
Chapter 8 Exerting Dominance

On earth, there was only one method of cultivation, but in the universe, there were three main ones and several others.

The three main ones were qi cultivation, body cultivation, and soul cultivation.

Earth's knowledge of body cultivation was merely in theories while its knowledge of soul cultivation was completely absent.

Earth practiced just qi cultivation and this was divided into the cultivation preparatory phases which was the cadet stage and then 9 cultivation levels.

These 9 levels were separated into 3 categories, they were the soldier level, the general level, and the Kaiser level.

All these 9 levels were each divided into three stages, the gaseous stage, the liquid stage, and the solid stage.

Yesterday during his transformation, that entity had intervened and fully merged both the dragon bloodline and the vampire bloodline into his body.

The merging of these bloodlines had literally transformed his entire body so much so that even Rose Could barely recognize him as a vampire.

His body had gotten so strong that even Alexia a peak stage cadet was unable to put any sort of resistance against him even though he was still a middle stage cadet.

So far the strongest person Seth had come across other than Rose whose level he still couldn't point out due to lack of reference was the governor of the city.

The governor of the city was said to be a 2nd stage solid soldier cultivator and he had been able to feel his aura once when he had been part of a delegation that welcomed the governor to the high school he works at.

But right now, he felt that he had a chance of defeating such a person in battle with just the strength of his body, he could only imagine how strong he would be with the bloodline from that entity.

Despite how drastic the increase in his body's power, its value couldn't be compared to his acquisition of soul sense.

Before yesterday he had no idea of what soul sense was, but if he was interpreting his recently gained memories right, then soul sense was an ability wielded by only Kaiser-level cultivators and above.

The appearance of soul sense was what made the gap in power between Kaiser level cultivators and general level cultivators several times wider.

Soul sense came from an evolution in the soul as it was washed by the world's qi during the breakthrough from general level to kaiser level.

But he had gotten his with a different method, during the merging of bloodlines, the entity had accessed the faith energy of the two consciousness something that should not be possible for anyone to access.

It had then filled his soul with their faith energy and this had evolved his soul, bringing it to a level of power that a cultivator at his level should never be able to wield.

Here he was a mere middle stage cadet yet he could crush general level cultivators, the thought of such power sent his body shivering in excitement but he calmed himself down with the realization that things couldn't be so easy.

Sure he was overpowered by having a soul sense, but the drain on his little qi reserves was overwhelming.

He was able to use his soul sense to locate Rose yesterday and today he used it in combination with bewitch, one of the vampire techniques he had learned, to hypnotize Alexia into wanting to fuck him.

Alexia was only a cadet stage cultivator and her qi and mind defenses were almost nonexistent, but he doubted a soldier level cultivator could be so easily controlled.

"Well I could always just crush their souls," he thought with a smirk.

A general stage cultivator would have a strong defense against mental and soul attacks and while he did not doubt that he could still break through their defenses and kill them, such an action will basically leave him drained of qi and an easy prey for any other enemy.

Well, the simple solution to all this was for him to get stronger, he had to engage himself in lots of battles and have more sex according to that entity he thought with doubts on his face.

Though the brief enlightenment he had encountered from his session with Alexia gave him some hope on this skeptical path to power.

Coming out of his thoughts on this overpowered ability of his, Seth stood up from the throne and looked at both consciousness then said,

"Your existence has been entwined with mine, even now if you have no respect for me, I know at the very least that you fear the power hidden in me.

You have enjoyed a lifespan beyond what I can imagine and you know that in this world of ours, strength decides what is right and wrong and the strength in me supersedes yours by a large margin and that strength will eventually be mine.

Now you can choose to serve me and eventually get your freedom, perhaps even get some benefits in the long run or you can go against me and eventually be destroyed when I get stronger than you, the choice is yours".

After saying this, Seth sat back on his throne and quietly waited, 5 minutes later, the cage to his right lit up and a huge face made of black fumes with huge red eyes that dwarfed him appeared in it, its eyes looked at him and it spoke

"As long as you promise to set me free when my power is no longer a threat to you, I will serve you".

The vampire consciousness might be an extremely arrogant being, but it had experiences accumulated from its thousands of years of existence.

