
Chapter 325: Ogre

Chapter 325: Ogre

Just by all these criteria is making Ogre as one of the top-ranking monsters. Furthermore, the Ogre is a kind of war-monger monster and likes challenges. These make them have an excellent combat sense and are very aggressive.

Ogre is also categorized as one of the top food chains among other monsters. If it is not because of their low breeding speed, they will become one of the most dangerous monsters in Firuman.

"I know they are dangerous, but we also couldn't send people to their death just to reduce their number or eliminate them." said Borkins.

"Then, what did you suggest?" asked Fosa.

As an elder of that living in the Endless Battlefield for a long time, he also knows the danger from the groups of Ogre could give. Since the Ogre lives deep inside the Dark Forest, they may not be able to attack the Black Fortress as there is a great distance between them.

However, as the top food chain in their area, they could disrupt the ecosystem and push the nearby monster to the Black Fortress. Soon, these monsters will become a monster wave.

Besides, the Ogre community is also too dangerous to be left alone for a long time. After a certain period of time, the Ogre's group with a lot of numbers will give birth to something called King Ogre, a unique monster overlord.

Unlike other Monster Overlords, King Ogre is born from the strongest Ogre that gets the other Ogres' recognition.

Nobody knows how it happens, but the moment a strong Ogre gets recognition by all the surrounding Ogres at a specific number, it is upgraded and turned into a monster overlord.

Therefore, Fosa and Borkins couldn't leave the Ogre's community that lives deep inside the Dark Forest alone.

Reading the more detailed report about the Ogre's community, Angus finds that these Ogres actually just migrated from other places and stayed to settle down here a few months ago.

Still, because of their sudden intrusion, everyone knows there will be disturbance inside the Dark Forest. Like a domino, soon, there will be a monster wave coming towards them.

Fortunately, because of the last monster wave attack during the Monster Overlord incident, the number of the surrounding monster couldn't threaten the strong Black Fortress.

However, the approximation number of Ogre is too much. Based on these numbers, It will not take a long time before a King Ogre is born from them.

Currently, the Ogre still needs to adapt and settle down with the new surrounding environment. After they manage to settle down for a little bit, it will not take a long time for a king to appear from them.

'Such a group of Ogres suddenly come and settle down here. There must be something that causes them to migrate here.' thought Angus.

"Did you know where these Ogres originally come from?" asked Angus.

"Our scouts find they are coming from the Dark Forest's inner area. My guess is they are being driven by a Monster Overlord or something. But, we don't know for sure since the inside of the inner area is more unpredictable and chaotic." said Borkins.

"Hmm.. I see. Then, How about creating a small elite team to hunt and reduce Ogre numbers slowly." said Angus.

"It is possible. But the problem is we currently lack human resources. Half of the high-grade combatant stationed here is transferred to help secure the border." said Borkins.

"Haa… It seems the incoming war also affected us." said Fosa while giving a long sigh.

"Hmm.. How about hiring the nearby adventurers?" asked Jayna.

"We could, but this kind of job is the same as a level 5 mission. It will create a huge dent in our current budget." said Borkins.

"Hold on. We don't need them to exterminate the Ogre or fight them. We just need them to clear the path for us to reach the Ogre's territory." said Angus.

"Excellent idea. By clearing the nearby monster with the help of adventurers, we could reduce the workload of our elite team. Therefore, we don't need to send a lot of people at once. We could also save our money to hire these adventurers." said Fosa.

"Agreed, there is a major difference between exterminating ogres community and escorting jobs inside the outer area of Dark Forest. We could also release some monster bounty to reduce any high monster number in the surrounding area and lower this mission difficulty." said Borkins.

After that, they begin to discuss more about the plan and its implementation for hours. By the time they finish their plan, the sun is already long gone, and the moon rises high in the sky. Angus and Jayna immediately go towards their own room to rest.

Entering his room, Angus could see the endless sea of the misty Black Forest from the window. Looking at the mysterious Forest, Angus couldn't help but want to explore it and reveal all its secrets.

However, he knows with his current strength, Angus will not survive inside the inner area. Angus already hears some of the story from his father about the Dark Forest inner area during the Monster Overlord incident.

Despite their group consisting of fifth-grade combatants and sixth-grade combatants, a lot of them are still dying in that place.

Among the three friends of Duke Jacob, only one of them managed to survive while the other two were buried forever inside the Dark Forest. Jacob even emphasizes to Angus that if it is not because of their leader Sylva, all of them will be dead countless times.

The inner area is not only filled with high-grade and strong monsters but it is also filled with uncountable monsters. Just a single mistake will get them surrounded by monsters. Even the seventh-grade will be forced to retreat in the face of these monsters.

After looking at the calm and silent scenery from his window, Angus decides to take a bath before sleeping. Just as he wants to take a bath, Angus feels a familiar presence sneaking into his room.

Without hesitation, Angus grabbed the hiding person and kissed her under the bright moonlight. Jayna, who is suddenly exposed and kissed, couldn't help but be startled but still didn't resist and enjoy the passionate kiss Angus gave.

While giving a passionate kiss to Jayna, Angus slowly begins to undress Jayna. After a while, Jayna finally realizes being undressed and naked in front of Angus.

"A-Angus!! Kya!!" screamed Jayna lightly while blushing.

But, Angus once again seals her mouth with his.

After calming down the embarrassed Jayna, "Gezz.. What happens if the others hear your scream? As punishment, I will give you something more intense than before." said Angus.

"M-More intense?!!" replied Jayna.

After that, Angus begins to give her a little massaged and intense pleasure to Jayna. Later a continuous soft moan could be heard coming from Angus's room.

The next day Angus woke up early in the morning. He could see Jayna sleeping soundly naked beside him. Looking at Jayna's slender and developed body, Angus couldn't help but feel an intense lust towards her.

He feels like he wants to have this exquisite body for himself entirely. Actually, Angus realizes what he has done is a bad thing since he acts purely based on lust. He also knows that the more he does this thing to Jayna, the more Jayna becomes addicted to it.

Even though he wants to keep Jayna as pure as possible, his cursed mind subconsciously wants to own her and never lets her go. Angus wanted not only her body but also the mind and soul of Jayna.

Some part of him wants Jayna to be obsessed with him. Carving nothing but longing for him. This kind of deed is the darkest and most unethical thing to do. Angus not only just brainwashed Jayna to love him through his massage but also played with her emotion and mind.

At first, Angus didn't want to ever use this kind of method, especially to his lover Jayna. But, his cursed mind creates unfathomable fear. Fear of losing Jayna, be it physically or mentally. This fear leads him to make Angus subconsciously want to keep Jayna only for himself.

Some part of Angus cursed himself for doing this kind of thing to Jayna. But, he is more afraid of losing her because of his curse from the Forgotten King. Still, what he did is limited and tolerable since Angus still didn't give Jayna true pleasure through deep intercourse.

He didn't know once he gave Jayna what kind of change would happen to her. Usually, an ordinary girl should be addicted and head over heels towards Angus after getting his intense pleasurable massage.

However, Jayna managed to retain her sanity but still couldn't completely resist her massages at the same time. Angus speculates it has nothing to do with the Phoenix inside Jayna.

Once Jayna told Angus that although the fusion and merge are still not complete, they have already become one entity and inseparable. Therefore, Jayna could somehow resist Angus's deed to a certain degree.

Even though he doesn't know what will happen to Jayna if they have intense and pleasurable intercourse, he knows for sure she will be changed.

Angus didn't know this kind of change would be good or bad for their future relationship, but he would still do it to make Jayna completely his.

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