
Chapter 472 Completely Overwhelmed

As Anna acts weird, Mira somehow can notice her troublemaker friend's mind. Anna may dislike thinking complicated stuff or using her brilliant brain too much.

But, it didn't change the fact that she is someone with great insight comparable to Angus, who has boosted his mind by the system and Ancient power [Analyze]. Moreover, she is very sensitive toward someone who has physical contact with her.

She has a sort of ability to know the intention of the person she gets in contact. During the sudden brief of contact being carried by Aunt Extalia, Anna is surprised to feel the good intention from Aunt Extalia.

She knows strong people like Aunt Extalia will be able to perceive the dreadful and dangerous aura she subconsciously releases, especially at close range. This aura is one of the reasons people avoid getting near her.

Some strong knights even almost attack her when she lives in the Heart kingdom Royal Palace for the first few days. This is not a weird but ordinary occurrence since anyone will be forced to react that way when feeling Anna's terrifying aura at a close distance.

Even the tolerant Jade didn't want to get near Anna during all their adventure in the Endless Battlefield. He even deliberately stays a few meters away from Anna and is ready to kill her anytime she tries to do anything funny.

Angus's Aunt Hersha may also be willing to get close contact with Anna. But, Anna knows it is only a mask to conceal the hidden intent she is trying to do. When Aunt Hersha rubs Anna's head before, she knows the woman in front of her hates her and she feels sad about it.

However, Aunt Extalia is different. Anna knows the woman didn't have a good impression when they first met in Sunset City. The little troublemaker could even feel small killing intent from the Duchess. She thought Jayna's aunt was like the others and decided to ignore her.

Anna didn't expect when the woman made physical contact with Anna, the Duchess actually had pure good intentions for her.

Although she knows it is just so she didn't get thrown away by the strong airwave, it is rare for someone to show this good intention to her besides Angus and Jayna.

Feeling this good intention, Anna didn't know how to react, especially since the Duchess somehow never had any intention to truly hurt her ately.

While Anna is confused about what to do, "Thank you." said Mira shortly while dragging her little friend.

Anna immediately notices her friend's intention. Despite not being friends for long, the two girls could understand each other's minds without speaking through their great insight ability.

"A-Anna.. also thanks." said Anna in broken words.

"Huh?!" replied the Duchess as she was confused about what the little troublemaker was trying to convey.

Fortunately, Angus and Jayna notice the little girl's intention and decide to help her.

"Aunt Extalia, Anna is feeling goodwill to you. You should be glad as she didn't often express this feeling to anyone besides Mira and us." explained Angus while rubbing the little troublemaker's head.

At the same time, Jayna also hugs the girl from behind to calm Anna, who is fidgeting around.

"Huh.. What are you talking about?! I just don't want her to get lost from us like last time. Anyway, enough of this chit-chat. We have another serious problem." said Aunt Extalia as they noticed the roaring sound heard coming to their place.

Same as last time, the booming sound also attracts all the nearby beasts and monsters to this area. Noticing the incoming beast, Anna immediately returns to her cheerful behavior.

"Angus.. Angus… Bubbles. There are a lot of bubbles coming." said Anna excitedly while they came out from the ground.

At this moment, Angus notices the nearby creatures are not immediately charging at them like before. They seemed to stop and didn't dare to approach further after sensing Anna and Mira. Then, Angus got a brilliant idea.

"Anna, wait! Don't kill all of them." said Angus.

"Ehh.. No burst burst?!" asked Anna back.

"You can burst them. Just leave some alive. We need them for catching the rabbit." said Angus.

"Emm.. Okay." said Anna before disappearing from the spot.

A moment later, various beastly cries were heard not far away from them while the ground dyed red from the blood. The little troublemaker didn't hold back brutally killing the beast/monster using only her physical power.

"Haa… what a crude way of fighting." commented Aunt Extalia.

"Well, at least she knows how to hit properly compared to before." said Angus as he started to shoot spells at the sneaking beast who passed Jayna and Anna.

At this moment, he also notices Mira keeps appearing and disappearing around the place. Every time she disappears, a beast/monster will burst into pieces. Yet, she didn't get any blood or parts of flesh on her body while holding her open umbrella.

