
Chapter 476 Clone Rabbit

"Hmm… This is not enough." said the Duchess, ignoring the corpse behind her.

As the Duchess evaluates her movement, Angus and the others recover from their surprise. They never knew their aunt could be this fast. At this moment, Jayna gets some information from the Hawk Beast in the air.

"Angus." called Jayna shortly.

"Alright, It seems we are already near the area. Now, we should just search for the rabbit or their nest." said Angus to everyone.

Just as they want to search around, "Angus.. Angus… Look. It's so fluffy." said Anna while holding a red-striped rabbit in her arm.

The rabbit stayed still and pretended to be dead in the little girl's arms.

"Anna, where do you find this rabbit?" asked Angus in surprise.

"Ehh… this fluffy bubble? Emm.. Anna just picked it up." replied Anna in a confused tone.

"Huh… Hold on, Anna. Could you get me this rabbit again?!" asked Angus as he somehow understood the little troublemaker's mind.

"Sure. They are everywhere. Angus could also just grab them." replied Anna before releasing the rabbit in her arm and running somewhere.

"Everywhere?" asked everyone confusedly.

Less than a minute later, she brought another two red-striped rabbits in her hand. Seeing Anna capable of getting the rabbit effortlessly makes the others speechless. They are already trying to catch the rabbit for hours but get nothing.

Yet, the little black-haired girl could do it in less than a minute.

"Anna, what do you mean they are everywhere?" asked Angus.

"Umm… They are just everywhere since we enter this misty misty grass." replied Anna as if it was common sense.

"Err.. Wait, Anna. Did you know we go here to catch them, right?" asked Angus.

"Ehhh… Anna thought we were here to play. Right, Mira?" asked Anna to her friend.

"Mmm." confirmed her friend.

Hearing the two girls' reply, Angus only takes a deep breath. He already knows that the two girls are having fun during their search. But, to think they don't realize they need to catch the red-striped rabbit makes Angus speechless.

"Hold on. Mira, I thought you knew the content of the test." said Angus.

"Mmm." nodded the doll-faced girl.

"Then, why don't you catch the rabbit?" asked Angus.

"Mmm?!" replied Mira while tilting her head.

Then, she snapped her finger and suddenly many red-striped rabbits gathered in their surroundings. Using their perception, they find the rabbits' number could easily reach more than a hundred.

"Wait.. Wait... Don't tell me she can do that from the start?!!" retorted Crown Prince Eric as he couldn't hold back anymore.

They are already wasting hours wandering around the forest to search for the damn rabbit. But Mira can call them easily. Mira didn't reply to Eric's sentence and glanced at him.

"Shut up." said Mira coldly.

Eric immediately falls to the ground with a pale face while shivering. *Bam* Fortunately, the Duchess reacted fast and made her nephew unconscious by hitting his neck. Otherwise, he could die from Mira's aura or sudden panic attack.

Aunt Extalia knows Mira is strong and maybe stronger than an ordinary seventh-grade combatant. People at this level could easily kill fifth-grade combatants like Eric with their eyes. For a split second, she noticed Mira didn't like Eric's words and decided to move.

Still, everyone didn't know why Mira was angry at Eric's words.

'Fuuhh… Fortunately, I didn't comment anything to her.' thought Angus inwardly.

"There… There… It's okay, Mira. It's just a stupid bubble. No need to get angry." said Anna trying to calm her friend.

"Hmph.. Not worthy." replied Mira shortly with her usual doll-like expression.

"Right, Right, it is just a stupid bubble not worthy of us." replied Anna while hugging her friend.

"Mmm." nodded Mira.

Then, she looked at Angus.

"Catch." said Mira while pointing to the rabbit.

"Ahh.. Sure." said Angus.

Then, everyone begins to catch the rabbit who is just standing around near them. However, they still don't understand why Mira is suddenly angry at Eric.

As they catch the rabbit nearby, Jayna takes this opportunity to ask Anna who is the only one capable of communicating with Mira. They need to know why Mira is suddenly angry at Eric and not repeat the same thing in the future.

"Anna, why is Mira angry at brother Eric?" asked Jayna.

