
Chapter 34: The Leader Meeting

Chapter 34: The Leader Meeting

"Hmm… Not a bad place." said King Leon

"Is the place satisfied to your liking, King Leon?" asked Sylvan

"Yes, it's a great place." replied King Leon

"Then, I will excuse myself. If you have any need, I will be ready outside." as Sylvan excuses himself to go outside the room.

"Alright." as the king waved his hand.

After Sylvan goes outside leaving them inside the room, "Alright guys, I will rest first, you can go whatever you want in this place." as King Leon enters the master bedroom.

Hearing this, the duke Jacob immediately sat on the sofa and closed his eyes. As for the Marquis Leroy, he chose to rest in one of the rooms to recover his body and mind from the teleportation.

Few days passed without any disturbance. During this time, the King Leon group didn't get out from their lodging at all. It's because leaders from various kingdoms in Firuman starting to arrive at the Roundel city.

The residents of Roundel city could feel clashes between grade 7 people inside the city a few times during these few days.

Although nothing major is happening, King Leon decides it will be a hassle to meet other grade 7 people especially if they are battle maniac like Warchief Napollo.

Even at this moment, people could feel that Warchief Napollo mana signature in the surrounding as he sparred with someone.

Although they spar inside the enclosed space with strong enchantment but there is no enchantment, trap or other equipment that could truly confine the grade 7 power, the realm of legend.

Soon, the time for the meeting between the leader and grade 7 people from the civilization society comes.

They begin to move and gather at the one building that is not made of tree or wood. The building has the shape of a dome and is very big. It is made of unknown material that is very sturdy and looks ancient.

Each entrance is guarded by elfs with minimum strength of grade five. Entering the dome building, they arrive at the circular big room with a big circular table at the center.

Looking at this room, the leaders choose a seat while their subordinates stay behind them. While they know that they are being called for a serious situation, they didn't have any nervousness at all being here.

On the contrary, since they enter the building all of them begin to mind their business by themself. Some of them try to exchange greetings and information.

Some already confide about their problem in managing the country. Some of them are battle maniacs like Warchief Napollo and try to provoke others.

Some also keep quiet and wait like the King Leon group. The atmosphere is not like an emergency meeting that decides the future of Firuman but rather a reunion between old friends.

After a few moments, an elf leader stood up and said in a calm manner, "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention?"

Hearing this all of them immediately silent and focus on the elf.

"Thank you for your attention. Some of you already know me but I will still introduce myself. My name is Vandor Windspear, your leader during this meeting." [Vandor]

"Shall we begin the meeting pertaining to the new Monster Overlord." as the elf begins the meeting and gathers everyone attention.

"Judging from the monster wave behaviour that happened a few days ago, we all know that a new Monster Overlord is born."

"From our observation, we found that this time the Monster Overlord seems to have the ability to command a vast range of the other lower grade monsters below it." as Vandor show the hologram of various 5th grade monsters that lead monster wave few days ago.

"Fortunately, from our resources and calculation we know that the Monster Overlord is inside the Dark Forest. However, for specific locations we still don't know yet."

"We need to look and gather intelligence pertaining to Monster Overlord before we could plan our next move. I suggest we make a team from various kingdoms or is there anyone with a better idea?" as Vandor took a seat and waited for others's reaction.

Like Vandor expected, the moment he finished his sentence all the people inside the room burst and spoke at the same time like a huge dam broke.

"Ridiculous this is a suicide mission!!" said one of the leaders.

"A team?! I suggest those savage tribes do it." said another leader while looking at the others.

"Huh?! what do you mean by that?" rebuked another leader.

"Can we just ignore this Monster Overlord thing?" another leader said apathetically.

Some of the leaders even do not care and chat to themself. Some also keep their calm and not voice anything.

During this time, "Aren't we supposed to do something?" whisper marquis Leroy to the duke Jacob as he didn't expect the way leader meeting to transpire.

"Nope, this is pretty usual." answer the duke shortly.

'Although, all them are under a single banner of civilization society but there is no true leader among these people to lead them. Moreover, they always prioritize their own kingdom above all." Thought the duke silently.

'If only the elf race want to take place to lead them, they will be less chaotic. However, that's also impossible as it's not the nature of elf race.' Thought the duke while looking at the elf leaders that seems apathetic about the meeting situation.

Suddenly, every single one of them stopped talking. *BLAAM* All the leader guards immediately cast their respective spell/skill to protect their leader.

Warchief Napollo slam his hand into the table and break some part of it before saying, "Stop blabbering like a child!! Just send one of your men from each country to assemble the team and get done with this."

Hearing this from the Warchief Napollo some leader rebuked him, "Child? you are the one that is a child, muscle head!!"

"Yeah, why should I send my people…"

Before the other leader rebuked the warchief, "SHUT UP, WEAKLING!! If you are really afraid to fight monsters overlord then you have no place here." while the warchief releases his intimidating aura.

Feeling this, the other leaders also start to release their aura to counter his. During this moment, all of them abruptly stop and look above.

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