Angus also finds the umbrella weird as it never leaves the little girl. She even keeps holding it when inside the building. He also found some odd familiar aura from the umbrella but didn't quite remember it.

While Angus' group fights the incoming beast/monster, Darren's fight with Yawan ends. Currently, the whole meeting area is already riddled with various scorched marks, scratches, cracks, and even pools of blood on the ground.

"I-Impossible… *Cough* H-How?!" said Yawan while coughing blood on the ground.

Currently, Yawan is really in a miserable state. His boy from the chest below is gone while all his four hands are pinned on the ground with a spear made of blood. He also lost both of his eyes and part of his upper head.

If it is not because of Altras' ridiculous regeneration ability, he was already dead a long ago. Not far from him, various weapons and equipment are stabbed on the ground with an enchantment barrier around them.

"Nothing is impossible in this world." said Darren while gouging another regenerated Yawan's eyes.

"Urghh…" groaned the seventh-grade Altras in pain.

At the same time, the other three Altras elders also have slightly better shape than him. The three elders fell unconscious from exhaustion and were pinned by gigantic blood spikes. Near them are three of Darren's humanoid living corpses blazing in green flame.

"You really have a grudge toward him to even do this, huh?" chimed Vlad while sitting on the ground and puffing a cigarette.

"Shut up, Vlad. He dared to look at the Master rudely. He should be glad I didn't end his life here and now." replied Darren as he rip-off the Yawan regeneration part.

Since Darren summons four humanoid beings, only half an hour has passed. However, during this half hour, the two ancestor vampires beat the remaining Altras's elder and Yawan without mercy.

The three elders and Yawan didn't expect these four humanoid beings to actually reach the level of pseudo seventh grade. This kind of force completely overwhelms them. Even after giving their all and using the power of artifacts, they are still unable to beat the other force.

Fortunately, Darren and Vlad didn't intend to kill them. Otherwise, the battle would have already finished sooner. The vampire is a race with proficient killing skills and techniques rather than restrictions.

Combined with their hiding and survival ability, they are one of the natural-born assassin races. If it is not because of their various weaknesses in light spells, sunlight, and others, they may become one of the superior races in Firuman.

Fortunately, Vlad and Darren, as the Vampire Ancestors, didn't have this kind of weakness like the vampire below their rank. Just as Darren wants to continue his torture, he notices a small bald old man on his side who appears out of nowhere.

"Hoh.. Hoh.." said the small old man.

Yawan, who notices the old man's aura, feels relief and hope. Before he could say a word for help, he suddenly got flung by an unknown force ripped from the blood spear holding him down.

Despite being released from his restriction, he feels unimaginable pain all over his body. He couldn't even breathe properly, much less talk.

"Ohh.. Long time no see, baldy. I see you still like to use that appearance." said Vlad as he noticed the small old man.

"Vlad the impaler. Hoh.. Hoh.." replied the small old man.

"Alright. Since you have already come, I will return. I need to exterminate those annoying pests before the Master comes back." said Vlad while putting down his cigarette and turning it into a pool of blood.

"Hoh.. Hoh…" replied the bald old man while nodding.

"Long time no see, Master Makar." greeted Darren to the bald old man.

"Hoh.. Hoh.. It's been a while, Darren the hundreds army. Hoh.. Hoh.." replied Makar.

"Hahaha… I never thought you would remember such an outdated title. I am just a humble servant." said Darren in a humble tone.

p "Hoh.. Hoh.. There is no way I will not remember the most faithful servant of the Master in the dark. Hoh.. Hoh.." said Makar.

"You flatter me too much, Master Makar." replied Darren.

The two people talk like they are seeing an old friend without hostility.

"Hoh.. Hoh… It seems my dumb apprentice is somehow doing something against Lady. Hoh… Hoh.." said Makar as he looked at the slowly regenerated Yawan in the distance.

"Apprentice?! You should pick someone better, Master Makar." said Darren casually.

"Hoh.. Hoh… Not everyone is as talented as you or Vlad. Hoh.. Hoh.." replied the old man.

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