
Chapter 79: Merchant Guild

Chapter 79: Merchant Guild

"You can start anytime you want." said the headmaster.

'Fuhh.. Calm down just doing as 'normal' as possible.' thought Angus as he took a deep breath to calm his mind.

Then, Angus concentrated and looked at the three dummy in front of him. Angus begins to calculate in his mind and create a magic circle in front of his hand.

Less than a second later, he shot a ball of fire towards the first dummy target [1st Circle - Firebolt]. [Firebolt] hit exactly at the dummy.

He kept using [Firebolt] and shot at the second dummy target with a dozen second intervals. But, as he shot towards the last dummy target it suddenly moved away dodge Angus's [Firebolt].

Fortunately, for each dummy Angus get a chance twice to hit it using any kind of spell. Angus stays expressionless and tries to create [Firebolt] again.

'As expected, it is not as simple as this. Otherwise, it is too easy for examination.' thought Angus inwardly while pretending to give his all to create [Firebolt].

For someone at his age, it is normal to could only cast [Firebolt] a few times. Normally, students at his age with high proficiency at controlling mana could only cast the first circle spell up to eight times.

So, struggling after shooting [Firebolt] three times is quite normal. With his mana capacity, he actually could cast the first circle spell such as [Firebolt] dozens of times without getting tired at all.

However, Angus wanted to pretend to be weak in front of the headmaster and could not help but act. Using his full control in his body, he could even make his heartbeat increase, facial expression paler, and sweating more than usual.

'Fortunately, I didn't increase any of my stat yet this month.' thought Angus while he controlled his mana at a superb level to create the [Firebolt] in his hand flicker a little bit.

A few seconds later, Angus shot [Fireball] to the idle dummy. But at the last second, it managed to dodge it again. As for Angus, he already slumped on the ground with 'rough breathing'.

Angus made his expression look sad that he failed the test as he couldn't hit all the dummy. At this moment, the headmaster approaches Angus.

Looking at the saddening Angus expression, "Don't worry, young man. Sometimes failure is part of the success." encourage the headmaster.

"But… I still fail the test." replied Angus sadly.

"Who said that you failed? You show me a remarkable focus and concentration that not every student at your age could do it. Besides, the condition to hit all the dummy is actually to make you give everything you got." explained the headmaster.

'Yep, as I expected. Besides, who is the right mind gives a test of hitting moving objects to an eleven years old kid? Heck.. even some of the adults even struggle at this test.' Thought Angus inwardly while listening to the headmaster explanation.

"T-Then…" as Angus pretends to be happy.

"Yes, Angus Victory, you are passed and qualified to enter the Magician Class." declared the headmaster.

"Yeah!! Thank you headmaster." replied Angus happily while expressing his gratitude.

"Alright, then if you excuse me." said Angus while wanting to go out from the examination room.

"Hold on, Angus. Why don't we have another test? This test will not affect your previous result. But, if you show me a good performance in this test, you will get another plus point in your report." entice the headmaster.

'What the.. Why would you give me another test? *Sigh* Troublesome.' thought Angus

"Err.." as Angus pretends to be confused at his choice.

"Don't worry about it. The test is simple. I hear you are good at dodging. You only need to dodge my attack for one minute. Of course, I will only use the first circle spell." explain the headmaster.

'Huft.. If I never try to spar against my father. I may be enticed to take this test. But, why the trouble to expose myself.' thought Angus silently.

"I am sorry headmaster, but I refuse. Now, I am quite exhausted after casting all those [Firebolt]" as Angus refuses the headmaster offer politely.

"I see.. It's a shame. You have a great talent, Angus." said the headmaster.

Hearing this, Angus's expression changes for a second before immediately back to calm. Then, Angus excuses himself to go out of the examination room.

'Such a shame.. he has a good body for his age. Perhaps Hybrid Class is more suitable for him than Magician class with his talent. But, it's his own choice.' thought the old headmaster inwardly.

Meanwhile, Angus immediately finds a secluded spot before releasing a sigh.

'Talent huh… That's just a curse.' thought Angus while remembering a memory of his past.

'Angus, you have great talent. Don't waste it.' as Angus remembers his old master last word.

"Huff.. I am sorry, master. That's already my past. Now, I just want a peaceful life." declare Angus to himself.

After the examination period, the Royal Academy gives the student a break like usual. Now, Angus is entering the carriage alone without Vergil.

Vergil is already in the 8th year this year and his examination is a little bit special that needs him to go outside the academy. So, right now Angus is riding his carriage alone.

Arriving at his townhouse, Angus changes his clothes before going outside his manor towards the commercial section.

After walking for a while, he arrived at the Golden Trade merchant guild. In Firuman, there are many kinds of guilds. Adventurer guild is the most famous as they usually accept any kind of job request.

However, there are other specialized guilds like merchant guilds. Like its name, the Merchant guild is dealt with trading and money. Sometimes, famous merchant guilds could also become sort of banks.

Golden Trade merchant guild is one of the famous merchant guilds in the Heart Kingdom. They have a lot of branches throughout the Firuman, especially in the human kingdom.

One of them is the Golden Trade Auction Hall which auctions many kinds of rare items. Furthermore, because of their huge prestige they never openly cheat their customers.

Although they have quite a huge fee for each transaction, they are more trustworthy when dealing with a lot of money or purchasing in bulk than ordinary merchants.

This is also one of the Angus reasons to come to the Golden Trade merchant guild. Angus wants to sell monster parts.

His manual battle system not only drops skill books but it also drops some monster part when he is fighting against the monster. Sometimes it even could drop monster cores that are always high in demand in the market.

During all this year, Angus also tries to fight various kinds of monsters inside his manual system. Because of this, his system inventory is full of various parts monster body.

Still, the monsters he could fight are limited only to the one he observes inside the monster house. Although the monster is too aggressive during this period, it didn't hinder students in the Monster Physiology course to observe and learn about monsters.

Besides during this time, students could also find many unusual behaviours that are not recorded in the book. Because Angus's monster system is based on the academy's monster house it only contains ungraded and few grade one monsters.

Despite this, his monster part is slowly accumulated inside his system inventory. So once in a while during the break, Angus will sneak out of the townhouse manor to sell his monster part in bulk.

After inquiring with a few merchants, he found that the Golden Trade merchant guild is the best to sell his bulk monster part. Although some of the parts are quite useful for his alchemy experiment he still could obtain many more later.

If it is not because his system inventory space seems infinite, it may already be full during the few months he fought against the monster. Entering the Golden Trade, Angus goes towards one of the counters.

"Welcome, how may I help you?" said one of the staff behind the counter.

"Could you please call manager Ernest?" said Angus while showing the staff a gold card with a Golden Trade emblem.

Looking at the golden card, "A-Alright, Sir. May I know from whom I speak with?" asked the staff politely.

"Just tell him, it is from Angus." replied Angus.

"Yes, sir. Please wait a minute." said the staff before going to the communication device nearby.

Few minutes of waiting the staff back to Angus, "Sir Angus, please follow me to one of our VIP rooms."

"Alright, lead the way." replied Angus.

Then, the Agnus is being let into one of the enclosed rooms. Although the room looks normal and ordinary, he could feel many runes enchanted all over the room. He feels like being isolated from the outside.

Few moments of waiting inside the room, a young man in his twenties with neat clothes entered the room.

"Angus, my dear friend. I am sorry to make you wait. There are a lot of documents that I need to take care" said the young man while giving Angus a handshake.

"No problem, Ernest. I am not waiting that long." replied Angus.

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