"Umm… Isn't that obvious?! That bubble is not worthy." replied Anna while hugging all the fluffy bunnies in her arm.

"Not worthy?" asked Jayna in confusion.

"Yup." replied the little troublemaker.

"Did Big sis and Angus also not worthy?" asked Jayna again.

"Mmmm… Big sis, Angus, and Nice flashy red are worthy." replied the little girl as she explained further.

"Ehh… Why are we worthy?" asked Jayna as she was confused about why they were worthy for Mira.

"Not sure. Mira said Angus, Big sis, and Nice flashy red are nice to me." replied Anna.

Then, Jayna talks with Anna more before helping her roast the rabbit in her arm. The little girl somehow accidentally burst the rabbits in her arm as she was moving around. After seeing Anna drooling at the rabbit's meat, she decides to roast them while changing Anna's clothes.

In the meantime, Mira stays beside them silently while surrounded by the rabbit. Despite Anna accidentally killing their kind, the rabbit still didn't move and stayed nearby. They just become more attracted to Mira and surround her.

Seeing this, Anna drools while looking at her friend. Her stomach even growled loudly wanting to eat the rabbit. Fortunately, Mira didn't react and thought Anna tried to eat her. Soon, they were finally able to kill 100 hundred rabbits and collect their corpses.

After collecting 100 rabbits, they begin to roast the rest and eat them since Jayna finds the rabbit meat delicious. Just by roasting them without proper cooking and seasoning, it already tastes like food from a high-class restaurant.

'No wonder their price is so high despite being only half-beast.' thought Angus as he ate the roasted meat in his hand.

Still, he finds intrigue in this half-beast rabbit. While collecting the rabbits, he observes them and finds out how they can avoid them. Forget about him, even Aunt Extalia cannot detect them despite already running around the forest for a while rapidly.

Angus finds they have a unique ability to blend with nature, similar to his stealth skill. Combined with the low mana in their body and the thick mist in the surrounding, they can hide in the surroundings.

Even if the rabbit is passing near them, they will never be able to notice it as long as they are not looking with their own eyes. Since the thick mist covers their small figure and appearance, they will be safe from the others.

Angus also finds the rabbit is genuinely a unique creature. After catching one alive for further observation, it could create a sort of clone of itself as a decoy when feeling threatened. The clone only stays for a few seconds before turning into nothingness.

But, it has a physical body and can be touched. It could even be killed like an ordinary rabbit. For Angus, this ability is almost against all his common sense and knowledge he learns. To create this sophisticated clone, they should need a large amount of mana.

Yet, the rabbit is able to create the clone with the mana less than Angus needs to create a simple firebolt spell. This ability interests him and he decides to observe the rabbit further.

If he could recreate this kind of skill with the same amount of mana, he may be able to create hundreds of clones without breaking a sweat. Just imagining overwhelming his opponent with many clones makes Angus smile happily.

As someone who had already reached the top, Angus had never experienced what it felt like to overwhelm his opponent with numbers. He always fights his opponent on his own and never has any sort of teamwork except for a few rare moments when he is doing assassination.

Even then, he never fought with numbers but always quality over quantity. His last battle in his past life taught him that there is also power in number and quantity. But, he never has a chance to experience it.

"Interesting clone bunny." muttered Angus while holding the rabbit in his hand.

"Alright, from now on, your name is food reserve 1, food reserve 2… " said Angus as he gave ten rabbits he tamed a name.

Since it is only a half-beast creature, Angus dares to tame them openly. Moreover, a half-beast creature is easier to tame, similar to the ordinary domesticated animal. No one will protest him if he manages to tame ten harmless red-striped rabbits.

Even if Crown Prince Eric wakes up and sees it, he will not speculate anything. After eating some roasted rabbit meat, they decide to return to the hotel. Aunt Extalia needs to tell Roy about their incident.

Since the Duchess is escorting and protecting Angus' group, Roy decides to do other things and doesn't follow them into the Nirvas Kingdom. Before the appearance of Jade, Roy is often called the right-hand man of King Leon.

He often does secret work besides working as a Royal Guard leader. With the appearance of Jade, his work is lessened, but he still needs to do some stuff like spying and stuff. During the past few days, he has gone out many times and returned the next day.

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