
Chapter 347 - Creating New Weapon

It is said that once, few grandmaster enchanters even lay a powerful rune on it. It even rumored that this enchantment could hold the attack of a Monster Overlord or seventh-grade combatant a few times.

The enchantment is not only to defend the Black Fortress foundation, but it is also to prevent any monster breakthrough from the underground and pass them easily.

This is also why Black Fortress still could stand until today despite being attacked numerous times by monster waves since ancient times. Currently, Angus is inside one of these heavily fortified underground training rooms.

He decides to train Fifth Circle spells on this place since it creates too much destruction towards the surroundings.

"Haa.. Haa… Damn it! Not even a second less." grumbled Angus while slumping on the ground, exhausted.

Currently, Angus is trying various kinds of methods to reduce his casting speed, according to some books. Most of the methods he found could only work at the specific spell.

Some of them even have specific requirements like using rare external resources, specific elemental affinity, and many others. Furthermore, all of them need to be constantly practiced until it becomes a sort of muscle memory for him.

Besides that, he couldn't find any method to reduce the casting speed of fifth-grade spells generally. Even if there is such a method, Angus may not find it easily. This moved him to the second option, which is to create an attack or spells that could penetrate the heavy defense.

During the fight with the Fifth grade Ogre, he finds he is in a passive situation since he couldn't penetrate the Ogre's defense. Even after using his twin sword ability to the maximum, he still has not managed to kill it.

This shows how high the fifth-grade Ogre's defense and endurance are. Although Angus knows that Ogre is famous for their endurance, he still needs to prepare in case he meets the same opponent like that in the future.

After brainstorming for a while, Angus decided to take a step back and not rush things. He knows an immediate power will not last long and could even ruin his future. Still, it didn't mean he couldn't improve himself or create something to help him fight such an opponent.

While Angus is resting and letting his mana regenerate, "It seems I will start to use that thing again. Haa.. Guess I can truly run from my past life." grumbled Angus.

Then, Angus begins to cancel the training area's isolation enchantment and go towards upstairs.

As he leaves the underground training area, "A-Are you done, sir?" asked the guarded soldier.

"Yeah, I am done for today." replied Angus before going upstairs, ignoring the soldier's nervous face.

Although there is a strong enchantment in the training area, some of the explosion sound and tremor could still be felt. This show of power surprised the soldier who never knew the Fifth circle spell's true power.

Leaving the underground area, Angus goes toward his room and takes out some books before reading them. The books have a variety of sizes, but all of them talk about the same topic called Magic Gun.

After thinking for a while, Angus could only use external resources to improve his combat capability. Magic guns are very interesting weapons for Angus. Unfortunately, the production is very complicated, and its firepower is lower than most second circle spells.

Hence, Magic Gun is rarely used in this world. Only the rich with low-grade power used such a weapon. However, for someone that was already living in the era where guns are the power, he knows the true potential of this weapon.

The reason that he never bothered to use it up till now is that Magic guns consume a lot of resources. Basically, this weapon is the same as burning money. The better the resources used, the better its performance.

After a few hours of thinking and drawing his gun blueprint, Angus takes out his long-distance communication device. Then, he dialed a certain number on the communication and waited for the other side to pick up.

"Pipp.. Pipp.. Hello, this is Ernest from the Golden Trade." Angus heard a voice from the other side.

"Ernest, this is Angus." replied Angus.

"Ahh.. It is young master Angus. How may I help you?" asked Ernest.

"Haa.. I told you many times to drop such horrific young master things. Anyway, I like to purchase many things, and some of them appear to be hard to find." said Angus.

"Hoo… May I know what is the thing you want to find?" asked Ernest.

"I need…" as Angus told Ernest a list of rare material.

After calling a long list of materials, "Did you get all of them?" asked Angus.

"Yes, however, I think it will take some time to gather some of them. I am still not checking our warehouse yet. But, just by looking at all the list of these materials, I am certain we need some time to procure them." said Ernest.

"How long will it take?" asked Angus.

"I think it will take about half to one month time. Is it okay?" asked Ernest.

"No problem. I could wait for that. Oh yeah, I am currently staying at the Black Fortress for a while. So, I hope you can send the material here." said Angus.

"Certainly. We also have a branch inside the Black Fortress. I will notify you when your order arrives along with your receipt." said Ernest.

"Sure. I will wait for your news. Bye." said Angus before closing his communication device.

Then, Angus goes towards the smithing facility. As a Fortress, the Black Fortress also has an advanced smithing area to maintain weapons and armor. It could also be used to manufacture weapons and armor.

Since the monster wave has just passed by, the entire facility is bustling, repairing weapons and armor. Ignoring the worker, Angus goes to one of the empty private workstations. Then, he began to forge some stuff.

Angus planned to create a prototype using the cheap and common material he currently had before beginning the real Magic Gun with the rare material. *Ting* *Ting* *Ting* A series of hammering sounds were heard from Angus's workstation.

At first, everyone was curious as to why a noble such as Angus came to this place. But, After they are found Angus seems to be creating something and using the forging tools proficiently, all of them begin to leave him alone as they also do their own work.

After half a day of forging, Angus finally managed to create some parts for his Magic Gun along with a few hidden weapons. As an ex-assassin in his previous life, he also used many kinds of hidden weapons like throwing daggers, needles, small arrows, and many more.

While designing his Magic Gun, Angus found that he could create a more advanced deadly hidden weapon by combining it with enchantment and this world technology. In the end, it took him two whole weeks to complete his Magic Gun Prototype.

Angus feels satisfied with the prototype Magic Gun in front of him. The Magic Gun has a form similar to Desert Eagle from Earth. It is a semi-automatic gun with a powerful recoil and the largest centerfire cartridge for any same size gun.

However, unlike Desert Eagle from Earth, his Magic Gun uses magic and enchantment to power them. During this one week, he tried to experiment a few times and only to find his Magic Gun blow up. This makes him modify a few things during the creation process.

After a lot of trial and error, Angus finally managed the Magic Gun in front of him. After checking the Magic Gun in front of him several times and making sure it is safe, he decided to bring it towards the training area.

Inside the training area, Angus finds Jayna and Anna is training like usual. To be exact, Anna is playing around while wearing full metal armor.

Noticing the incoming Angus, "Angus!!" called Anna while running towards him.

However, unlike her usual charge, she fell on the ground in the middle of her run as she lost her concentration in controlling her mana and miasma. Angus could only shake his head on this before going towards Jayna, who also approached him.

"Angus, what brought you here?" asked Jayna.

"Ehh.. Can I not visit my precious girlfriend?" asked Angus back.

"No.. I mean… yes, you could, but it is rare for you to come here." said Jayna.

"Hahaha… Don't worry, I am just teasing you. I planned to test some of my creation." said Angus.

"Creation?? You mean the Magic Gun you research and try to build these past days." said Jayna.

"Yup, want to see?" asked Angus.

"Sure.." said Jayna as she helped Anna stand up from the ground.

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