
Chapter 237: You Are Mine

Chapter 237: You Are Mine

'Using only cold weapons? No wonder they only use weapon skill during the fight against the Eskor monster overlord.' thought Angus.

Then, Jade brings everyone to the nearby inn. Although they have a golden plaque in this place, they still need to rely on themself to stay in this place.

The golden plaque will only help them not to get obstructed when passing a certain area. They also will not get troubled over small things by the patrolling guard. After walking for a while, they arrive at one of the inn taverns.

"It's still the same from many years ago." said Jade.

"Welcome to Sparkling Bell Tavern. How may I help you?" said one of the waitresses.

"We want to rent a few rooms." replied Jade.

"Alright, follow me." replied the waitress.

Apparently, the price of the room in this inn is quite expensive. Just one night of a double bedroom cost fifty third-grade cores. According to Jade, this price is relatively standard in Porros, not too costly, and not cheap.

However, if compared with the other places like in the Ancestral Ruin, it is very expensive. The reason for this is because the living expenses in Porros are pretty high.

Furthermore, Porros city is also near many high-grade monsters and beasts. People that live here never lack a monster core. Only strong people will be living and staying here. Most of the weak people could only become beggars in this place.

Jade decides to rent three rooms for one week and gives a money deposit in case they need to extend their stay. Jade didn't know how long his weapon would be completed, so he could only do this for now.

In the end, Jade paid around 400 fourth-grade cores that are similar to 4000 third-grade cores. This is already an enormous price since killing 400 fourth-grade monsters or beasts is very hard and takes time, even for Jade.

In a place like Porros who uses core as their currency, they usually have the rule that a core grade is equivalent to ten of its below grade. For example, one fourth grade core equals ten third grade core, a hundred second grade core, or a thousand first grade core.

After paying the amount and getting the key, Anna looks at Angus and Jayna mischievously.

"Come on, weak green bubble, let's get to our room." said Anna while taking one of the key rooms from Jade.

"Grr.. you little evil. I am not weak." replied Ilgor.

"Yeah.. Yeah.. Say that after you beat me. Anyway, we should give time to Angus and big sister to mate this time." said Anna while dragging Ilgor.

Once again, Anna deliberately did not lower her voice and make everyone in the room clearly hear her.

"Anna!!" rebuked Jayna while blushing, but Anna already went to her room.

"*giggle* *giggle* It's good to be young. Don't worry, our room has good insulation, so you will never get disturbed while doing your things." chimed the waitress.

Hearing this, Jayna becomes more blushing like a baked crab and tries to hide her face in Angus's chest.

"Ehem.. Then, I will excuse myself. Make sure you get proper rest tonight. Tomorrow, we will contact old man Drought." said Jade as he gave one of the keys to Angus before going upstairs with Gilford, who was already half asleep.

Soon, Angus and Jayna are also going to their room while ignoring the smirking faces of everyone.

'Damn that girl, just wait until the next training session.' thought Angus while he dragged Jayna to their own room.

The moment they enter the room, Angus immediately finds the inn has a good and clean bathroom.

"Say, Jayna. It's been a while since we got a proper bath. Let's take a bath together." said Angus while the princess carried Jayna to the bathroom.

After having a passionate bath together, their fatigue finally hit them. Finally, they couldn't hold it and sleep naked together while cuddling each other.

The next day, Angus and Jayna wake up and find that they are sleeping naked while embracing each other. Jayna immediately tries to cover her body with the blanket while blushing.

"Angus, you are doing it again!!" said Jayna.

"Well, do you want more?" replied Angus.

"Emm… " Jayna couldn't reply.

Last night Angus managed to pleasure her while bathing together with his little message until she passed out.

"Say, Angus. You will never leave me, right? I.. I.. mean now I can't be married to anyone else besides you. Although you didn't cross the line, you.." said Jayna.

Before Jayna finishes her sentence, Angus cuts her will a deep passionate kiss.

"Jayna, I'd rather die and be forgotten by everyone rather than not be with you. You are mine. This is why I am doing all of this. I am afraid of losing you. I want to own you more than anything." said Angus.

