
Chapter 224: Gigantic Bubble

Chapter 224: Gigantic Bubble

*Whooshh* As soon as an invisible wave erupted from Angus, Anna, who was sleeping near Angus, immediately woke up. She looks at Angus, who is still meditating in the lotus position.

Jayna and Ilgor didn't notice the change in Angus and are still recovering their exhausted mana. In the meantime, Angus didn't notice the invisible wave he released and kept stabilizing his dantian.

Unlike mana core, Dantian has a very different concept. Mana cores can be used as storage, main control, and manufacture of mana. On the other hand, Dantian is only storage for chi. As for control and refining chi could only be done manually by the user.

Chi and mana themselves are different yet also similar. If mana is calm and flows like water, chi is wilder and raging like thunder. Both of them are energy but have different types.

According to Angus's knowledge, mana actually could be found in everything, be it stone, water, air, plantation, animal, etc. However, chi could only be found in living beings. Chi is the product of life force and vitality.

Because of this, only a living being could produce chi. Since chi is connected with the life force, it automatically enhances the user's body. Cultivating chi is harder than cultivating mana.

Since it is the product of the life force only by continuous hard training and refining, one could produce chi. Unlike mana, which is sustainable energy and infinite, Chi is finite energy and hard to produce.

If someone consumes all his chi, they need to produce more chi from his own body. Chi cannot regenerate by themself like mana. This is also one of the major reasons why Angus didn't cultivate chi until now.

Still, compared to mana, chi is more powerful. Just a sliver of chi could easily kill any ordinary person. Angus found chi is more similar to miasma, but miasma gives a more distinctive aura while chi is more neutral.

Both chi and miasma are destructive types of energy. They will corrode any other living being besides the owner.

Normally, it takes days, weeks, months, or years just to produce a small quantity of chi. However, Angus has the heritage chi waiting to be refined into his own chi. Heritage chi is mysterious and infinite energy that could keep being exploited without end.

This is also one of the reasons why Angus got hunted and betrayed by everyone in his past life. The heritage chi is too enticing for any chi user. However, no one knows that refining heritage chi to his own chi is an arduous and dangerous task.

One wrong move, Angus could enter the berserk state or cripple himself. In the worst case, he could explode and kill himself.

After stabilizing his dantian, Angus woke up from his meditation and found the others waiting for Angus. Before creating his dantian, Angus told everyone not to disturb him unless it was important since he wanted to try something.

Waking up from his meditation, he found he was covered with sweat and quite exhausted. The process of creating Dantian is also complex and requires his full concentration.

Usually, it will take weeks or months, but since Angus uses the energy of heritage chi, he could fasten the process.

'Fiuhh.. At least it is not as dangerous as forming my mana core.' thought Angus.

The moment he opened his eyes, he got a notification from his idle system.

"New energy detected. Chi will be added to the status chart." [System]

Closing the notification with his thought, Angus opened his status panel.

Host: Angus Victory

Age: 14 Years Old

MP: 391/391 (100 before forming)

Chi: 0

Heritage chi: ???

Strength: 40

Dexterity: 39

Intelligence: 41

Vitality: 43

Soul Point: 194

Under the MP, there is a new indicator called chi. His current chi reserves are zero since he still hasn't refined any chi yet.

While Angus checks at his status, "Angus, are you alright?" asked Jayna worriedly.

"Ah.. Yeah, I'm just quite tired a little bit." replied Angus.

"Hmm.. Really??" asked Jayna again.

"Y-Yeah.." as Angus dodge Jayna's sudden punch to his face.

"Alright, since you could dodge it. You are okay." replied Jayna with a relieved expression.

Angus becomes speechless at this. But, he didn't protest as he was already used to Jayna's antics.

"Don't worry, big sister. Angus is just becoming stronger now. I bet after some time, he could kill the weak green bubble with his pinky." said Anna with an innocent face.

"Grr.. I am not weak." commented Ilgor, who hears Anna's remark.

After getting along for a while, Anna gives Ilgor a nickname as the weak green bubble. At first, Jayna also gets a nickname as Angus's lover. But, she insisted on being called big sister. Only Angus has not got any other nickname from Anna.

Hearing Anna's sentence, "Anna, what do you feel about me?" asked Angus.

