, as he didn't want to be burdened with that answer as it seemed quite important.

Sure, he wanted to know what a body's hidden potential was, but if it was at the cost of his life then he would rather not.

"No, I'll answer, I'll answer, I'm telling you, it's nothing really. Just make sure to keep that between us or else... well who knows, ahaha," she said as she menaced Aiden once again while smiling, making her seem really scary.

"So, a body's hidden potential, what is it?" said Melinda, repeating the question as she was about to answer. "It's quite simple actually, it is the potential of one's body to transcend the world that we live in," said Melinda, not adding any other detail.

"In fact, it seemed that your family head is quite lucky to have such a body as they are quite rarely seen," added Melinda, who started to go back to her usual self.

'Transcend the world? What the fuck does that mean?' thought Aiden, as other questions started to appear in his mind.

"But wh-"

"No more questions, you accepted remember," interrupted Melinda looking at Aiden with a friendly look in her eyes.

"So, was that enough? You're going to join my family now, right?" asked Melinda.

Aiden hearing her ask such a thing, knew that he didn't have any choice but to accept as it seemed that an important secret had been given to him.

He would also not make the mistake of revealing it to others, as he would probably die if he did so as Melinda had quite the scary face at some point even menacing him sometimes.

"Yeah, I'll join it, but can we wait until the end of the tournament for it to be official," said Aiden, as he didn't want Maelis or Emma to learn that he had changed family before they knew about it.

"Sure, I see what you're trying to do, doing one last dance with your old team," said Melinda, thinking of things that were not related at all.

"Yeah, that's it, one last dance," said Aiden, confirming her thoughts.

"Well, it's no problem," said Melinda.

Aiden was shocked at how well she was able to change the pressure that was surrounding her when she spoke. One moment he felt like he would die if he made the wrong move, and the next one he felt appreciated and loved.

It really was quite a weird feeling.

Then, a bit of silence installed itself between the two of them as they both looked into each other's eyes without looking away.

5 seconds, 10 seconds, it was like they were obligated to look at each other that way.

Aiden was the first one to break the eye contact as he could the atmosphere becoming quite awkward.

"Hum, Hum, so was that it? Can I go back to the tournament?" asked Aiden, as he didn't want to stay in this room for much longer, as he didn't know when she would completely change her attitude.

"Yeah, that was it. Oh, and don't forget that you have to show me tournament, after all," said Melinda recalling that he still hadn't removed his mask.

your face right now. You're going to join my family at the end of the tournament, after all," said Melinda recalling that he still hadn't removed his mask.

"I got to say, it really is a beautiful mask, I feel like it represents you well," she added while waiting for Aiden's answer.

Aiden didn't want to reveal what he looked like right now as he would prefer to do at the end of the tournament as he didn't know if they were being observed at the moment.

"Can't I wait for the end of the tournament? Wouldn't it be better to do everything at the end," he added, trying to convince her.

"Heh, why not? I can wait for a little," she said as she made some gestures with her hands.

As she did that Aiden's vision started to change as he could feel his body starting to be teleported back to the Arena.

Then, Melinda was alone in the white room, not moving. She seemed to be thinking about many things as she didn't move a single muscle. Not even her eyes blinked.

'Should I tell the others about him?' thought Melinda, as she learned some pretty interesting things during that conversation with him.

'Hidden body potential, huh? He really has some guts. He lied to me, after all,' she thought, as she had obviously realized that he was the one who had this potential.

Melinda was now thinking about telling the other founding families heads about her discovery of someone with such a body because just like she had said earlier, people with such potential were scarce and quite valuable.

She had told the truth when she had talked about what it meant to have such a body, it really meant to be able to transcend the world. Basically, reaching higher planes which couldn't be seen by normal human beings.


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