"I know this is somewhat wrong, but I just can't help it. It feels like I am going crazy if I don't own you." added Angus.

Hearing this, Jayna immediately embraced Angus.

"It's okay, Angus. As long as you want me, I will never leave you. I love you, Angus." said Jayna.

"I love you too, my princess." said Angus as they once again had a deep passionate kiss.

After cleaning and preparing themself, Angus and Jayna go downstairs to have their breakfast. They found that they were the only ones that were not having breakfast yet.

"Ahh.. Angus, how is the night? Is it.." said Anna.

*Bonk* Before she finished her sentence, Angus had already hit Anna's tiny head.

"Ouch.. Ouch… My head." said Anna while rolling on the ground.

"If you don't shut up next time. I am going to pop your stupid head like a bubble." said Angus coldly.

"No.. Anna is not a bubble. Angus cannot burst me like the weak green bubble." rebuked Anna while pointing at Ilgor.

"Kid, how many times have I said I am not weak?" said Ilgor.

"Yeah.. Yeah.. Say someone who couldn't even receive one of my attacks." said Anna.

"You!!" replied Ilgor.

'Damn little monster, Who is sane enough wants to receive your miasma-based attack!!' curse Ilgor inwardly.

Ignoring the two of them, Angus and Jayna start having their breakfast. Then, Angus noticed that Gilford was missing.

"Uncle, where is Gil?" asked Angus.

"Oh, he can't wait to explore Porros and decide to go early in the morning. You don't need to worry about him. Porros city is safer than Ancestral Ruin. No one here even dares to steal." said Jade.

After finishing their breakfast made from second-grade monster meat, they decide to go towards Old man Draught's place to retrieve Jade's sentient weapon. On the way, they find the road is bustling with a lot of people.

Angus and the others could find all sorts of people on the road. From the merchant, hunter, adventurer, and resident. However, the majority of them are crafters that often sell weapons, armor, or enchanted items.

*Bom* Suddenly, Angus and the others heard a small explosion from one of the stalls. The other resident-only glanced at it before ignoring the explosion. *Cough* *Cough* From an explosion source coming out Gilford while wearing his signature goggles.

"Gil, what happened?" asked Jade.

"Ahh.. Father, This is.." replied Gilford.

Before Gil could reply, *Cough* *Cough* another person is coming out from behind the stall to disperse the smoke.

"Ohh.. Another customer?" said the person while holding some kind of machinery on his back.

"Welcome, please look around." said the person while trying to give them the best smile.

Unknown to them, Anna somehow managed to sneak behind the person while looking at the machinery on his back. Like a curious cat, she began to poke the machine a few times and somehow pressed the red button while the men were trying to sell his wares.

Suddenly, the machine begins to shake and surprise Anna. Before anyone could respond, the device launched in the air like a rocket along with the person.

"WAAAA…" screamed the men while flying in the air.

"Angus... Angus looks like he is flying." said Anna happily.

"Err.. Should we help him?" asked Angus, who was somehow speechless from the situation.

"Ohh.. You must be a newcomer. Don't worry about him. It often happens to him." said the merchant beside them.

"Really??" asked Angus.

"Yeah, he often produces a lot of weird stuff and makes a mess. At first, everyone was concerned about him. But after a few times, nobody cares about him." said the merchant.

"I see. Thanks for the information." said Angus while giving a tip to the merchant.

"No problem, kid. Why don't you look at merchandise?" said the merchant trying to promote his stuff.

"I am sorry, we kinda have an appointment at this moment." Jade refused the merchant politely.

"I see, then come again if you have time." said the merchant.

After that, they continue their walk deeper towards the Porros inner area. Porros city is divided into many regions. High-level combatants heavily guard some restrictive regions. The deeper the region, the more stringent its security.

After getting checked by the nearby guard a few times, Angus and the others finally arrive at the deepest area in the Porros.

In this area, everyone could see a humongous mountain at the back of the area. Angus and the others also occasionally see many combatants practicing using their weapons.

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