
Chapter 50: Jammed

Chapter 50: Jammed

Dark Forest, an endless sea of forest that bordered with many kingdoms. It is known that it has existed since ancient times even before civilization.

This endless humongous sea of trees is not ordinary forest. Not only is the place infested by monsters and thick fog miasma in the centre, this forest is also different from others.

Many stories and myths tell about this forest. Some myth says that it is the place where the Evil God fell. Some say this place is cursed land, but no one could ever prove it.

Since ancient times many people try to destroy and burn this cursed land, but after one night all the burned and destroyed trees grow back again. Moreover, they not only grow but also develop in other places to become bigger over time.

If its perimeter is not getting lumbered and destroyed periodically, they may already infest all over the world. Many people try to search for its source but until now no one could do it. It's because in the centre of the Dark Forest is infested by hordes of high grade monsters.

This is the huge hurdle for a lot of people to reach the centre. It's impossible to avoid all these high grade monsters with their keen senses. Once you fight one monster, it will attract the others and lead to being surrounded.

Now, all of the kingdom send their own team to investigate the newly born monster overlord that resides in this cursed place. The kingdoms sent many high grade people and divided them into many teams.

Searching the monster overlord in this Dark Forest is like searching a needle in the haystack. Moreover, there are also other older monster overlord that reside in this Dark Forest since the ancient times.

Some may die being eaten by others some may still survive and hibernate themself. Whatever the case, it will be a suicide to wake them or disturb them. Unless they want to fight more than one monster overlord at the same time.

Because of this, all these teams are led by an elf. Elf race has the longest lifespan among the other races in exchange for their fertility. Along with this long lifespan, they also have the most complete record about all the monsters overlord that being born through history.

Every time a monster overlord is born, there will be an unusual massive attack of monster horde like before. So, it's hard to miss the birth of the monster overlord.

From the record not all these monster overlord is hostile. One usually stays in their territory, Ones just goes back to sleep, Few search for better territory, and many others that didn't care to attack civilization society.

These elf leaders in the investigation team have a role to recognize and update the monster overlord record. They also need to make sure other monsters overlord not being disturbed or wake up to attack civilization society.

Few months have passed since the Heart kingdom alliance team departed from the Black Fortress. Being guided by members of Blue Feather guild, the teams could easily enter the inner area of the forest.

Still they got a lot of obstacles from various low grade monsters that seem more active in the outer area. Although none of them could threaten the team, they need to avoid any unnecessary battle and being surrounded by monsters from all sides.

Because of this, they need a few months just to get inside the inner area. The inner area is enclosed by misty miasma in the air. The deeper towards the inner area, the thicker the grey mist.

"Huff… Finally arrive at the inner area. I thought it would take more time than this." said the muscular man, Gibbs.

"Well, it's thanks to Master William for being a good guide." said the brown skinned woman.

"Ahh… it's nothing. Actually I am quite ashamed since it usually only takes a few weeks time to get into the inner area. However, there are more monsters than usual in the outer area." said William.

"Don't worry about it, Master William. During this time period, all things could happen. I just received information that the others also have difficulty entering the inner areas."

"It's already impressive we could enter this area in just a few months' time." said Sylvan while putting his communication device inside his storage bracelet.

Although there are no satellites in this world, they still could communicate one with each other through magical communication devices as long as they are not stray too far.

"From here, I will be the one that leads the team. Master William since you have great perception towards surrounding, please keep your vigilance in case you notice something. Alright, shall we continue?" [Sylvan]

"Yes, sir." [Everyone]

Then, they continue their journey. As a team that consists of high grade people, their body is more resilient than others. All of them have strong physiques and could run all day without having a rest.

Still the Dark Forest inner area itself is not small, although they never measure it but it could be compared to a small continent on Earth. This large area is infested with high grade and monster overlord.

The danger rate rises up a lot compared to the outer area. In the inner area, one carelessness could lead to the death of the team or worse they could wake up the other monster overlord.

Few moments of going through the miasma fog, Sylvan signaled the team to stop. All of them immediately raise their vigilance towards the surrounding.

"What is it, Sylvan?" asked Jacob.

"Quiet… It's too quiet." replied Sylvan.

Then, William suddenly seems to smell something. "This.. This smell."

"Did you notice something?" asked Maru.

"Master Sylvan, we need to hide or get out of this place now!!" said William in a hurried tone.

Hearing this, the elf leader immediately cast a spell towards the surrounding area. [4th Circle - Mimicry Zone]. After that a group of huge bees came out from the fog in front of him.

Looking at the group of bees, "It's a group of grade three bear bees. It seems this is a grade five Queen Bee territory. There are no records of the Queen Bee being a monster overlord before."

"However, infiltrating the bee nest itself is almost the same as fighting a horde of bear bees at once. As the leader, we need to at least check the queen if it is a monster overlord or not."

"But, the risk is much higher than if we infiltrate another monster territory. So, how is it guys? Should we retreat or get going?" Asked Sylvan towards others.

While they discussed their next action, thousands of bear bees kept pouring out in the sky and passed them. Looking at the number of bear bees, they knows this will be a suicide to attack the nest now.

However, during this time a low sound wave vibrates in the air constantly. *HUM* Hearing this, Sylvan immediately checks his pocket watch communication device and finds that it could not receive any signal.

"This sound wave jammed all kinds of device communication. It seems it came from the bear bee nest." said Sylvan solemnly.

Without the communication one with each other, the investigation team efficiency will drop a lot. The reason why they choose an elf race as the leader is so they could exchange information one with each other impartially without hiding anything.

But, because of this low sound wave it jammed all kinds of communication devices inside the inner area. because of this, they need to at least kill the preparator that jammed their communication device.

While the others are still thinking what to do, 'Barricade of low grade monsters in the outer area, now low sound waves that could jam our communication device.'

'Hmm.. this is not the work of an ordinary monster. This monster overlord may be more dangerous than we initially thought.' Thought Silvan silently.

After a while, they decide to attack the nest since it is likely the low sound wave came from the nest. Without communication, their survival rate will also drop. So, they need to get rid of whoever is jamming their communication.

Under the camouflage of the [Mimicry Zone], they walked slowly towards the sound origin. After a few kilometers walk, they found a weird shaped tall building with bear bees flying around it.

"Like our initial thought, the sound wave came from inside the nest. Possibly the Queen Bee herself. Everyone, prepare to fight. Jacob, could you do the honor?"

During these few months, their relationship becomes closer like friends since they are already through a lot of dangerous situations together. Moreover, Jacob always maintains his respect towards Sylvan which also makes him respect Jacob.

"Alright." Replied the duke shortly.

Then, Jacob begins to gather flare up all his mana and begin chanting, "Will of fire, Will of steel, red fire blaze of…."

Since now their job changes from covert mission to elimination, the duke also is not going hold back and starting to use high circle spells.

Noticing the sudden appearance of huge mana nearby, the bear bee also not just stayed idle either. They immediately attack the huge mana source.

Before they could approach, All of them immediately got shot down by soundless arrows from out of nowhere [Scatter Shot]. Looking at their comrade dying penetrated by arrows, the bear bees enraged and called reinforcement from the nest and the surrounding. *ROAAR*

At this moment, Jacob has already finished his chanting and created a large complex magic circle in front of him, "...Burn to eternity [5th Circle - Will-O-Wisp].

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