"Emm.. I feel Angus just now became more dangerous. I feel that after a little bit of time, Angus will become more dangerous. It is not that Angus isn't dangerous before."

"It feels like Angus has turned into a whole new level of danger. I feel after some time Angus could burst me like any bubble bubble." said Anna.

'Hmm… Interesting so Anna could perceive someone's strength based on the danger. She is also not wrong as chi is basically more dangerous and destructive than ordinary mana.' thought Angus.

"Anna, based on your feelings, who is the strongest person you ever meet?" asked Angus.

"Heee.. Of course, Angus is the strongest. Compared to Angus, the others are like bubble bubbles." Replied Anna.

"Hahahaha… I see, but didn't you already meet uncle Jade? He is a lot stronger than the current me." said Angus.

"No.. Angus is the strongest. Even the scary red bubble can't compare to Angus." replied Anna.

Hearing this, Angus could only shake his head and ignore Anna's comment. Anna likes to give other people nicknames with colors and bubbles, like Ilgor as a weak green bubble and Jade as the scary red bubble.

Sometimes it is pretty hard to understand Anna's sentences. Moreover, she likes to said bubble this and that, making her words completely incoherent and hard to understand.

"Alright, it seems everyone is already recovered. Let's move to the next location." said Angus as he began to pack his things.

After packing their things and dismantling the tent, Angus and the others begin to change location. On the way, they got attacked by a group of sand slime. Like before, Angus used Fire Oil combined with Jayna's Crimson Slash to petrify the sand slime.

Then, they start to harvest the sand slimes using a special container they got from the village. As they harvest the petrified sand slimes, a tremor suddenly happens in the surrounding area. Angus immediately uses [Great Mana Echolocation] to check the surroundings.

'Bellow!!' thought Angus.

Detecting the sources, "Everyone, hurry follow me!!" said Angus as he ran towards one direction.

Hearing this, everyone immediately follows Angus. Running for a while, the tremor finally recedes, and a gigantic transparent bluish ball appears from the ground below their previous spot.

Seeing this, Anna couldn't help exclaim, "Bubble.. Angus, that's a gigantic bubble!!" said Anna excitedly with a star in her eyes.

"What's that?" asked Jayna curiously.

"No, Anna, that's not a gigantic bubble. It seems like a slime, but I think it is a high grade one." said Angus.

"Can I burst it? Can I burst it? Can I burst it?" asked Anna repeatedly while still excited.

"Well, I hear high-grade slime is very rare and could become a great ingredient to enhance weapons or armor. So, yeah, you could kill it. But, be careful. Although it is a slime, it is still a high-grade monster." said Angus.

"Yey.. yey.. Bursting gigantic bubble!!" exclaimed Anna, who immediately transformed.

Less than a second later, Anna dash towards the gigantic sand slime with a big grin in her mouth.

"Alright, let's help Anna. Careful, the high-grade sand slime is different from the other slime and cannot be easily petrified with the heat. We need to attack its core to kill it." explained Angus to others while following Anna.

"Alright, then it will become my sandbag for today." replied Jayna.

"Yes, master." replied Ilgor shortly.

Soon, Anna arrives near the gigantic slime that is almost as big as Plague Worm from before. Without hesitation, Anna pierced the slime with her miasma claw.

Her miasma claw managed to penetrate the slime without any resistance. Because of her momentum, her entire body enters the slime.

Being enveloped by the slime, Anna feels like inside heavy water. Feeling the weird sensation inside the slime, Anna begins playing around while clawing her surroundings. Angus and the others who see this couldn't help but be surprised at the sudden development.

Jayna immediately wants to help Anna, who is still playing inside the slime using her fiery sword. But she felt like cutting water and didn't damage the slime at all, even with her burning sword.

Ilgor also begins to rapidly slash the gigantic slime [Axe Art - Mad Butcher]. Furious of slash attack the gigantic slime, however like Jayna, his attack is futile and only creates a splash of corrosive slime towards Ilgor.

Fortunately, Ilgor's body is quite resilient against the corrosive slime. Otherwise, he will be melted into meat paste. Then, Angus picks a stone nearby before throwing it inside the gigantic slime. *Bluss*

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