
Chapter 205 205 - Arriving At The Ravenwood Hotel

In the first place, the two of them were confused as to how he had gotten to know someone from the Nightshades.

They found it quite weird, to be honest.

But the thing that was even weirder was that they seemed to be close as if they were long-time friends.

Well, Lilia seemed to be acting in such a way, Aiden was acting just like he would always do cold and indifferent.

However, that girl was different, she acted as if she had known Aiden for a long time, but that was simply not possible since Aiden had grown up in the Slums while she had been in a literal castle inside the Nightshade Family.

"What is happening? Do you know mom?"

Emma was obviously the one who was most worried about what would happen as she had noticed that Aiden had been nervous which was weird in the first place.

Aiden had never once been nervous around her, and from only a whisper he had become nervous.

"Emma, why would I even know about it, if you don't."

"Um, I guess you're right about that one," replied Emma as she knew that she was probably the one who was most knowledgeable about Aiden since she had lived with him and all that.

"Well, it probably isn't that big of a deal," mumbled Emma, seemingly trying to reassure herself as much as she could.

Olivia such a reaction coming out of Emma, thought that it was the perfect time to make fun of her.

"Are you worried that he will do something to that girl while you're not watching," said Olivia while giggling.

Emma blushed hearing her, as she decided that she wasn't going to answer to such words.

"If you're worried now, I don't what's going to happen when we reach the Emberbane Territory," said Olivia, reminding her that she would also be accompanying the two of them there and one thing was sure, she simply couldn't wait.


While Emma and the rest questioned that meeting between Aiden and Lilia Nightshade, Gerald and Aiden were still walking at a good pace in the direction of the Ravenwood Hotel.

Gerald who didn't know Aiden very well, didn't ask any questions as he could guess that he wouldn't be getting any sort of answers.

"We'll soon arrive," announced Gerald as his walking speed started to slow down little by little.

Aiden wasn't blind and had already noticed the gigantic building in front of them.

The hotel was literally blinding as it reflected the light from the sun, Aiden could barely look at it before looking away.

It was made of precious materials which were of the colour red and gold it seemed which gave it some sort of cache.

The hotel also seemed to be extremely luxurious with many balconies which gave a view of the entire Ravenwood City.

"I guess this is it, huh?" said Aiden as he pointed toward the hotel.

Gerald looked in the direction he pointed and nodded, confirming Aiden's thoughts.

"Then, good luck, try not to take too much time in there," said Gerald as he started to leave Aiden by himself.

It seemed that he had already understood that he wasn't supposed to be following him in there which was something that Aiden had truly appreciated.

'What room was it again?' thought Aiden as he started walking inside the hotel, looking around.

And it was incredible and clearly made for those who had insane amounts of money.

But, then he stopped admiring the beauty of the hotel and decided to focus a little on the task at hand.

'It was room 200 or 201, I think it was 201,' thought Aiden, as he headed toward the little sign that indicated that there was something to go up.

Arriving there, he noticed that those weren't stairs, but some sort of strange lift which many people were entering and going out of.

If Aiden had visited a city on Earth or something similar to that before, he would instantly recognize that the lift in front of him was something called an elevator.

Without wasting any more time, Aiden entered the lift without any problem accompanied by many different types of people, there were elves, dwarves, and even vampires it seemed since some of them had the tone of skin extremely white as if they had never seen the sun once in their life.

Then, shortly after he reached what seemed to be the second floor where he could find room 201.

Not wasting any time, he got out of the elevator and he saw that the room was on the left, so he quickly went that way.





Aiden was now knocking on the door of room 201, as he had finally found out after walking around a little.

Shortly after knocking, he started hearing footsteps from the other side of the room. It seemed that someone was literally running toward the door as fast as she could almost excited.

Then, the door was swung open and Lilia was right on the other side of it.

"You came already?" she asked surprised.

"Um, yeah, was I supposed to come later?" asked back Aiden, confused.

The first that she had just said to him was literally that he was already there.

'Did you not want to meet me?' thought Aiden, unsure why she had said such a thing.

"No, no, it's fine, come in, come in," she said, inviting him into her room.

Aiden slowly walked in looking around the room analyzing everything, making sure that it wasn't a trap or anything like that.

"Oh, you can sit," added Lilia, pointing toward the couch which was right behind him.

Aiden listened to her as he swiftly sat on it, looking at her dead in the eyes.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

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