In all its years of existence, it had come across lots of powerful beings through its clan members, some of these powerful beings had almost brought an end to the vampire clan but thanks to their perseverance, determination, and luck, the vampire clan had survived this encounters and grown to the hegemon it was today.

Since the rise of the vampire clan, it had almost forgotten the meaning of fear and caution but after meeting the entity in his boy, he had been sharply reminded that there were existences way more powerful than him in the universe and he had unfortunately provoked one of them.

Bloodline consciousnesses were known to exist in a plane beyond the reach of anyone, other bloodline consciousness couldn't access the locations of others no matter how strong they were.

But there was another location where a bloodline consciousness could exist that almost no one in the world was privy to and that was in the soul of those who carried their bloodline.

While living in someone's soul sounded like a good alternative to get around and experience new things, it had a fatal weakness.

A bloodline consciousness in a soul could be trapped by simple soul capturing seals or techniques and if the soul they inhabited was destroyed, they also died.

For the vampire bloodline consciousness, its life was already in Seth's hand and with the power of that entity, its chances of escaping were almost nonexistent, it might as well cooperate with Seth and hopefully leave this prison.

Seth was aware of all this so he wasn't surprised when it submitted to him, it wouldn't hurt if he could at least ask for their advice, that was something he couldn't get from their memories.

He wanted to exert dominance over them because while they weren't aware of that entity's current predicament, they weren't aware that the entity could not afford to use all of its power else they could have sacrificed their stored faith energy and escaped from this place.

Being this arrogant to them gave off the impression that he still had the full backing of the entity which merely tolerated their existence for its own reasons.

"I agree to your terms" was all Seth said with a nod of his head, he then turned and stared at the silent dragon bloodline consciousness in thought.

"He should be flaring up right about now, "Seth thought, and just like predicted he could hear the sounds of the dragon consciousness furiously slamming against its cage with furious roars.

"How dare you think of making me your servant you" it roared furiously".

The dragon clan members were known for being extremely arrogant, sometimes the infamy of their arrogance superseded their strength, so one could only imagine how arrogant their bloodline consciousness was.

"Would you rather you perish at my hand and leave to the Dragon clan to decline in power and eventually be eliminated by their enemies" Seth replied it.

"Are you so heartless to let your own clan be wiped out of existence" it answered back.

"Well it's true that I was born into the dragon clan but you should know how detached my being is from the clan, I have never had any interaction with a member of my clan and I currently have no relationship with it.

My blood looks down on all other bloodlines and the fact that I have to rely on your bloodlines to get stronger irritates it, do you think I would bat an eye on the extinction of such a clan if it gives me power" Seth replied with a snort, not even deigning to look at it as he spoke.

The dragon consciousness surprisingly chuckled, and then spoke challengingly, "will u still let the dragon clan be destroyed if your mother and sister were there"

This statement completely caught Seth off-guard, he had watched both his father and mother die when he was younger and watched their coffins being lowered into the grave.

His origin as a descendant of the dragon clan had put his mind in turmoil over who his actual parents were, but he decided to push off investigating these thoughts till he was strong enough, but now it seemed this consciousness actually had the answers to his questions.

There was a chance that it was lying, but in the end, he still had to bite the carrot.

"I had a father and mother who took care of me and they are both dead he solemnly said, the idea of me having another family is not that surprising but the thought of meeting them does interest me," Seth musingly said.

"Ha!, Ha!, Ha!, Ha!, who said anything about you having a different mother, your father might have died, but your mother is very much alive and you even have an elder sister, you can try reading my memories but I assure you, you will get nothing" the dragon bloodline consciousness mockingly said.

Sure that entity could somehow access its faith energy and even its memories but he was sure it could not access its astral plane, its astral plane was its sanctuary which not even those so called gods could access, the memories of the boy's parents were kept there until it retrieved them, their existence was all it currently knew of.

"You've lived in me my whole life and know what makes me tic and you know I will be interested in my family, but I doubt you said all this just to save your hide, so tell me, what do you want in exchange for this information," Seth said as he leaned forward and intensely stared at the dragon consciousness straight in the eyes.

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